Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan


The frying pan is an indispensable part of the kitchen utensils. These devices are perfectly helping with cooking people for many years, but also this dishes can sometimes come into disrepair.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_2

That is why it is important to know how to reanimate the frying pan to continue with comfortably use it.


Most of the spoiled utensils can be restored with their own hands.

Before starting any actions, it is better to open as many windows as possible and even turn on the exhaust, if there is such: the main part of the operations will have to be carried out over open fire, heating a frying pan.

Turn on a strong fire on the stove and put your contaminated container on it.

To cleaned everything that ever burned to it, use the usual kitchen salt.

It needs such a quantity so that it completely covers all areas with solar fat , pieces of burnt food.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_3

Distribute this amount evenly. After that, you will have to heat the frying pan for an hour and from time to time to stir salt in it. The indicator in this case protrudes the shade of salt.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_4

Nagar, formed on the walls of the dishes during its operation, will gradually mix with salt And the latter will become even darker and darker. This means that the process goes successfully.

Additional cleaning

Of course, one salt in this case will not be enough.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_5

Immediately after you warm up a dirty vessel for an hour, pour out all used solid from it , Rinse the surface of the frying pan with water from under the tap and wipe dry.

The following auxiliary substance for cleaning will be the usual vegetable oil.

It needs to pour a lot, and it is better to pour into the heated utensils right away.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_6

In this case, too much fire here will be harmful here than useful: Then you have to clean the whole kitchen from the scattered splashes of boiling oil within 2 meters radius.

On a small fire, leave the frying pan to heat up for 40 minutes.

When all the oil completely swipes, it is just necessary to pour it out, and the skillet is to cool. It is not recommended to immediately pour water into it to avoid the appearance of splashes and hot steam. To complete the difficult process of cleansing, you just need to boil water in a pan several times

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_7

The more procedures you spend, the cleaner will be the walls. After completing the work, cool the frying pan and simply wipe the dry towel.

Restoration of non-stick coating

It is possible to restore the non-stick coating, even if it deteriorated or because of the large temperatures, it felt and burst.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_8

However, it is worth understanding that for each type of frying pan the process will differ. Before you implement it, you need to pay attention to the material from which your dishes are made.

Cast-iron pan

The cast-iron skillet must first be cleaned with salt and oil. When you complete the cleaning procedure and wipe the cooled hanging with a dry cloth, you need to lubricate the surface with the oil.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_9

But this time you apply oil with a thin layer on pure walls.

For this purpose, a special tassel is perfect for this purpose, which helps thoroughly sink a small amount of oil throughout the surface of the frying pan.

After you apply it, you should put the container in the oven.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_10

The oven is pre-heat up to 170 ° and leave there to stand the blurred dishes there for about an hour.

Other types of materials

This method relates to stainless steel or aluminum products.

They should also be cleaned by calcining with salt.

In this case The restoration method will be somewhat different because it will be necessary to use iodized salt . It will take a layer of at least 1 cm, and it is necessary to pour the product to the frying pan already hot on fire.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_11

After warming up for half an hour, the salt will clean everything that has accumulated on a non-stick coating, and after that food will burn less. However, this method cannot be used for ware covered with enamel.


Here, the essence is rather not in the restoration, but in the preservation of the applied protective layer.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_12

And if you want to provide a longer service life of an existing coating, then boil water in a pan for no more than 10 minutes, pour it out and lubricate the coating with a thin layer of oil.

Are damaged damage dangerous?

The myth that the spoiled Teflon coating in food can cause digestive disorders and even the disease today is quite common. However, this does not have a scientific basis, if we consider that This coating is made of a mixture of carbon and fluorine.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_13

It not only perfectly helps meals not to burn, but also does not communicate with any chemical elements in everyday life, and even more so does not react with food or water.

Teflon coating is resistant to heating and harmless to the human body.

And even if the particles that roll off from the pan will fall into the food, nothing terrible will happen. They are not digested, but simply pass through the digestive tract and go out. However, repair or recovery is not subject to such a coating.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_14

But the heating frying pan over 230 ° is really unsafe But not because of Teflon, but because of the oil that distinguishes carcinogenic substances.

How to avoid damage?

To preserve Teflon in integrity and good condition, wash it with a sponge, not an iron brush.

When you cook in a frying pan, then the best solution will be a silicone or wooden blade for mixing products: this will help not scratch the surface.

But if you still worry the possibility of teflon in the body, then Your choice provided options with ceramic or titanium coating.

Skin repair: Restoration of the non-stick coverage of the frying pan with their own hands. Features of the restoration of pan 10921_15

Of course, it will be more expensive to cost such pleasure, but it will not be in the body at all, because it is not separated by pieces even if damaged.

On another method of cleaning a frying pan from Nagara and fat, you can learn from the video.

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