Cast iron dishes of Russian production: overview of manufacturers of enameled dishes from cast iron and without enamel


The dishes from the cast iron is invariably in demand, for many centuries it is used very actively. But there are a lot of subtleties and nuances that you need to know when choosing it. It is useful to consider which instances of the dishes are manufactured in Russia.

Cast iron dishes of Russian production: overview of manufacturers of enameled dishes from cast iron and without enamel 10851_2


Cast iron is practically immune to mechanical impacts. It splits, it is true, but does not scratch and is not damaged. The material is safe in environmental and sanitary terms, serves as long. A good reason to use pig-iron dishes of Russian production is also slow warming. It provides a uniform return of heat to the entire inner volume: both at the bottom and walls.

That's why Cast iron products are used in preparation of pancakes, stew, pills and dishes requiring fat . The cooked food will be expeded a refined aroma. Long-term heat conservation helps save gas, electricity or other fuel.

All designs are equipped with comfortable handles. Elimination of toxic substances or incompatibility with various types of plates is excluded.

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Recommendations for choosing

Cast iron frying pan of Russian production make the most different format. The scenery can perform those tasks that are not available to a pancake pan and deep roar (the opposite is also true). In the absence of experience, it is better to give preference to universal models. They, even be a little worse than specialized, cope with any task. The diameter is also important: in the pan sections 0.5 m prepare food for the whole family, and smaller products are needed for personal use.

Russian manufacturers produce cast-iron dishes with various types of non-stick coating. On the most advanced versions, you can fry fish or chicken without adding vegetable or butter. The wall thickness determines which specific dishes can be prepared in this dish. Thin products are designed for cooking sauces, larger need for grill.

An important role is also played by the presence of removable handles (if they are not removed, it will be harder to clean the pan on a permanent place of storage).

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Cast iron dishes of Russian production: overview of manufacturers of enameled dishes from cast iron and without enamel 10851_5

If possible, some more recommendations should be taken into account:

  • acquire the obsolet and enameled dishes only after carefully familiarize with the composition of the coating;

  • To the most deeply study information about the manufacturer;

  • Collect the maximum reviews on independent sites.

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Specific brands

In addition to general parameters, you need to focus on the list of the best manufacturers. Start a review appropriate with Dobryni. Its utensils in its characteristics is not inferior to products of foreign firms. However, the quality of the material sometimes causes individual complaints, and therefore it is recommended to purchase a coated frying pan. Private disadvantages do not interfere with this brand dishes have great demand.

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A good alternative is the products of the "Kamskaya Table" plant. This company works with respect to a short time, but has already managed to establish itself from a positive side. Cast iron frying pan of this brand are available without coatings. The range allows you to fully satisfy the demand. Attractive feature is the availability of prices.

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Fans of dishes with non-stick coating should pay attention to Products of the company "Gardica" . It produces a frying pan with a diameter of 0.26 m. The products of this brand serve quite a long time, but at the same time it is very difficult. Almost all dishes can be prepared in them.

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The rating of high-quality models is invariably there are also developing Under the brand "Katyusha" . Low walls facilitate dough pumped and turning pancakes. Thanks to the thick bottom, the roast will be evenly. But there is a significant drawback - an overly short handle. But Katyusha boasts long-term operation.

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Products of the Kukmarra brand deserve attention. She is familiar to domestic consumers since 1950. In the production process, a completely safe anti-stick coating is used, imported from Germany. Continuing the review of Russian models of cast iron dishes, it is worth mentioning the pan "Dobrynya DO-3302" . This is a universal product with extremely thin walls and the bottom is not thick for 4 mm.

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Cast iron dishes of Russian production: overview of manufacturers of enameled dishes from cast iron and without enamel 10851_12

Such proportions were chosen in no coincidence - in this way the manufacturer provided light heating. User disposal is a pair of pens of different lengths. The ferromagnetic disk is very valuable for cooking on induction plates. The package includes an elegant glass cover. Problems can deliver the absence of a protective coating - because of this, it will have to care for the frying pan more thoroughly.

From Chelyabinsk brands of cast-iron dishes it is beneficial Products of the Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant . Solid competition to her represents the products of the Balezinsky foundry and mechanical plant. A good example is a cast-iron cauldron with a capacity of 25 liters with a lid of aluminum. "B-Kazan-25-K" It is perfect for the preparation of pylov and other similar dishes. The diameter of the product reaches 0.53 m.

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Also, the Balezinsky plant may offer:

  • frying pan with wooden handle;

  • frying pan without pens;

  • Grilled frying pan with handles;

  • Casane cast iron with a capacity of 17 l with a handle.

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Cast iron dishes of Russian production: overview of manufacturers of enameled dishes from cast iron and without enamel 10851_15

In addition to these products, cast iron production is mastered in Russia:

  • firemen;

  • saucepan;

  • pig-iron;

  • boilers;

  • Matteries.

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Cast iron dishes of Russian production: overview of manufacturers of enameled dishes from cast iron and without enamel 10851_17

Review of cast-iron dishes See next video.

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