What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home?


The cast iron utensils are famous for reliability, good quality, the ability to maintain heat and its non-stick properties. Along with these advantages of cast iron, there is a serious disadvantage: a frying pan of it is faster rust than aluminum with teflon coating. If from the first day to care for her correctly, it will not appear. If nevertheless she has fascinated on the surface, that is, simple and effective ways to deal with it.


Rust is a red-brown color plaque on the gland. It is formed due to oxidation. If you ignore her appearance and do not struggle with it, the metal will completely collapse.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_2

There are three main reasons due to which it appears.

  1. Bad metal. To reduce the cost of products, negligent companies are added to the metal delicately affecting its quality components. The present frying pan of the cast iron is given a tangible weight and a rather big price.
  2. Big care. A high-quality instance is spoiled by improper processing. Housewives do not take into account that cast iron is a porous material.
  3. Improper storage. If you remove the frying pan in the closet, not carefully wiped, then rust will appear in previously damaged places due to water contact.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_3

In order not to look for a way to remove rust, the cast-iron frying pan is prepared for operation and keep a number of rules in care.

Preventing the appearance of corrosion

Having bought the pan in the store, on the parish home wash it with water with the addition of means for washing dishes. When it dries, lubricate the surface with vegetable oil and put it in the oven, previously preheated to 180 ° C, for 40 minutes. During the firing there is a slight smoke. Do not worry about his appearance. The frying pan warms uniformly. Oil will fill the emptiness in the microscopic pores of the cast iron by creating a non-stick coating. It will prevent corrosion.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_4

The method described above is not suitable for calcining cast-iron dishes with a plastic handle. The method differs from the above described above by calcining it on gas.

It depends on the further care of the frying pan from the cast iron, whether it will cover rust or not. So that it does not appear, care for it by performing proven recommendations.

  • In the pan are prepared more than once a month, sorry, and at least once a week. Otherwise, she will quickly come into disrepair.
  • It is impossible to store cooked food in it. The risk is the risk that it turns around and absorbs the metal smell. In addition, cast iron is destroyed faster under the action of moisture. It is better to put food into the container, wash the pan, dry and remove storage.
  • It is impossible to wash it in the dishwasher and use the detergent in excess.
  • Do not clean the pollution in a frying pan of the cast iron with a coarse metal brush so as not to damage it. Dirt is getting rid of dirt, seeing it in warm water for 30 minutes and flushing under running water (easy pressure, soft sponge).
  • Do not clean the dishes before the brilliance so that the food subsequently did not burn.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_5

Methods of purification

To clean the cast-iron frying pan from rust, act in two stages. First get rid of rust, and then create a new protective coating. At the first stage, it is a working with a metal abrasive brush with a metal abrasive brush with adding or without auxiliary means. In the second stage, when they wash, the pan is calcined in the oven.

There are simple methods to save dishes from a rusty plaque.

Baking soda

Food soda is the cheapest cleaner. It is used for washing dishes to wash fat, tea / coffee flask. It cleans the tile, stainless steel, chrome surface and cast iron. In the latter case, she removes rust if it did not penetrate deeply, did not affect the structure of the product and did not acquire a bright brown-red shade.

On the bottom of the frying pan pour food soda, pour some water. Take into the hands of a clean sponge and the resulting cleaner gently rubbed into the stains.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_6

If, after washing under water, unpleasant redheads will remain, use this tool re-either use another.


Many use salt to enhance the taste of dishes. A few of her cleaning properties know a few. It cleans no worse than the food soda. The principle of working with it is the same as with soda. It is poured into the pan, pouring a little water, rubbish Kashitz with a sponge into problem areas. Wash salt from the product under running water.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_7

Metal brush

If the rust struck the surface strongly, use a metal abrasive brush. The frying pan is wetted with running water, and then a little soda loop and rub all the rusted areas. After the procedure wash it and calcinate it.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_8


The universal alternative to many cleaning chemicals is acetic solution. In addition to adding it to kebabs to enhance the flavor of meat, it is used to purify rust traces on pig-iron dishes.

A liter of water is poured into the cast-iron frying pan and add a tablespoon of vinegar. In the resulting solution, it is kept for two hours, and then it is thoroughly washed under the crane, dried and restore the protective coating by calcining.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_9


This old folk method has high performance. Its essence is to boil the polluted utensils on gas. To do this, take a 10-liter enameled bucket. It is filled with water on a third and the flow of polls of food soda. Then he put a rusted frying pan from cast iron and put on a weak fire. Hourly-two evaluate the result.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_10

Coca Cola

To this method, they seek when the frying pan is all covered with unpleasant rusty spots or there is a nagar. Coca-cola is poured into deep dishes, put inside the pan, put on fire and wait until the liquid boils. Then the gas is turned off and the frying pan will be completely cooling in the solution. After the procedure rinse it, wipe dry and calcinate in the oven.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_11

Fish fat

Fish fat is not only necessary for health additive, but also a wonderful cleaner. It is used to launder rust. For this surface, the frying pan lubricate them inside and outside. Three - four hours wash it in warm water with a mild cleaning agent. Rigid brush will spend problem areas.

After cleaning with fish, the protective layer is restored. Paper towel is wetted in peanuts, sunflower or rapeseed oil. They carefully wipe the surface. Then put the frying pan upside down in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, sixty minutes.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_12

It is taken out of it when the oven will completely cool. This is done to restore the protective coating.

Strong cleaning products

Sometimes folk remedies and everyday household chemicals are powerless in the fight against rust. In this case, they buy strong cleaning products. To distinguish them from "weak," draw attention to the composition, which is reflected on the label. The effective component in the fight against corrosion in a frying pan is hydrochloric acid. It is part of many toilet cleaning agents.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_13

Salonic acid is the strongest. It dissolves all metals that stand in a row of voltages to hydrogen. Under its action, rust will turn into a wet powder. Since it is toxic, working with it, comply with a number of precautions.

  • First, it is impossible to apply it in a closed room. The cleaning of the dishes are carried out in a well ventilated room.
  • Secondly, it is impossible to work with it without defending open areas of the body from possible burns with direct impact and vapor. To do this, wear clothes with long sleeves, gloves and gas masks / protective glasses.
  • Thirdly, after the procedure, the dishes are washed under running water thoroughly and wipe dry.

What if rusting a cast-iron frying pan? What to clean it from rust at home? 10894_14

Gently use hydrochloric acid in particular to people suffering from pulmonary diseases or bronchial asthma.

To get rid of rust on cast iron utensils at home, a means containing hydrochloric acid is applied to the surface. Take a sponge and carefully worry about the problem areas.

In order not to look for a way to remove rust from the frying pan from the cast iron, from the first day they care for her correctly. If you follow all the recommendations, it will not appear. If this failed to avoid this, then often the most simple tools will help to remove it.

For details on how to remove rust with cast-iron frying pan, see the next video.

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