Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper?


The utensils from Melchior is a budget analogue of silver. In the past, products from these materials were produced in the same models, but with different labeling. If you look good cutlery, they look quite attractive and smart. Melchior favorably affects the state of health, which also attracts buyers.

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_2

Features Melchior

French scientists have discovered this alloy in the time of Napoleon. Melchior is 80% composed of copper and 18% from nickel. Depending on the alloy brand, the melting point varies within + 1190- + 1230 ° C. Cutlery from pure Melchior are not released from the last century. Today, an improved and more secure nezilber is used, with the following composition: 50-60% of red copper, 20-30% zinc, 15-20% nickel and some silver as spraying.

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_3

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_4

Benefit and harm

Some people mistakenly believe that utensils from Melchior can cause harm to the body. In fact, benefits each component of the alloy. The use of melchioric dishes leads to the following results:

  • Nickel accumulates in parathyroid and pancreas; It is able to strengthen the effect of insulin, due to this, the blood glucose level remains low;
  • Nickel ions are involved in the oxidation of ascorbic acid, improve the work of enzymes;
  • Copper in microDos is present in the blood, the metal is characterized by antibacterial properties and is a significant component of the set of enzymes; Daily dose for an adult - 0.9 mg;
  • Melchior is able to maintain the youth and attractiveness of the skin; It is possible to wash with water with the ions of this alloy every day to prevent the development of skin diseases and early aging, and to obtain such a liquid, it suffices to leave the melchive product for several hours in the container.

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_5

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_6

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_7

Melchior can cause harm to the body only if you use it too often . Excess metals in the body may worsen the condition of the teeth, bones and the whole organism. However, the melchioric tableware is covered with silver so that copper does not come into contact with food.

If the cutlery is not damaged, then use it is completely safe.

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_8

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_9

How to clean?

Melchioric dishes will glisten and delight the eyes if you regularly use cleaning products. Folk recipes or industrial preparations can be applied. The dark raid is formed as a result of improper use or storage of dishes with high humidity. To warn the appearance of a dark fly as follows:

  • Wash the devices immediately after use, the residues of the dishes contribute to rapid oxidation;
  • wipe the devices with a soft napkin after washing;
  • It is worth keeping dishes from Melchior in a dry place; You can even put a number of means that absorbs moisture, for example, salt;
  • Wrap each item in the food film or in foil and place the box, since the restriction of access of oxygen prevents the rapid oxidation of the metal;
  • You can not keep dishes from alloy next to household chemicals, especially with chlorine-containing; The substance speeds up the oxidation.

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_10

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_11

Melchior clean at home is quite simple. Soda is the most popular tool.

Weak solution (2 art. L. Per 1 l. Water) helps to cope with minor pollution. It is enough to withstand the device in a fluid of 5 minutes and rinse under running water. And you can also moisten the soda to the state of the porridge and polish the stain.

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_12

If you need to wash serious pollution, then it is necessary to act as follows:

  1. The bottom of the aluminum pots are made by a piece of food foil;
  2. Pour soda on the bottom with the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter water;
  3. Place cutlery in the container and fill with water;
  4. If necessary, you can add to the solution of 1-2 tbsp. l. Salt, then the cleaning process will accelerate;
  5. boil the water, reduce the gas to the minimum and wait another 20 minutes;
  6. Remove the container from the stove and wait for the complete cooling.

Important! Mounds will also disappear if they are treated with ethyl alcohol or vodka. For better effect it is worth polishing the product with a wool napkin.

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_13

Other interesting folk remedies for removing alloy oxide.

  • Naming alcohol should be diluted in water. Place the melchive product into the solution for several minutes, rinse with flowing water and wipe carefully. The whitening properties of the ammonia solution allow you to cope even with very dark and large stains.
  • Wine vinegar (wine alcohol) is suitable for cleansing objects with gilding. A polluted place must be moistened with the means and rinse in a large number of running water, then graze.
  • Food vinegar You can dilute in water in a 1: 10 ratio. Apply the solution with a sponge, wipe thoroughly. Rinse with running water and wipe dry.
  • Lemonic acid dissolved in water at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water. It is necessary to boil the dishes in the liquid on slow heat for 20 minutes.

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_14

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_15

Melchioric dishes: the benefits and harm of the dining room dishes from Melchior. How to clean it at home? What is present in the composition of Melchior, except for copper? 10789_16

On how to clean the Melchior correctly, you will learn from the video below.

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