Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens


Many hostess use electrical or gas oven for the preparation of various dishes. However, juicy meat, sweet pastries and other culinary masterpieces can be impeccable only when complying with all nuances of cooking. These include the right choice of tanks for baking. Modern manufacturers offer a rich assortment of dishes for the oven. Products differ in shape, sizes, manufacturing materials.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_2

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_3


Cookware for baking should be heat-resistant, and when used in a gas device - also refractory. At the same time, high-quality products designed to prepare dishes in the oven should work well. One of the important parameters when choosing a heat-resistant dishes is the material. Capacities should not melt, deform, absorb odors. Products that are in them should not burn. The dish cooked in high-quality dishes is evenly absorbed. It is easily removed, does not have extraneous tastes.

Cooking for oven you need to choose With fairly thick walls and bottom. This is associated with uniformity of warming up, as well as the ability to maintain heat. The optimal parameter is from 0.6 to 0.8 cm.

Products with thinner walls can only be used if the dish does not need long thermal processing.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_4

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_5

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_6


Several types of containers are distinguished in which certain dishes are prepared.

  • Cocotte . So called a small bucket with a long handle. Such dishes are perfect for cooking and serving portion dishes. Usually it is Julien. However, Koxnitsa is also used to prepare a hot, vegetable stew, baked fish, omelet, pudding, cottage cheese casserole. This dish is made of steel, ceramics, cast iron.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_7

  • Buckyatnitsa. This is an oval container with a lid, slightly resembling a saucepan. Modern options are made of cast iron, heat-resistant glass, ceramics. In such a glassware rush and stew meat, vegetables, bird.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_8

  • Brazier. This is a container with a thickened bottom, lid and small handles on the sides. Modern variations have a diverse form: there are round, oval, rectangular. The dishes are used to baked meat, fish, vegetables. It turns out in her french potatoes. For the manufacture of such containers, steel, aluminum, cast iron and glass are used.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_9

  • Tazhin - Shallow wide container with a high cone-shaped lid. The dishes came to us from Asian countries. Due to the thickness of the walls, a special shape and massiveness, it is ideal for long extinguishing and "Tomny". In the process of cooking steam condenses in the top of the cover. Then drops gradually flow through the walls. This allows you to get juicy dishes without adding oil and water. The ingredients are stealing in their own juice. In Tazhinus prepare meat, bird, fish, vegetables.

Comprehensive dishes with various herbs and spices are especially delicious.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_10

  • Baking pot. These are small portion tanks from ceramics. They prepare delicious cereals, soups, julientes and other dishes.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_11

  • Bastard - A thin sheet of metal with curved edges and side. On the nozzles usually bake pies, buns. They are suitable for baking potatoes, meat, fish, vegetables.

There is also a variety of silicone shapes and trays, resembling a small baking sheet with higher walls.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_12

Form and dimensions

The dimensions of the cooking containers range from very small suitable for the supply of one serving of the dish, to large, calculated on the family of two or more people.

The form of the dishes are also different. The choice here depends on the purpose of the container.

  • Round . In such a dishes, there is very convenient stove cakes, various pies, pizza. It is worth considering that the bakery of bakery products are more suitable for the tanks with the height of the side of about 7 cm. To prepare other types of confectionery products, about 3 cm.
  • Oval form Optimal for cooking meat and fish dishes.
  • Rectangular. In such containers, you can also bake meat and fish. They are suitable for cooking lasagna, vegetable dishes, pies with stuffing.
  • Wavy molds Use for creating beautiful cupcakes, cakes, cakes. Before placing the test in the tank, all the walls are carefully lubricated with oil. This is necessary in order for pasting easily removed from the dishes, and its edges were neat and beautiful.
  • Figured. In addition to conventional wavy forms, manufacturers offer more original options. These are tanks in the form of stars, hearts, letters, animals, etc. Usually they are made from silicone. They are used to make a variety of confectionery products, which are happy with their appearance and children.

Baking forms can be both solid and detachable. Many hostesses consider the second option more convenient. It is ideal for baking biscuits. Baking is easily and quickly extracted. This promotes a removable bottom.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_13

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_14

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_15



Faiance dishes are very beautiful, and the feeding of dishes in it is very effect. Modern microwave ovens and ovens make it possible to use such products if they are heat-resistant. At the same time, it is desirable not to heat the device too much, the temperature should be increased gradually. Products will slowly stew, keeping all their useful properties. After readiness the dish will remain warm for a long time.

The disadvantages of ceramic containers include the porosity of the material. Such dishes can absorb fragrances, so the remnants of the dish are better to shift into another container. It is worth noting the fragility of ceramics. You need to handle products.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_16


Silicone products are distinguished by plasticity, ease, variety of shapes and colors. That is why today they are very popular. Capacities have non-stick properties, they turn out beautiful baking. The material is not afraid of temperature drops, such forms can be put in the oven, and in the refrigerator. Unlike glass or ceramic dishes, such a product cannot be broken.

You should not only try to cut a cake or pie without removing it from the form. In this case, silicone can be accidentally damaged.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_17


Teflon coating allows you to prepare without fat. This is an excellent solution for the dietary diet. However, it is important to remember that The material can not be heated more than 260 ° C, otherwise it will begin to allocate the substances dangerous to human health.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_18


Steel dishes - classic option. It is available for the price, it is convenient to use, practical. Stainless steel is resistant to corrosion, is distinguished by wear resistance, retains all the beneficial properties of products. The choice of steel dishes suitable for the oven is very wide. In such boosters, food is preparing quickly, without a meant.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_19

Cast iron

Cast iron does not differ in great attractiveness. However, some and today enjoy cast iron for cooking. The material retains heat for a long time, does not allow food to burn. It is durable, racks to mechanical exposure. Scratches from metal spoons do not affect the functionality of such dishes. Nevertheless, the deficiencies in cast iron are still greater. It is inclined to the appearance of rust, absorbs fat, which gradually becomes carcinogenic.

In addition, cast iron products have a lot of weight.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_20


Heat resistant glass is also used to make heat-resistant dishes. It can be baked in it, and warm up food. The form is usually oval or rectangular. This provides uniform heating. Some models are supplied with a lid. It is only important to remember that the glass does not tolerate sharp temperature differences.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_21

Paper or foil

Disposable foil or special paper forms - A great solution for those who rarely prepare and does not want to clutch the kitchen with various dishes . Paper allows a furnace without a large amount of oil. It is not deformed, retains the form of confectionery products, allows them to be easily removed (in the extreme case, you can simply break the paper) such forms do not need to be washed. Products in paper can be placed in the refrigerator. It is also worth noting a pleasant low price of such a solution.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_22

How to choose?

Choosing dishes for gas or electrophovka, one should take into account several important points.

  • Capacity size depends on the number of members of your family. If you are two, there will be quite small size. If the family is numerous or to you often come guests, the volume is better to take more. Another option is a few individual small pots or, for example, Koxnotes.
  • The dimensions of the furnace cameras should also be considered, especially when buying a fight. From its edges to the walls of the oven should remain at least 5-6 cm.
  • The following criterion is the purpose of dishes. Useful dishes without fat in its own juice can be prepared in ceramic and glass tanks. If you like the crispy appetizing crust, choose aluminum or cast iron. Such materials can be used in grill mode. Silicone is usually used to create baking (pies, cupcakes, etc.).
  • As for the thickness of the dishes, it depends on the method of preparation. Tolstone products are intended for long tomturation at low temperature. For high heating and subsequent rapid cooling, thin steel bars are suitable.
  • The height of the walls is associated with the type of dish you are going to cook. High needed for bakery products, potatoes, casserole. Meat and fish can be baked on baking sheets.
  • If you like pilaf, purchase the cauldron. If you like cheaped and casserole, the Koxnica will become a good purchase. Sophisticated multicomponent dishes and delicious roast are obtained in a cheat. Appetizing soups and porridges - in a pot with a lid. To create dishes without fat, the taiga is useful.
  • When choosing dishes it is worth considering the type of device. For example, if you have an oven with microwave, metal items will not fit. The whole thing in the ability of the material to reflect microwaves.
  • Plastic dishes are not suitable for use in the ovens of any type. Also can not be placed there enamelly dishes, not intended for strong heating. It is worth noting that some cast-iron bars also have enamelled coating. Therefore, it is important to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations on the purpose of the subject.
  • Do not put in the oven closet capacity with damage (cracks, chips, etc.). Under the influence of temperature, such a tableware can burst. This in turn can lead not only to damage the dish, but also to damage the inner surface of the oven.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_23

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_24

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_25

Features of care

Enameled, glass and steel products do not require special care. They are easily cleaning with ordinary means. The main thing is not to use abrasive substances and dry items to avoid divorces. If stained appeared on the item from the stainless steel, they can be eliminated by vinegar or citric acid. The cast iron dishes, like iron, is inclined to form rust, so it can not be mashed.

Also do not forget about the sensitivity of some materials to the temperature contrast. Do not pour cold water into the outbound container.

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_26

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_27

Cookware for the oven: What is better for baking dishes? Types of heat resistant dishes with lid and without gas and electric ovens 10752_28

About how the baking forms differ, see the following video.

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