Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models


Today, cooking panels and kitchen stoves function from different heating sources. Therefore, in addition to the usual electrical and gas burners, the induction plates can be found for which special dishes will be required, in particular, the pans.


Induction plates and cooking panels are increasingly purchased and installed on the working surfaces of modern kitchens.

The advantages of induction burners are their functionality and efficiency.

However, such technological innovation requires the hosts and cooks of the use of special cookware for cooking. This is due to the features of the device of such panels.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_2

The surface of the plate is performed from the glass ceramics, electromagnetic coils are placed inside forming a magnetic field and current production, which is the source of heating standing on the stove of dishes with products. At the same time, the panel itself does not change its temperature.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_3

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_4

So that the whole process functioned according to the established scheme, the dishes used on a similar plate are presented with certain requirements.

  • First of all, it is necessary that the saucepan is made of metal (aluminum, copper, steel, etc.), which has magnetic properties. Glass, ceramics and other raw materials, which are not inherent in such features, will not warm up. The exception is utensils with a special magnetic bottom.
  • Another important condition that causes compatibility of dishes with an induction slab will be the thickness and diameter of the bottom. The first parameter may vary in the range from 5 to 10 mm, while the diameter should not be less than 12 centimeters to maximize the coating of the burner on the cooking surface. Pots with a thin bottom will be much faster to deform under the influence of high temperatures.
  • In addition, the structure of the bottom is important. Pans can be made in the form of a solid sheet of stainless steel or with a bottom consisting of several layers (from 3 to 6), which together form a kind of "sandwich".

For competent selection and operation of suitable dishes, manufacturers use a special inscription and image.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_5

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_6

The icon in this case will be performed in the form of a spiral, with the inscription induction.

You can check the compliance of the dishes using a magnet that must stick to the bottom of the selected container.


Since the popularity of induction plates increases, the assortment of a saucepan for sharing is highlighted by its manifold. Today, the dishes are made of the following types of raw materials.

Stainless steel

Checking the magnet before purchasing steel utensils is mandatory, since some trademarks in the production process are used by metal alloys that will be incompatible with induction. You can find separate containers for cooking, as well as steel sets, various in size, shape and litter.

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Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_8

Pan scenes are highlighted by its oxidation resistance, have a non-stick coating, suitable for subsequent storage or transportation of finished dishes.

Steel pans have a small weight, are characterized by their strength and attractive appearance.

Among the weaknesses of the dishes, it is necessary to note the tendency towards severe warming up, which can lead to burns in careless handling.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_9

In addition, traces from any touch remain on the shiny surface, which can complicate the care of the pan.

Cast iron

Pots from cast iron have a centuries-old history, at the expense of their positive features they are popular today, even for use on the worst surfaces of the last generation. This metal interacts perfectly with the induction system, stands out for its durability.

In the saucepans from the food cast iron heats up evenly, so the dishes are prepared at times faster, the metal retains the products to warm.

In addition, the cast iron is considered absolutely safe for operation and direct contact with food.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_10

However, cast-iron pans are characterized by their impressive mass. Also, with an inaccurate circulation, the container that fell on the stone or tiled floor can split.

Enameled tanks

Pots from similar material are perfect for induction, since they consist of a metal covered with enamel. Such capacities are not highlighted by the high cost, have a large operational resource and an attractive appearance.

But for induction burners, it is recommended to buy a flat bottom pan that will not produce excess noise during operation.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_11

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_12

Raw materials are fully safe for human health, in enameled tanks can be stored after cooking.


So that such dishes can be used with induction slabs, many manufacturers additionally include metal alloys in the bottom.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_13

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_14

As a rule, it uses stainless steel.


Transparent glass pots can also be operated on induction panels.

They are on sale not so often, but possess an attractive appearance.

The glass is highlighted by its environmentally friendly, it is easy to care for it.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_15

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_16

In order to carry out the interaction of the container with the burner, manufacturers additionally equip the pan with a special magnetic bottom.


Today, there are potatoes of different volumes, however, the thickness of the bottom is of paramount importance. As a rule, it happens from 0.5 to 1 centimeter.

As for the optimal size, the preparation container should be such that it occupies at least 70% of the entire area of ​​the working burner with which the interaction will occur.

If the dishes are less, the electric currents will begin to spread around, without contacting the bottom of the pan.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_17

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_18

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_19

In addition, it will not be able to cook food in such a way, it will also have a negative impact on a nearby technique and a person.

When choosing utensils for cooking, it is necessary to take into account that the speed of preparation rate of the dishes directly depends on the square of contact of the container.

Therefore, it is better to purchase comfortable 3, 5 or 10 liter pans, wide in diameter, but with low walls.

Some modifications of induction cooking panels have the function of automatic adjustment under the size of the containers used.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_20

If the burners themselves control the interaction with the bottom of the pan, then any dishes can be in operation: from the smallest volumes up to 10 liters and more.

Overview of the best models

Manufacturers of dishes for induction plates are quite a lot, but not all of them can boast of great popularity.

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Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_22

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_23

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_24

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_25

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_26

Judging by the reviews, most often for induction cooking surfaces, the dishes of the following brands are chosen.

  • Fissler. Tableware from the manufacturer from Germany, which offers consumers sets from several units of a saucepan for cooking dishes on induction plates. Capacities are highlighted by its stylish design, ergonomic forms and high quality. However, this line belongs to the class of expensive dishes for the kitchen.
  • Woll. Luxury line of specialized dishes, features of products are their manual manufacture. Pots are different volumes, the bottom thickness is within 10 mm. Capacities are produced with a non-stick titanium-ceramic coating.
  • Tefal. The world-famous French manufacturer, who offers a pan of the TitaniumPro and PrivilegePro lineup.
  • Rondell. For induction plates, you can choose dishes and from this German brand. All pots demonstrate high quality during operation.
  • "Wamby". The domestic manufacturer offers a special series of dishes, which is published called Gourmet. Products have successfully passed certification, therefore it has a quality mark of international standard.

Choice rules

With the first purchase of dishes for induction slabs, quite reasonable doubts may arise relative to the compatibility of products with a cooking surface.

Going to the store, it is recommended to take a magnet with you, which will be able to check the properties of the bottom of the tanks like.

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_27

In addition, it is important to note the additional nuances that the selected pans must be configured.

  • The main point will be the thickness of the bottom. You can purchase a product and with a thin plate at the bottom, however, there is a high probability that during operation the bottom is deformed from high temperatures. Such dishes in the cooking process will produce too much noise. It is possible that the taste quality of products can also worsen.
  • The use of any raw material is allowed as the wall material for the walls, so you can choose all the models you like, the main thing is that the bottoms are inherent in ferromagnetic properties.
  • High-quality products from producers intended for induction slabs will necessarily be marked with a spiral icon. Induction may also be present on the product, which will greatly facilitate the choice of the buyer.

Operating tips

Any kitchen utensil needs regular care and proper operation, and the pans for induction burners did not become an exception in this matter.

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Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_29

Pots for induction plates: what suitable? How to choose a set? Description of enamel, glass and other models 10772_30

      But in the light of their own characteristics, they will require compliance with some important recommendations, Which will allow the capacity to preserve attractive and functional for a long time.

      • As a rule, most of the saucepan can no concern wash not only manually, but also in the dishwasher. Clean the surfaces from pollution and food residues are best immediately, without waiting when the extraneous inclusions will dismissed to the container. This will eliminate the need to use abrasive chemical compositions and rigid metal scrapers, which can damage the bottom and walls of the pan, which will negatively affect the appearance and subsequent contact with the induction burner.
      • For washing, it will be correct to abandon aggressive detergents that can damage the enameled layer on the dishes, as well as lead to the emergence of corrosion on the metal.
      • Cast-iron pots need to wash hot water when using a soft sponge. After that, immediately wipe the tank dry inside and outside to exclude the risk of rust.
      • The dishes from aluminum will be easy to extradite from any fat deposits with the help of a cutlery. A sponge dipped in this solution will need to simply lose the problem areas so that the saucepan again had an attractive appearance.
      • For enameled dishes, there is a proven tool that will save the container from dark areas on the surface. To care for such disrepair, it will be necessary to boil it in water with the addition of food soda.
      • Use the pan on the plate with magnetic properties follows, having containers strictly in the center of the burner so that the bottom closes half the area.
      • Operation of induction plates and cooking containers are contraindicated to people with pacemakers and other electronic mechanisms.
      • During cooking, it is not recommended to bring hands very close to the surface of the plate, since the appearing radiation will be harmful to a person already at a distance of one centimeter from the source of the magnetic field.
      • For the preparation of dishes on such a stove can not be used the pan, which were previously exploited on gas burkers. This is due to the presence of a car on the outer walls, which will be an obstacle in the work of the induction panel. In addition, there may be problems with the cleaning of the burners from Nagara.

      Secrets of choosing a saucepan for induction plates can be found from the video.

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