Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year


No need to be a collector, just to be considered an educated and cultural person to represent what Maissen porcelain is. If you did not hear that before this word, but they began to seriously be interested in dishes, then without familiarization with this brand could not do.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_2

History of creation

Maissen Porcelain is produced here for three hundred years - it is impressive and creates a considerable excitement from German products. Porcelain products are considered to be the property of Germany: they are exhibited in the most famous museums of the world, they also become long-awaited lots of private auctions. This porcelain is admired and diffilams sing him, try to solve the secret of production. Lucky can buy a porcelain product in their collection.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_3

It all started in the city of Maissen (earlier Meissen) at the famous River Elba. The city is ancient, he is more than 1000 years old. A significant event for the city was a construction in the XV century Albrechtsburgh Castle. When the king of Saxony was asked for the throne, the castle was reconstructed. The masters began to pierce the palace ceilings, put the stoves, and wooden partitions began to do in the halls. For a while, the castle resembled a large building with drawers, aupport and various tools: as if the soil was grew to the appearance of porcelain.

In 1710, a truly grandiose event was accomplished: china in Europe invented, but as it happened, we cannot learn. Recipe for European porcelain to this pore is classified. Why it appeared in principle, you can assume. Augustus was a very ambitious ruler, he clearly tracked the economic benefit of different objects, and it was not satisfied that Albrechtsburgh Castle was not used for complete power.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_4

Finally, the famous Chinese porcelain was too expensive, and thoughts about creating their own, no less beautiful, probably seriously concerned August. And he found a man who was able to solve the Chinese secret of production (well, or approached it). So, the German alchemist Friedrich Bettgeru managed to become a master who committed a small miracle - it was he who came up with a solid European porcelain.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_5

Material itself and began to produce in the castle, with time, the workshops were built specifically for production purposes, and in these shops and now "White Gold" is manufactured. It was a breakthrough, Meissen became known for the whole of Europe. In the suburbs of the city there was a place where the main component was found to create a porcelain. In this place they built a small mine, and in it exclusively for Maissen manufactory began to obtain Kaolin. So called the clay of the purest white color, refractory and transparent. It organizes excellent plastic in the manufacturing process, serves as an ideal porcelain material.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_6

Not one plant tried (and tried) to solve the formula of Maissen porcelain. What exactly happens to Kaolin, Quartz and Field Pliste during production, just favorites know until this time. It is unknown, in what proportions the components are mixed as they are stored. This is a big secret that allows the famous brand for several centuries for a few centuries to be considered the flagship of global porcelain production. Although not the most noble historical manipulations associated with a secret were made.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_7

The formulation of the Creator of the Porcelain did not tell anyone, the workers were known only to a certain stage. And when Bettger died, one of his close, the keeper of the secret, just escaped to Vienna and wanted to develop his manufactory there. True, Augustus strong achieved the traitor to be returned to their homeland.

And this return has become the right course: Johann Herold arrived in Germany, which made a lot for production.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_8

Genuine Maissen porcelain is not easy, the product must be stigma. Fraudsters enjoy this and put fake branded signs on the products. It is easy to find samples of true signs and see how they changed over the years, and what are their features. Often, without an opinion, a specialist cannot do: it will appreciate the full quality of the stamp, as well as the quality of decoration.

Since 1948, the manufacturer has annual signs, and these annual labels can also be considered a seizer. At the factory, this was more than serious: the strictest quality control allowed to prevent marriage on the release. If the product was noted on the product, it was damaged or sold to masters-handicrafts as a second-rate product.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_9

But, by the way, such home paintings are highly appreciated: they are considered more expensive than factory, as they are exclusive and store all the features of the author's hand writing. In this case, adjustments were made in the stigma: If the housing was damaged, one trait was set, two or three - if the decor was damaged.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_10

Studying the stigma, corporate sign, its variations and skillful fakes - something like a historical detective. Fans of antiques will not translate how the fraudsters will not be translated, who wish to earn it.

Artists and styles

As you know, porcelain invented in China. For this reason, the first decades of Maissen porcelain painted eastern motifs. Recognizable herons in the reeds, fishermen, ornaments, flowers - this is what was conquered in the first works. Johann Gregorius Gerold preferred to work in the Japanese style "Caquemon". Japanese artists were detained in color solutions, but Herold learned to get colors in a new way, and thanks to this skill, the color gamma expanded to hundreds of shades.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_11

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_12

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_13

In 1731, Johann Ioachim Kendler came to the porcelain case. To this day, it is considered the main sculptor of the famous enterprise. His birthday and today is celebrated: for example, in 2006, it was celebrated 300 years since the advent of the legendary artist for light. The Creator was a genius of his time: he created at least 1,000 miniature sculptures, he even managed to bother bird figures in full size.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_14

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_15

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_16

And samples of the table porcelain of the authorship of Kendler - above all praise.

He had a lot of imitators, he became a classic of this artistic direction: the bends of the handles in soup invented by them, sophisticated floral decorations, elegant angels and pillow fruit became samples, ideals of this art. Styles changed, fashion sharply turned aside, but nothing affected the magnificence of bouquets and fruit plaquets on the Maissen dishes.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_17

Following Kendler, the traditions of Porcelain Luxury Michel-Victor Assie. His parish was affected by production: in fashion at that time there was a white unlawed china - biscuit. It became the perfect web for figurines on mythological theme. Interestingly, art historians argue about sury to this afternoon: some assure that he was the best that he created a genuine Maisen porcelain, others say - no, he cannot compare with Kendler, with an ACI quality of goods decreased.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_18

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_19

The history of Maisen Porfora includes such names as Herman Zaylinger, Hugo Stein, William Baring, Otto Edward Voit. It is impossible not to mention Paul Shoirich Mostly he worked in the Art Deco style, and this master created the famous series of "Russian ballet", which arose in connection with the legendary performances of Dyagileev ballet in Berlin. Styles changed, but Rococo remained at the heart.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_20

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_21

And even the spirit of expressionism, which was visible in the murals of the VAZ and plates in the pierzurny blue blue, did not become more famous than porcelain style Rococo.

Process of production

Masterpieces from Maisena are impeccable quality control, the use of various mixtures, creating a wide range of products.

The mixture of the wizard is prepared in several stages. First, they connect the ingredients strictly according to the recipe, then everything is very well crushed, they add some water and stirred to homogeneity. Using the filter press squeezes excess moisture.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_22

The mixture is necessarily deeerized by vacuum, due to which the particles of air are removed from it (they, in turn, fall into the mixture during crushing and subsequent stirring).

Consider the features of production.

  • And Pononya take part in the creation of Maissen masterpieces, they take part of the potters, they act as a potted circle of foot. The wet palms of the wizard worst the workpiece that is spinning on the circle, the surface is cleared to uniformity. After that, the Form of the Product Master can change manually.
  • Next, the billet is placed in a rotating plaster form: the wizard puts on the soft inner walls of the workpiece, so the relief and the structure of the matrix is ​​transferred. With the help of such a technique, there are cups, piles, teapots, jugs and other dishes.
  • After half an hour, the product is removed from the gypsum matrix. The form is divided into several segments, which allows it to remove it without deformation of the product. A gypsum absorbing part of moisture is used for the matrix, which increases the product strength and reliability factor.
  • Flat dishes are made otherwise. The master cuts off the clay layer in size, it is placed on top of the form. In order for the product to find the external contours, the second form is applied from above (it is also responsible for the wall thickness). Then on the reverse side of the product fits the party number.
  • Details of small objects are classically cast in shape, but the handles are large - weighed. The handles are subsequently glued with a liquid solution - slip.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_23

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_24

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_25

Many nuances of creating dishes and statuettes are known to modern masters, but not all. Storage of secrets and loyalty to them allows them to continue to develop a Maisen brand, because his tea pairs, vases, sill and plates do not need advertising.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_26

How to check authenticity?

Fake china from Maisen from the very beginning of its existence. In 1772, a trademark was invented - two crossed swords, he changed over the years, but the essence remained the same. Under the swords today there is an inscription Meissen, this suggests that this product is made later than 1974.

Interestingly, fakes are so skillful that the ordinary buyer is not able to understand the authenticity of the product. Many experts claim to say for sure, the real antiques you bought or a beautiful fake, only representatives of the manufactory itself can. This expert assessment is not all possible, but if you buy something that is positioned as ancient Maissen porcelain, be sure to enjoy the help of specialists.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_27

The goods are too expensive to pay for the fake (although justice it is worth saying that some fakes are surprisingly good).

Care rules

The thing is fragile, requiring careful care. And the older the product, the fact that the owner relates to him with a large trembling. Even if you bought modern dishes or a vase of the famous brand, you will need to learn how to care for it.

  • Wash porcelain can be done only manually, it is impossible to do it on weight, under running water. Put the product into a plastic container, on the bottom spread the soft towel.
  • Water should be warm, but not hot. All products with handles should be kept for the housing, carefully supporting below.
  • Domestic chemistry should be refused at all. Maximum that you can afford - neutral baby soap. In the presence of divorces and muddy stains, you can drop into the water a bit of ammonia alcohol.
  • Outside, porcelain is sometimes wiping with a slight solution of hydrogen peroxide. Inside, porcelain can be wiped with diluted dental powder.
  • Brushes, sponges and washcloths are not used, only soft rags can participate in the process of washing the porcelain. The nose of the teapots is cleaned with a thin brush for children's bottles.
  • In the water, porcelain products do not leave for a long time - sometimes cracked for enamels. We do not need to rub the dishes for washing too.

Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_28

    The most valuable antiques are better and not to wash at all, it is enough to simply look with a special brush with a special brush or a cosmetic brush with a natural pile.

    In 2010, the German manufactory was famous for the whole world celebrated the 300th anniversary. On the occasion of the anniversary of the master made a replica of glorified her products - the "swan" service, the "orchestra of monkeys" and other sculptures. They were sold out for very big money, although Maissen porcelain was never cheap.

    Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_29

    Maissen Porcelain (30 photos): Features of the German brand Meissen, stamps on the dishes by year 10701_30

    About the history of Maisen Porcelain, see the video below.

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