Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models


Korean carrots are a tasty and useful dish, all the fans of the head are recommended. The ingredients are not subject to heat treatment, and there are plenty of vitamins and trace elements. And to quickly cook the electric grabs for carrots will help this useful dish.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_2

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_3

general description

The classic Korean dish is the long and thin carrot strips, impregnated with garlic and sharp spices. It is also eaten as part of hot dogs, and together with sandwiches, and as an independent dish. In the latter case, it should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. To quickly and carefully cut the product, use the aircraft for carrots.

The principle of the device is simple - a vegetable hopper hits rotating knives that cut it on a thin straw. The finished product falls into a bowl. Very similar to the meat grinder.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_4

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_5

These devices have a lot of advantages.

  • Such a grater cuts not only a long strip, but also cubes, slices, short straw. This is possible thanks to replaceable nozzles, which are usually 5 or 6. You can cut different vegetables - and carrots, and cabbage, and potatoes, and everything in the refrigerator.
  • Such shredders are universal . They cut vegetables not only for Korean, but also for Russian, Ukrainian and other kitchens from around the world. It is used both at home and for cafes and restaurants.
  • Thanks to the convenient control of such a shutter I will master away.

Just choose the model you like.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_6

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_7


The main difference is to work.

Household models

Created for home use. Their power is 150-300 watts. This is enough if you are engaged in preservation, either you will use shink daily. They are also suitable for small businesses.

Pleasant bonus - price. For promotions, such models cost 1,500-2,000 rubles, and without it 3,000-6,000 rubles.

Sometimes shrybank is built into the meat grinder. Conveniently when all devices in one case.

But there is a disadvantage - household grabs can not work without a break. Ten minutes - and everything, we must wait for half an hour, until the motor cools.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_8

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_9


Industrial shredding is deprived of such a shortcoming, it works without downtime. Large sizes and cost are compensated with a capacity of 500 watts and higher.

These devices were widespread in cafes and restaurants. There are no serious differences in the design. Is that expensive models have speed adjustment.

There are differences in the case materials.

  • Plastic Models are fragile and require accuracy. But it is inexpensive. Another plus is bright colors.
  • Metal Firmly, but more expensive. For them, stainless steel or aluminum is used. Usually they are painted in monophonic or into a low gray color.

Electrics cannot work without electricity, but there are models on batteries and batteries. You only need to choose a decent option.

Knives for shredders are steel and ceramic. The last longer retain sharpening, but they are fragile and are not suitable for solid products.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_10

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_11

Best models

We picked up a few decent models from serious manufacturer To her who guarantee the smooth operation of their products.

  • Philips HR1388. In addition to carrots, it crushes and potatoes, and cabbage, and other vegetables. For emergency situations, there is a blockage of work and protection against accidental inclusion. Price - about 5,600 rubles.
  • Kitfort KT-1318 . Works with boiled and raw vegetables. Included 3 replaceable grabs and 2 knives, and there is a glass for storage. There is a device 2 500 rubles.
  • Moulinex DJ9058 Fresh Express Cube . The model has a high power - 280 watts. It cuts vegetables and fruit 5 nozzles. Thanks to the large boot bunker before work, the products do not need to cut into pieces. There are 2 speeds. The disadvantage is a high price around 10,000 rubles.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_12

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_13

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_14

However, there are models available on the market.

  • Scarlett SC-KP45S01 It costs only 1,500 rubles. For this money, we get a quick and quiet shutter with 4 nozzles and 2 knives included. It is easy to handle: When working, the power button does not need to constantly hold, and the cable is 1.2 m long enough to connect the device to any outlet. Minus - the plastic case is easily painted with juice, so it must be worn thoroughly and thoroughly.
  • Maxwell MW-1303 150 W is devoid of such a shortage. Thanks to the 5 complete knives, it solves different kitchen tasks - for example, to prepare Potatoes.
  • Russell Hobbs Desire 22280-56 With 2 nozzles supports pulsed mode of operation for rubbing solid products. The power of the grater is 200 watts. Thanks to the rubber legs, the machine does not slide on smooth surfaces.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_15

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_16

And professional cooks will not cost without expensive automatic shocks.

  • SIRMAN TM INOX CE Designed for continuous use in cafes and restaurants. Thanks to 4 discs that are included, it cuts products and cubes, and slices, and straw.
  • Gastrorag HLC-650 It can grind up to 300 kg of products, to increase the performance of two boot bins. It cuts cubes and slices of different sizes, for example, from potatoes easily makes thin chips.
  • Fimar La Romagnola is very versatile . It works with vegetables, and with cheese, and with chocolate, and with cottage cheese. It goes 5 different nozzles that carefully cut the most tender products.

Of all the abundance of models, you need to choose a suitable one.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_17

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_18

Tips for choosing

Now that you understand the electrotherms, it is easy to choose the perfect option.

  • Do not save on power . It is better to have a small reserve than to find that the grater "does not take" too solid products.
  • Make sure the device is reliably on the table and does not slide. Well, when there are suckers on the legs, but the usual rubber is suitable.
  • The more nozzles, the more ways to graze products . But the "generosity" of the manufacturer does not mean anything about the quality: it is better when the shredder tires one product well than badly copes with everyone.
  • Therefore, when buying in an online store, prepare for checking in advance. Unpacking remove with one double, without a globe. You can immediately write to the camera, as the machine works with carrots. If you suddenly have problems, it will be easier to prove its right point.
  • And the proper appearance should be by default - sharp corners, unpleasant smell and other are not allowed.

But it is not enough to choose a high-quality batch, you still need to competently apply.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_19

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_20

How to use?

The batch designs are almost no different, and our technique is suitable for working with all types of machines.

  1. Necessarily Check out the instructions.
  2. Prepare products . Wash carrots, remove the peel from it.
  3. Dry hands. To touch the switches with wet hands you can not use the safety technique.
  4. In place of the output of the finished product, put a wide bowl - Vegetables particles can fly away.
  5. Turn on the batch into the network. The advice on which you need to first download carrots, and then turn on the batch, incorrect. At the time of switching to the engine and so increased load, it is not necessary to increase it.
  6. When the engine turns on, load the products in the bunker. Pusk them with a complete pusher so that they are not stuck.
  7. After work, disassemble and rinse the grater thoroughly . But make sure that the water does not hit the engine.

Merkovy electric grabs: small electric car for Korean carrots and other automatic shredders, industrial and household models 10625_21

And most importantly - follow the safety technique. Do not try to push the products with your fingers, it will lead to injury. Follow the heating of the motor - if the hand is withstanding the body temperature, then everything is in order. Follow these simple recommendations, and the electrician will serve you for many years.

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