Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options


Products of various colors come to replace the traditional white dishes. Someone chooses plates and cups of bright colors that are perfectly combined with the kitchen interior. Others consciously choose dark color dishes. Black and brown utensils are becoming more popular every day. What is the feature of such dishes? Can the color affect the appetite? All the answers are already waiting for you in our special material.

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_2

Energy flower

Each color has a property to provide this or that effect on the mood and well-being of a person. Therefore, it is important to take into account this not only when choosing clothes or interior, but also when choosing a set of dishes for daily use. Classic white dishes still use great popularity and demand. But recently, the dark dishes are confidently gaining momentum of its popularity. Black and brown utensils, which like many people, come from the east. In China and Japan, have long used sets of dark shades for the tea ceremony and not only.

Dishes of a dark shade choose bold and confident people who want change not only in life, but also in everyday life.

Such dishes will be stylish and originally looked with products of classic white, with bright fabric napkins of a red or orange shade.

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_3

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_4

Despite the fact that the products of black and brown flowers become a real trend, many believe that these shades have a very heavy energy. In addition, many noted that some dishes look not very appetizing on dark plates. Perhaps for someone it is a minus, but for those who fight extra kilograms are definitely plus.

Even many nutritionists recommend choosing dark dishes in order to reduce appetite and lose weight.

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_5

It is worth noting that the specialists of the ancient teaching of Feng Shui adhere to their opinion regarding such dark tones. Each color refers to a certain element. For example, black refers to the elements of water, and brown to the elements of the earth. The energy of water and, accordingly, the black color helps become wiser and proud.

Therefore, you can use such a set of dishes for the reception of particularly important guests. In particular, if negotiations are planned, the decision of an important issue, etc. But the elements of the Earth and the color belonging to it help to establish stability in relations and relieve negative phenomena. That's why For conciliatory dinner, brown shades are quite suitable.

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_6

Advantages and disadvantages

Dark utensils certainly has its advantages, so many choose it. For example, black and brown utensils will help make serving more festive and original. On the plates of dark shades, various salads made of fresh fruits and vegetables look very appetizing. Juicy tomatoes, cucumbers or citrus fruits will be perfectly contrasted with a dark product.

In addition, if you use a dark set of dishes for a festive table, you can safely use tissue napkins of the brightest colors. They will be perfectly harmonized with black or brown shades.

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_7

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_8

If we talk about the disadvantages of such dishes, then it is worth noting the fact that It's not so easy for her . Black and brown cups, plates should always be perfectly clean.

If the remaining drops of water are not so visible on white dishes, all small disadvantages will be visible on dark dishes.

Therefore, after washing, such dishes always need to thoroughly wipe with tissue napkins so that there are no divorces. By the way, even fingerprints can be visible on glossy products. Therefore, matte dark dishes enjoys the greatest demand.

In addition, if a small scratch or chip will appear, then the product of the dark color will immediately lose its impeccable initial look.

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_9

What form to choose?

It is very important when choosing dishes to pay attention not only to the color, but also on the form of products. The form can be round, square or oval.

  • If you like the squares of the square shape, then choose those options that do not have sharp corners. Bioenergy argue that dishes with sharp angles will lead all those who sits at one table to numerous conflicts.
  • A plate or a cup of the right square shape will help focus and will bring success, many specialists of Feng Shui consider. Before important negotiations, the interview or exam is recommended to have breakfast or dinner from square-form dishes. In this case, you will be accompanied by success and luck.
  • In order for a family dinner in a quiet and friendly atmosphere, it is best to choose a traditional set of rounded shape. In addition, it helps to get rid of stress and fatigue. The same applies to the products of oval shape.
  • Also, when choosing dishes worth paying attention to the material from which products are made. Products from porcelain, ceramics or glass are very popular. Dark winding glassware always looks original and stylish.

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_10

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_11

Submission of dishes

It is quite possible to choose a set in which products are not only brown and black, but also white or some other shade. Dark tableware is perfectly combined with products of various colors, which allows you to make a serving more original. Then the question arises - to submit what dishes it is better to use dark products?

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_12

On the flat dish of brown shade, such dishes are perfectly looking, like pilaf, fried potatoes with chicken or just boiled potatoes. Meat is best served on a black dish. If you serve boiled rice as a side disk, then it is better to use a black and black plates for this. Various Asian dishes look very well on dark shades plates. For example, it is sushi or acute Udon noodles. Also in black plates you can serve spaghetti.

Salads from fresh vegetables or fruits will be more interesting to look at black plates. Various desserts look better on plates that are made of dark translucent glass.

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_13

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_14

Black and brown utensils (15 photos): Sets of matte square dishes of black, other options 10748_15

See Luminarc Tableware Review in the video below.

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