Boiled jeans (43 photos): what it is, how to do at home


The phrase "boiled jeans" will most likely cause bewilderment among young people born on the border of the XX and XXI centuries. In order for the injecting any questions, there were no questions, why do you need to cook jeans and how then there are, and this article will tell.

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What is jeans-boa?

During the years of restructuring, the "iron curtain" with the West began to raise gradually, and one of the first from there was slipped, of course, fashion. Denim wear with various prints has become very popular among perestroika youth, but unfortunately, it was almost inaccessible. Therefore, the main mods and fashionistas were considered those who themselves or whose relatives on the debt of the service were abroad, because from there it was possible to bring megamodnoye for that period of time, listened jeans.

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But not everyone had access to overseas counterparts. Very many imported things were sold from under the floors, since officially resale bought over the border of things was named speculation and punished by the Criminal Code. It was illegally able to buy almost everything, including very fashionable then the listened jeans. But only units could afford them because of the fabulous cost.

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The desire of the girls from the 80s to be beautiful was so strong that they were looking for various ways for little money look stylish and fashionable. One of these inventions is jeans-boa. After conducting simple manipulations with a bleach chloride and conventional blue jeans (by the way, the speculators were also bought, but much cheaper than dealted), it was possible to get the most fashionable model of Denim's pants, which in appearance was very difficult to distinguish from a real imported thing.

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Boiled jeans (43 photos): what it is, how to do at home 1078_12

A huge advantage when the jeans digesting was that the magnitude of white divorces and their intensity could be independently monitored during the cooking process, and even if it was not possible to obtain the desired result from the first time, it was possible to repeat the entire procedure with a different bleach concentration.

How to do at home?

According to contemporaries of jeans-boa, the ordering procedure is quite simple, and it is quite possible to spend on their own in the kitchen.

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If you want to make a similar thing independently despite the fact that today in stores without any problems you can buy any model you like, clearly follow the instructions below.

So, the procedure for jarging jeans conditionally can be divided into three parts:

1) Preparation

2) Holding

3) Completion

Let's see every step consistently.

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Boiled jeans (43 photos): what it is, how to do at home 1078_20

Preparation . For self-making boiled jeans you will need:

  • Blue jeans
  • 7 liters of pure water
  • 1 glass of white or other concentrated bleach
  • Enameled pelvis, pan or a bucket of at least 10 liters
  • Wooden clamps, clothespins and tight gum
  • Plastic or wooden fixture for stirring (the usual strong stick is suitable)
  • Rubber gloves.

All listed items must be clean and not highlight paint when contacting white or boiling water.

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Pour into the enameled water container and put on fire. While water boats, prepare jeans. First of all, they must be dry and clean. The product must be selected from the present denim, since the presence of impurities in cotton fabric can give an unpredictable, and often deplorable, result.

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To obtain a specific print, there are various ways of folding jeans during cooking. Vertical strips can be obtained by pulling the pants tight elastic; For large strips and stains Gina should be fastened and fix it climb, and For thin strips The twist should be especially tight. An interesting print will succeed in using conventional clothespins - catch them on the fabric, and beautiful bright stars are formed in these places in the process of jar. Their size depends on the width of the clothespins.

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Appearance . When the water begins to throw, you can start the cooking process itself. Since we are dealing with chemicals, there is a risk of getting a burn, so be sure to put in advance prepared rubber gloves. Source with the help of an unused in the kitchen of the kitchenware 250 ml (faceted glass) whiteness and pour hot, but not boiling water. When boiling a solution, jeans can be lowered into it. Remember that the desired figure will be obtained only with the correct twisting of jeans, so it should be very gently putting them into the container without damaging the mount.

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Duration of jeans jeans - 15 minutes. But this figure can be corrected in a large or smaller side, depending on the desired intensity of tissue clarification.

In the process of boiling, do not allow jeans to surface. To do this, use a wooden shovel or special tongs for a semi-automatic washing machine.

Completion . Upon reaching the desired level of tissue clarification, jeans should be taken out of the pan and give a little cool. Next, the bleach should be carefully crazy - for this, the rinse is first carried out in warm and then in cold water. Only after the whole chlorine from jeans comes out, they can be wrapped in a machine machine. When washing, it is advisable to use air conditioning for linen to soften the fabric and give her a pleasant fragrance. To finally get rid of the smell of chlorine, jeans need to be dried on an outdoor and well thought out place.

The process of "cooking" jeans can be viewed in the following video.

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What to wear?

When boiled jeans appeared, questions, with what to wear them, did not particularly arise - we were worn with what was. Today the situation has changed cool, and now these exclusive hand-made jeans can be included in a variety of ensembles.

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Boiled jeans (43 photos): what it is, how to do at home 1078_34

The optimal option will be The combination of boiled jeans and tops . Since jeans are not businesswomen, bright shades will be quite appropriate. But the color of the Niza in this image is combined, so the top must be selected in one-window. The exceptions are shirts with a checkered print - in combination with jeans create a bright image of a modern girl free from stereotypes in fashion.

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As an overhead with jeans, jackets and jackets will look great with fitted silhouette. They will help make focus on jeans and stretch out a figure, visually adding to your growth a few centimeters. The same effect will come and high-heeled shoes.

Remember that shoes and jacket in combination with boiled jeans should be a neutral shade and without drawings to avoid the overlap color in the image.

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