Brands of dishes: rating of the best known manufacturers of kitchen utensils


To date, almost before each mistress gets sharp, but a very important question: "How to choose a suitable and high-quality dishes?" Make it is not so simple, especially considering the fact that advertising of many brands is branded.

It is about the best firms involved in the production of high-quality kitchen products, and will be discussed in the article.

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Immediately before presenting a list of the best brands and manufacturers, It should be divided into several classes, namely:

  • premium;
  • average;
  • Economy.

In each of these classes, you can find truly high-quality and durable dishes, however, the utensil from which segment to acquire is a solution for purely individual.

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The dishes of this species is considered the most expensive and luxurious of all other classes. This is explained not only by the material from which it is produced, but also by the method of manufacture.

Elite dishes have a number of important features.

  1. The edging of this kitchen utensils, as a rule, is made of stainless steel.
  2. The most durable and durable product is considered dishes made of cast iron. In addition to high strength, this option is still extremely simple departure.
  3. Premium tableware has the thickest and durable bottom.
  4. It is known that the dishes of the elite category allows you to prepare various dishes without adding oil. Due to the thick walls and the dense bottom of the food does not burn and during processing retains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which is an undoubted plus. It is also worth noting that any food prepared on the oil is considered more harmful and calorie.
  5. In addition to the fact that such a tableware allows you to prepare the most correct and useful food, it also makes it possible to do it quickly and simply. Cooking on such utensils is carried out at times faster, and not need to look after meals.
  6. In contrast to the middle class and the economy, premium, careful quality control is undergoing, so the defective dishes are in selling, as a rule, does not come.
  7. Materials used in creating product data are considered very expensive. These include: silver, crystal, china, cast iron and some others.
  8. Not deprived of quality and expensive materials and accessories for dishes. The quality and appearance of small details give the devices a more refined view.
  9. It is impossible to leave without attention and design developed by professionals specifically for products of the elite class. It is also related to this fact that this tableware is always sold with sets so that the devices do not lose a single style.

It is high-grade utensils that are used to prepare elite dishes in luxury restaurants. The choice in favor of such kitchen appliances is based not only on the quality of products, but also on the history of all brands.

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Brands of dishes: rating of the best known manufacturers of kitchen utensils 10708_8

Having learned about the form of this dishware, it is possible to move directly to the rating of the best brands.

  • SkeppShult. This manufacturer is famous for its unique products made of cast iron - durable and stainless alloy.

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  • Staub. It is engaged in the manufacture of cast-iron instruments, but its prices are somewhat lower than that of SKEPPSHULT.

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  • MONETA. The MONETA brand is the most suitable option for hostesses that wish to purchase products with non-stick coating. In addition to MONETA, such manufacturers like Greenpan and Fissler are not bad.

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Brands of dishes: rating of the best known manufacturers of kitchen utensils 10708_13

  • Emile Henry. This company is engaged in the creation of incredible utensils from ceramics.

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  • Bohemia. The brand is famous for the best glass and crystal dishes.

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  • Japonica. This Japanese brand is considered to be the best among all other manufacturers of porcelain items.

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This class differs from the previous lower price and materials used. Nevertheless, the features of such dishes are no less than that of elite.

The devices of the middle price segment have their own specifics.

  1. In the manufacture of such dishes usually use stainless steel and some other rather durable metals.
  2. The bottom thickness in such products is somewhat less than that of premium dishes - about 3 millimeters, the wall thickness is two times less - about 0.5 millimeters.
  3. All fittings are attached by welding and special design attention does not attract.
  4. The set of middle class usually consists of 3-4 items.
  5. The appearance of the entire product of features and pretentious design has no.
  6. Anti-stick coating is usually present. The same applies to the special holes on the lid for the release of steam.
  7. The price of such dishes ranges from 5 to 12 thousand rubles.

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It is worth noting that when choosing the kitchen appliances of this class, it is best to purchase porcelain or glassware, as these materials are distinguished by the greatest strength among others.

Undesirable to take a ceramic version After all, despite his solid appearance, he does not differ in particular strength, and it is extremely difficult to care for him.

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If the middle class dishes is the most suitable option for you and you wish it to serve as longer as possible, It is better to choose verified manufacturers.

  • Metrot. This company has excellent enameled kitchenware.

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  • Pyrex. This manufacturer guarantees the quality of the manufactured glassware.

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Brands of dishes: rating of the best known manufacturers of kitchen utensils 10708_23

  • SCOVO. This brand is famous for high-quality saucepans, frying pan and other metallic products.

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  • Tefal. A rather sensational and popular firm producing devices with a non-stick coating.

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  • Tramontina, Miessa. These companies are famous for stunning stainless equipment for the kitchen (as well as knives).

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Brands of dishes: rating of the best known manufacturers of kitchen utensils 10708_27

As for crystal and porcelain products, it is quite difficult to attribute them to the middle class. Their production, as a rule, is engaged only by elite brands.


It came up in detail to tell about such a very cheap and least high-quality version, as the cookware of the economy class. Despite the fact that such products are considered obsolete and far from the highest quality, they still buy them and actively use them.

The dishes of this class have their own characteristics.

  1. By virtue of the extremely low quality and strength of the tableware, the price of it is rather low (no more than six thousand rubles).
  2. The anti-stick coating is practically absent, therefore food prepared with such devices is obtained by burnt and poor-quality.
  3. Thin walls and bottoms, which is why the quality of dishes is also reduced.
  4. Absolutely all manufacturers of cheap dishes are never designing and special attention to the appearance of devices do not pay.
  5. Bad accessories and other dishes details capable of delivering many inconveniences in the cooking process.
  6. For regular use, such dishes will be just right.

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Brands of dishes: rating of the best known manufacturers of kitchen utensils 10708_29

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the countries of the Middle East are engaged in the active production of such products. However, the most demanded by Russian firms are rightfully:

  • "Aelita";
  • "Gourmet";
  • "AMET";
  • "Caste".

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How to choose?

Choose truly high-quality and durable products, even among the econclass options. At the same time, it is important to adhere to recommendations and rules.

  1. Any quality utensils should have rather thick walls and bottom (at least 2 millimeters). Such instruments serve much longer, and they have the quality noticeably higher.
  2. Not bad if the dishes have additional devices that provide security.
  3. Products with bad accessories are recommended to be avoided, because such, it would seem, minor little things, like a plastic handle, are able to deliver a lot of trouble.
  4. The same applies to the painted products, because paint is not the most harmless coating.
  5. When choosing, it is important to take into account the method of manufacture. So, the devices created by casting are more evenly distributed heat.
  6. Special attention should be paid to the appearance of products - general design, lack of chipping and symmetry of edges.

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Brands of dishes: rating of the best known manufacturers of kitchen utensils 10708_36

Each hostess is sooner or later there is a need to acquire a new and truly high-quality kitchen utensils. Choose a specific manufacturer from all - is not easy.

However, having familiarized with all the features of each class and remembering the general rules of choice, it is possible to acquire truly high-quality and durable dishes.

Overview of the trademark of the brand "Coeth" series "Hercules" is waiting for you next.

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