Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple


Each house has several sets of dishes. There is a festive service, everyday, for breakfast and so on. If earlier the dishes were only a classic white or white with a gold border, today you can choose very unusual options. Colorware is capable not only to decorate the kitchen interior, but also to raise the mood and affect the appetite.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_2

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_3

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_4

Bright shades

Red, pink, green, yellow, orange, blue or even terracottaic utensils are great for any modern kitchen. Many refuse classic white or beige tint dishes. To date, you can choose any colors and shades. It can be a monophonic beautiful utensils of purple or glowing color. And maybe multicolored, pearl, lace, polka dot, with ornaments, drawings and without. As they say, the dishes can be chosen for every taste and color.

Choosing kitchen utensils of bright shades, it is worth learn how one or another will affect your mood and appetite. For a long time, everyone knows that every shade has its own special energy, which is able to influence the mood and well-being of a person. It turns out that with the help of the correctly selected dishes you can not only recharge your positive, but also reduce or increase your appetite.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_5

A bright and emotional red color like bold people who are ready for experiments. This color is more than others can excite an appetite, so such dishes are often choosing for children who are capricious at the table. It is worth noting that for a spiritual family feast, such bright utensils will not fit completely. Red very quickly tires, and someone even annoys. Therefore, guests have a desire to eat quickly and leave. But if you choose a set of this color for breakfast, then it will probably be the best option. It looks great for a set of red and white or black and red. For example, cups can be black, and the plates are red.

Shades that resemble fragrament citrus fruits also have special energy. Orange and yellow colors are very familiar with children.

On the plates of such shades, fruit or vegetable salads are well served.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_6

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_7

By the way, these shades have a very positive effect on appetite and mood. In addition, many believe that the dishes of such bright tones helps to make a serving more attractive and interesting. Nutritionists assure that these bright shades help food better absorbed.

The dishes can be a different green shade. It can be a set of dark green, almost malachite color, and you can also choose dishes of a gentle green, a salad shade. In any case, such a natural color like many, and it is not for nothing that it is considered neutral. All shades of green are associated with nature, with healthy, tasty and useful food. Therefore, the dishes of such a shade will be quite interesting to look at your desk. By the way, this color acts excitingly to appetite, especially if it is combined with yellow. And in combination with blue or blue, it will help reduce appetite.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_8

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_9

Other colors

Blue and blue dishes, despite their attractiveness, quite negatively affect appetite. Therefore, it is not necessary to give children food in the dishes of this color. But for those who sits on a diet, this is the best option. The same effect on appetite has a lilac color. In the event that you have already chosen dishes of one of these shades, you can add it various accessories that will help soften the negative impact of these colors. For example, you can use a bright shade tablecloth for serving, white napkins, bumbry of an unusual form.

Despite the variety of different colors and shades, Many still choose a classic white version. . Such dishes are ideal for any occasion. You can choose a set of clean-white matte products, and you can select a set, where white color is combined with other bright shades.

It is important to remember that on white plates, any dishes look much more appetizing and more attractive than, for example, on blue, black or brown dishes.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_10

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_11

In addition, the dishes of this classic color absolutely does not affect the taste perception.

Not necessarily choose dishes of bright color, You can give preference to a set, which is made in pastel gentle colors . For example, it is peach, apricot or pistachio color. Such dishes will not only look attractively, but will allow you to give any dish an appetizing look. When dishes are served on plates of such gentle shades, then there is a desire to hurry, but enjoy the taste of food and communication. Therefore, you can select the setting of one of the above colors.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_12

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_13

Material and form

Choosing a bright dish, it is worth paying attention not only to its color, but also on the material and the form of products.

The most popular option that remains relevant to this day, is porcelain. The dishes made from such a material looks great on any table and in any interior. White and blue porcelain plates with an unusual golden ornament or border perfectly suitable for a family celebration. Since products from high-quality porcelain are extremely heavy, it is better to choose another material for everyday use. It is worth noting that white products with classic patterns, edging perfectly fit in the event that the kitchen is made in the style of Provence or Rustic. Such dishes will be well combined with tablecloths and napkins of various shades.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_14

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_15

A practical option suitable for daily use can be considered products from faience. Products from this material can be of different color. Such dishes do not need special care, it is easy to wash it, so it is the perfect option for every day.

Plates and cups of various colors made of glass are very popular. It can be the usual or impact-resistant glass. Such dishes are great for daily use. And thanks to the variety of colors and shades, you can choose options for breakfast, dinner or children's holiday.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_16

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_17

As for the form, the most popular option is round plates and classic cups. But it is not necessary to abandon the square form dishes. Square tableware allows you to diversify the serving and is very convenient for feeding a variety of dishes, especially desserts. In addition, many Psychologists adhere to this opinion that the square dishes make it possible to tune in to success. . Therefore, for breakfast, it is better to choose the plates of such a form. By the way, Salads of such a form, made in brown or green, look great in any kitchen. For feeding ice cream or fruits with cream, it is better to use the product of a square shape of a gentle blue color from glass.

In addition, you can choose unusual options. For example, the oval dishes are perfectly suitable for those who love big servings and wants to make an unusual meal. Oval dishes are perfectly suitable for feeding meat, fish or poultry.

Small plates in the form of hearts or even stars are perfectly suitable for feeding fruit cuts, desserts or even salads.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_18

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_19


Finally, we have some more interesting recommendations that will help you not only choose correctly, but also use bright products for serving your table. Many modern hostesses have dishes in their arsenal of various shapes and colors. Thanks to this variety, they can use one or another set for a suitable case. For example, you can use one or another color of the dishes depending on the time of year.

Warm spring is best to give preference to products of soft green, yellow and hourglass. This will help you not only to serve the table originally, but will allow you to positively influence the mood of all those who gathered at the table. In the summer, you can use dishes of bright orange color, light blue and turquoise. But for rainy autumn, dark tones will be more suitable. For example, brown, black, swamp or dark blue. For a cold winter evening, you should choose warmer and bright colors. For example, red, orange or white in combination with other colors.

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_20

Colored dishes: red and blue, green and yellow, blue polka dot and pink, white with golden border and purple 10735_21

About whether the color of the dishes affect the appetite, see the next video.

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