Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work?


Slicing of vegetables and fruits occupies a lot of time. It is uncomfortable in daily use cumbersome food processor, and a light and not occupying a lot of space Multislacer is always at hand. How it happens and how it is used, we will tell in our article.

What it is?

The progenitor of the multislisser can be called a grater that invented in France in the XVIII century. In 1901, the first mechanical vegetable cutter was released in the United States, she worked on the basis of the drum and was attached to the edge of the countertops.

Today, the multilayer is a chopper intended for cutting fruits and vegetables in different ways. It happens at the expense of nozzles, with their help products can be grate on the grater, chopping, cut into plates, crumpled cubes. In some minutes, vegetables are cut into salad, borsch and even on winter conservation.

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_2

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_3

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_4

In addition to vegetables, the multilayer can be used to grind cheese, chocolate, nuts, crackers and other products. It is easy to use vegetable cut, it works by mechanical way - it is enough just to twist the handle as on the meat grinder. The device contains a special device that helps him not slide on the table during the workflow.

You can find vegetable cutters and other plan on sale - in the form of a tray with nozzle caps designed for chopping vegetables.

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_5

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_6

Manual kitchen appliance has a lot of advantages.

  • Compactness and easy accessibility allow you not to take a lot of space on the table or in the closet and always be prepared for work.
  • For grinding, no electricity is required, so the multilayer can be taken with him on nature or to the cottage.
  • Cutting It turns out beautiful and the same, which cannot be achieved by cutting vegetables with a knife.
  • A variety of nozzles makes it possible to get products with different types of grinding.
  • The workflow occupies quite a little time, leaving it for more interesting things.
  • Unlike knives and terk, the multislacer is absolutely safe, it is impossible to hurt.
  • The product is made of durable plastic and high-quality metal, which ensures the durability of the device. Cutting elements do not require sharpening for a long time.
  • The device is easily disassembled and washed.
  • Handmade multi sewer is cheaper than electrical analogs.

The disadvantages of manual options include the limitations of grinding opportunities based on the density of the processed food. Soft products or medium hardness are suitable for manual vegetable cutters. A mechanical multislider is not suitable for cutting a large amount of vegetables: the hand is quickly tired, and the nozzles are clogged (they need to be cleaned).

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_7

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_8

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_9

Hospitals who often have to prepare dishes in large volumes, we recommend paying attention to electrical multisluesers. Of course, they are noisy, have a binding to a power source and are more expensive, but do not require physical effort. Cover the festive table on many guests or make a blank for the winter with their help will be much faster than with a manual option. The list of processed products from electrical appliances is much wider.

Household electric vegetable cutters are three varieties.

  1. Simple model with traditional nozzles (grater, shredding, cutting) crushes vegetables and fruit slices, plates, chips, cubes. It can be attributed to the budget variant of electrical shredders.
  2. Vegetable cutter, combined with a meat grinder, has a greater power. In addition to vegetables and fruits, processes meat products and solid products. It is worth such an aggregate at times more expensive classic multisliser.
  3. The third category of multicams includes expensive kitchen combines. The scope of their activities is much wider than in two previous devices. The device combines vegetable cutter, meat grinder and blender, can grind any products. Small families for everyday use it is better to choose compact desktop combines, otherwise the technique will be used only by big events.

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_10

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_11

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_12


The configuration of the multislizer depends on its type. Manual products are with one, several or many nozzles. In electrical appliances, as a rule, the number of all sorts of knives is greater. The standard setting includes the following types of nozzles.

  1. Grater. In the set you can find small and large options. The grater with fine holes crushes the product into the crumb, and with large - forms straw.
  2. Shinakovka. It is a double knife with a gap. The thickness of vegetable plates depends on the width of the gap.
  3. Rotating knife with two blades. Grind vegetables with small fractions.
  4. For Potato Fries, there is a special nozzle - a double knife with a wide gap. It is divided into sections calculated on the thickness of the potato stick.

In addition to the nozzles, the multi-seater is complemented by a container for recycled vegetables and in some cases the pusher, to join the product in a section with moving knives.

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_13

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_14

You can find a large range of electrical and mechanical multi-seater. Some of them are capable of performing up to 30 slicing species. The best models with replaceable nozzles have a reliable metal case or produced from ultra-modern safe plastic. We offer an overview of the most popular vegetable cutters that are found in the domestic market.

Kitchen Master

Manual vegetable cutter looks like a mechanical meat grinder. To grind vegetables, it is enough to twist a handle. The device contains 2 grades of different parameters and a universal knife (3 in 1).

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_15

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_16

Philips HR 1388.

Automatic high quality chopper. Cut fruit, cheeses, sausages in different ways. There is a nozzle for creating Potato Fri FRI.

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_17

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_18


Compact (13x7), but surprisingly functional vegetable cutter is easy to use. In addition to other options, in the kit there is a nozzle that allows you to cut the product with long threads. For safety reasons, the device is complemented by a pusher.

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_19

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_20

Tips for choosing

First of all, it should be declared what kind of multisliser is needed. For everyday use, a manual vegetable cutter is suitable with a minimum number of nozzles.

If the family menu has their own special preferences, for example: Potatoes FRI or Korean carrots, when buying, you need to check whether the corresponding knives are contained in the set.

Undoubtedly, the electric drive assembling is comfortable and faster. If the hostess is ready to overpay, cooking for her will be a simple occupation. The main thing is to choose a model from proven manufacturers to serve for a long time and did not disappoint.

Consider a large multifunctional combine with a vegetable frame function will be used rarely, according to important events. It facilitates life during the billets for the winter, receiving a large number of guests. During the rest, he will need a spacious place for storage.

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_21

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_22

When buying a multisliser, you must pay attention to important points.

  • Engine power. This parameter is important for the device on the electric drive. The optimal indicator for household vegetable cutters can be considered the power of 150-200 W.
  • Nozzles. Their species and quantities depend on family preferences. When choosing, it is not necessary to be guided by the position "Just in case", he may not come, and for extra details will have to overpay, as well as somewhere to store them.
  • Bowl size (cameras). What it is larger, the less you will have to free it from the sliced ​​products during large billets. In addition, nozzles can be kept in a spacious bowl.
  • Security. When buying, you should pay attention to the model does not contain open knives and did not have a caustic smell of plastic.
  • Noise level. Electric shredders can be characterized by different levels of noise. This fact is worth paying attention if there are small children or fertile animals in the family.
  • Fastening to the tabletop. During the purchase, it is necessary to check whether the manual instrument is sufficiently thought out. An unintended motion of the multislate during cutting is annoying and complicates the process.

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_23

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_24

Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_25

How to prepare and use?

In most cases, an instruction manual is attached to vegetable cutters, which describes how to use the device. It should be studied before starting to work. This is especially true for electrical appliances, because they require caution, compulsory safety safety;

  • Before applying an electric multilayser, you need to make sure of it;
  • During operation, it is necessary to exclude fluids to enter the electrical parts of the device;
  • You can not push the products with your hands - for this there is a special pusher.

The technique does not like experiments, the knives need to be used for its intended purpose. Products are taken to work, having a degree of hardness declared in the instructions. For example, manual instruments are well recycled with boiled vegetables, as well as soft and medium density products.

    Method of exploitation from different multislikeers of unequal. General rules can be noted as follows:

    • By bringing the device from the store, before using the bowl (container) and all the nozzles are well rinsed;
    • Vegetable cutter must be put on the table and check the reliability of fixation: during operation, it should not move;
    • It is necessary to prepare a suitable container in advance to cross the chopped vegetables;
    • Then it should be installed in the device suitable for a specific action knife;
    • Cover the device with a lid providing for the protection of the user from the working knives.

    Delivery of vegetables to knives from different models occurs differently. At the end of the workflow, the multislider must be disassembled, thoroughly wash all the working elements and dry. Wet parts can not be stored, since in a closed container due to moisture, a fertile environment for breeding bacteria is preserved.

    Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_26

    Multislacer: for vegetables and fruits. How to prepare a multislider grater and use it? How does vegetable cutter work? 10623_27

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