Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler?


Everyone knows that every kitchen appliance, any device has its own specific task. But if the appointment of the pan, the frying pan is quite obvious, then the idea of ​​the more specific devices is much worse. It's time to deal with such a device as a nantedovarka.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_2


Already from the very name "Mantician" directly follows that it is designed primarily for cooking mantle. But it is only the main specialization of the kitchen appliance. It offers a number of other delicious and healthy dishes. Using for cooking a nanovarka, you can not doubt - food will save its shape and color, will not sprawle, it does not blurry, it does not lose juits. There are various options for natives. They may differ:

  • number of tiers;
  • used material;
  • internal volume;
  • constructive features.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_3

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_4

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_5

Usually, the gantnica looks like a saucepan, consisting of several tiers.

Water poured into the lowest bottom, and all other "floors" are used to bookmarked products. The design is necessarily made collapsible, and the first tier provides a lattice bottom, about the same as in the colander. The middle of all tiers is equipped with a special round hole, which allows you to maintain steam movement throughout the volume. Therefore, wherever they put the dish, it will prepare evenly and simultaneously with food on other levels.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_6

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_7

What is different from the double boiler?

It is very important to know the other point - what are the differences in nanitovarka and steamer. It has long been established that cooking for a couple makes dishes is more useful for health, rather than cooking, frying or quenching. If people decide to make their diet as full as possible, they need to use the steamer . It is much more functional and universal. When comparing two devices, the difference between them immediately becomes clear: the pan in the Mantitsa is greater than in the steamers, and the tiers in them are also more.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_8

There are almost no practical differences when working with them. There are much more steamer in stores than nastyovatic. It is not difficult to replace them with each other. But in the mannitsa, any dish contains more water than on a regular steam bath.

Therefore, such a device is optimally suitable for loving mantle or dumplings, and for those who need to quickly feed a large family.


The small household mantushnik sometimes turns out to be just a pan with the inserts of the metal grid. But the most typical solution still contains an assembly from a number of pancro pallets. They are tightly put one on the other, and the last upstairs are covered with a dense lid. Small variants are calculated on 3 l of liquid. But 10 - 12 liters of water can be placed in a large nanovark.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_9

Important: Accurate capacity is also reflected in marking, and (in most cases) in the full name of the product.

Increased litters increases the time for which the water rolls out. Therefore, the cooking of the product without a liquid topper can occur longer. But the volume of the prepared dishes depends not so much from litter, as from width and height.

The simplest designs are equipped with only one tier. More complex devices, especially professional class - from 2 to 5. The outer diameter is 24 - 28 cm. The overwhelming majority of the mumps are made from aluminum alloys or stainless steel. The top cover can be made of metallic, and transparent (based on heat-resistant glass).

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_10

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_11

Quite often, plastic is used to cover the handles. This allows you to take preheated kitchen utensils without taps, towels. The same task can be solved and with the help of wooden handles. Products from bamboo deserve a separate conversation. The bottom and the upper part are made of braided straws.

This design (in Chinese "female", that is, a "steam basket") of the invented several thousand years ago. It is not yet established to the end when and where the first samples of the "Genvon" appeared. The reason is in the low preservation of wood compared to ceramics, natural stone and bronze. Bamboo double boards are used in almost all Chinese families, and so far they are made strictly manually. The only change was the active use of metal wire.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_12

Since bamboo wood absorbs all sorts of smells, has special measures. The Chinese tradition implies the use of banana leaves. In our country, instead of them, the leaves of grapes or parchment paper are laid out. In small cooking baskets, the bottom diameter is 0.15 m. The food prepared in such a dishes is usually supplied in it.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_13

Most small cooking baskets in our country have from 2 to 4 tiers. But in China, you can meet samples with 10 or more levels.

Bamboo dishes are good for its absolute environmental safety and the fact that it can be prepared in it, without spending electrical energy. You can use such a device and on the gas stove, and even on the fire. But it is necessary to take care that the products are not in contact with the basket directly.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_14

To do this, make a layer of paper or other material. To wash the bamboo basket is not difficult - it is simply rinsed under the crane. The cost of such utensils in China is multiple times less than in Russia. And yet, in most cases, the best choice will be an electric manantovarka. Programmable devices have internal burners, are able to work on a clear schedule.

Most electromantomants are equipped with thermostators. Such devices make it possible not to fear the occurrence of the fire, if all the water is popping. Returning to the material, it is necessary to mention and enamelled nantovarks. In a fully suitable state, they do not work worse than the usual analogues of stainless steel. However, enamel can collapse when heated, and it strongly limits the relevance of enamelled products.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_15

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_16

Choice rules

For an induction plate, it is better to choose, of course, a stainless steel nancing. Bamboo products, no matter how good they are by themselves, in this case they categorically do not fit. A Selecting the dishes for the glass ceramic plate, you must refuse all the products with the protruding parts. The next important step in the selection is the distinction of classic and electrical models. The first nicer in aesthetic plan, but the second is more comfortable when working.

Of great importance is the capacity of the design and the number of tiers. Here you can only focus on your own needs.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_17

Important: the best choice will be the mantle with multi-layer, distributing heat. Aluminum modifications are cheaper than steel, but are not suitable for induction plates and care for them is more difficult. Dark spots appear on aluminum.

Operating tips

As already mentioned, there are quite different dishes in the mannitsa. But the first time, at least, it is worth using them for the main task itself - cooking mantle. Regardless of the origin of semi-finished products (home or shop), the duration of the cooking will be a maximum of 35 - 40 minutes. It is best to use the steam method, because in the water to make all someone else turns out. An instruction explaining all the nuances of use is usually attached to electrical models.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_18

And when working with the classic cranny, do this:

  • remove all tiers and scrub them with sunflower oil;
  • lay out manta with 1 - 2 cm increments;
  • Check whether passes for steam remained;
  • achieve strong boiling and abundant ejection of steam;
  • Put tiers in place.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_19

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_20

The time of cooking mantle in such a technique will be ½ hours. Important: Universal manantovarks can be used to generate juice. To this end, instead of the shelves put a cone-shaped grid. Regardless of work to be done, the precautions must be observed in order not to get burns.

Mantovarka (21 photos): Mantles for induction plates, aluminum and other mannitsa. What are the nastroches differ from the double boiler? 10817_21

As needed, water in the container can be addressed.

Overview for the Doloian MANDOVARKA-NANTOVARKA. Look in the video below.

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