Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews


Lee Cooper is a recognizable brand in the world. A well-known brand among young people and amateur classic Croes was founded in England Morris Cooper in 1908.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_2

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_3

You can learn more about the history of the creation and development of the brand, about basic models and sizes you can from our article.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_4

A bit of history

Manufacture of clothing for workers - This is how the history of the development of the LEE Cooper brand began.

During World War I, the management of the factory decided to change the production strategy. The company has moved to eating military uniforms.

During World War II, Mors Cooper decided to sew a uniform for British soldiers.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_5

The tragic death of Maurice Cooper in 1940 does not stop the company's production and only in 1946 at the head of the factory the son of Moris - Harold Cooper.

The company acquired his current name Lee Cooper during the leadership of Harold Cooper when they decided to add the name of the spouse to their. So, in 1946, the world famous brand LEE Cooper appeared.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_6

In the 50s, LEE Cooper brand becomes universally known thanks to the media. During the same years, Harold Cooper produces a novelty - women's jeans with a lightning linthead. A little later launch a line of children's clothing. Then, thanks to Lee Cooper, Britain will learn about the "Sliks" model, which are now produced not only in the familiar classic style, but also with the cell print.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_7

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_8

Another important event for the company during these years is the opening of the production of denim clothing in Holland.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_9

In the 60s, the company launches production of tight jeans, as well as colored women's jeans. In the 70s, when Velvevet became Moden, the company develops its production in many countries of the world, the most famous mod logs are written about it.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_10

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_11

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_12

LEE Cooper jeans become an integral part of trendy subcultures, such as "rock and roll".

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_13

It was the company Lee Cooper made clothes for the England team in 2008 to participate in the Olympiad in Beijing.

Today, the company employs the best designers, artists and jewelers who embody the basic concepts of the company.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_14

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_15



The name itself speaks about himself. This is a model of jeans with a classic landing. The width of the trouser average. Color range - classic blue, classic black, white and shades of brown. Such models are suitable for Casual style. You can wear them, converting or leaving classic length.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_16

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_17

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_18

Narrow jeans Pearl.

Narrow Jeans of the Pearl model range is a combination of classical style and fashionable skinnie. Jeans have a classic length, with scuffs in the area of ​​pockets, narrowed to the bottom.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_19

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_20

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_21

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_22

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_23

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_24

With print

Fashionable prints "Flora and Fauna" did not bypass the company Lee Cooper. For several years in a row, the brand produces narrow jeans with various prints. Small flowers are evenly combined with peas or other geometric shapes.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_25

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_26

Shortened models

The shortened models of LEE Cooper jeans have a length of slightly above the ankle, narrowed to the bottom. Color gamut of shorten jeans classic - blue, blue and black, as well as white.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_27

Insulated models

A good option for the cold season is insulated jeans. The company has released models with a heater based on fleece, wool or bike.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_28

Size chart

In order to choose the right size and enjoy your purchase, you should explore the dimensional grid in the picture below.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_29

Tips for choosing

For the company with century-old past there are a number of distinctive qualities that make this brand recognizable. In addition to the model range, the texture and color gamma is easily recognizable.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_30

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_31

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_32

Classic brown colors, classic white and classic black, shades of red do not make collections boring, but on the contrary, bring a variety of denim fashion.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_33

How to choose high-quality jeans for yourself and not get to the fake. Listen to our advice.

  1. Choosing Lee Cooper jeans, pay attention to the outstanding seams, as well as the rear pockets, they are stitched with a red thread.
  2. The arcuate stitch has not changed since 1908. You will easily recognize it on the back pocket of jeans.
  3. The leather label with brand names of the brand name speaks about the quality of goods. Just like many branded jeans, each letter on the label should be volumetric. Spend your hand on the inscription, you will immediately feel. The letter is applied to the usual paint or knocked out and filled with paint.
  4. Rivets in high-quality jeans are represented with the name of the brand.
  5. To make sure that Denim, turn it out. The production of Lee Cooper uses high-quality corrugated material. In other words, by spending a hand on the wrong side of jeans, you will feel the rutter under the fingers.
  6. High-quality lee cooper jeans for pocket is sewn. Little tag red with white letters. This distinguishes the original from the fake.
  7. Any jeans can polish at the first washing. Learn whether your jeans will restore constantly and leave the trail on the underwear or water only at the first wash just: take a wet napkin and spend on the front side of the trousers. High-quality paint will leave a small track on a napkin under the fingers. If the fake is in front of you - the napkin will be completely painted.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_34

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_35

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_36

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_37

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_38


After reading the specialized sites and forums of trendsetters with reviews of Lee Cooper jeans, we found news makers: (hereinafter excerpts on the text without any changes)

  1. "Things are very cute, but the purchase stops relatively high cost."
  2. "... The quality of jeans has its cost fully justifies. Jeans do not change because they wear out, but because they are tired. "
  3. "... There were no complaints about quality, ... so not to complain about what."

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_39

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_40

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_41

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_42

Having studied a large number of jeans reviews, it can be said that the main advantages of the lee cooper brand jeans are quality, a large model range, a variety of color solution, with a print or without it. Of the shortcomings, only the high cost of the goods was noted, which is justified by the fully quality of the goods. Believe this "disadvantage" to minus or to the plus - to solve only buyers.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_43

We suggest you enjoy the wonderful choice in favor of Lee Cooper.

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_44

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_45

Li Cooper jeans (46 photos): female models Dimensional mesh, reviews 1093_46

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