Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them?


Stands under hot can combine functionality and decorative. Especially if they are made of wood - eco-friendly material, which almost every kitchen adds comfort and heat. They are very different, you need to be able to choose such an accessory, and if you really want to learn how to make them with your own hands.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_2

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_3

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_4

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_5

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_6

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_7

Advantages and disadvantages

The tree is a relatively inexpensive material, and therefore the stand is hardly in a round sum. It is the availability of the product that will be the first obvious advantage of wooden stands. What more pluses of products:

  • functionality;
  • durability (if you correctly care for the product);
  • Beauty and charm (tree is nice with its texture, naturalness);
  • The combination with anything - it seems that the tree is able to "make friends" with any kitchen detail;
  • variations of shapes, sizes, shades leave a choice for the buyer;
  • The ability to find really original product.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_8

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_9

Minus wood supports are insufficient strength, but this indicator is conditional. Yes, the tree and is drying, and it can crack, and the defects remain easily on it. But a big plus overlaps this minus: even a little frothy tree retains its naturalness and charm.

Stands need regular processing, washing, drying - but this is an adequate fee for using a beautiful and functional product.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_10

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_11

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_12


First of all, they will be the material, a concrete breed of wood . So, you can buy support from apple, juniper, cherries, pines, beech - these breeds are most in demand. And even the differences lies in size: For example, a round stand can only be made of one spike-keen, and maybe from several such sleeps (small).

According to the form of the stand, too, differ, are round, oval, rectangular, asymmetric. There are supports with a pattern scorched on the surface, there are completely smooth, without inscriptions and drawings. Attract buyers and stands with natural wood aroma, this smell of pleasant, unobtrusive and appropriate in any kitchen. Smelling stands - hit sales.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_13

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_14

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_15

And they are very convenient to give them closest, such presents conquer even the fact of aromatherapy. Interestingly, even the stands are in hot, because their initial functionality is conditional. Yes, they all imply that they will withstand a frying pan or a saucepan only from the plate. But today there are unusual beautiful coins for dishes, serving, which will be a self-sufficient element of the "elegant" table.

Carved, flexible, huge and calculated only on a cup, they really happen different. But almost every such support will be cute just as part of the kitchen interior, and therefore they are so popular.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_16

Tips for choosing

The basic requirement for such a product is resistance to hot. And the heat resistance will be the first principle of choice. Most of the wooden accessories quietly withstand thermal loads, but if the model is painted, unpleasant surprises are not excluded - hot dishes deforms the color of at least. That's what else to pay attention to when choosing a stand.

  • Surfaces (and facial, and reverse) must be perfectly smooth Otherwise, the dishes will simply slip off the stand. With glued products, irregularities may be happening, because they are special attention.
  • Stand must be high strength Not all products are well joined (even with factory cases there are unpleasant moments). With active use, these gaps will quickly turn into problems.
  • Uniform, homogeneous - If there are incomprehensible spots, non-original color transitions, it may be a sign of marriage or fake. You need to hold the stand in your hands - if something confuses, it is better to postpone the product.

Yes, and in general, the product should not leave questions from the buyer. Other, without visible deformations, working with a good tint and smooth surface is immediately perceived positively. But if at least something is alarming, there are no shortcomings to cover low price (and it is not always low).

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_17

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_18

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_19

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_20

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_21

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_22

Terms of Use

In principle, these rules are largely intersecting with the moments of the care of wooden cutting boards. The principle is the same: you need to clean and soak the tree in time so that it retains its original species as long as possible.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_23

We will analyze that it will help the stand to stay beautiful and serve for a long time.

  • Impregnation with vaseline oil . It is inexpensive, and it will be used by purpose - it helps the tree do not crack over time. Yes, and the cutting boards them, of course, are impregnated.
  • Cleaning after use . It is not always necessary that, but if the trail from the dishes remained, it must be removed. You can use a liquid detergent and a wet cloth made of natural fabric. If someone fundamentally uses household chemicals, you can take a salt: the stand is simply sprinkled with salt, and then this salt is erased with lemon. Then the stand will only need to rinse.
  • Sew standing along with dishes is not worth it. It must be simply put on a flat surface. But if you put it (what many, by the way, and do), over time, it can noticeably bend in one direction.
  • No need to wash the product in the dishwasher . Such supports are extremely sensitive to water, and you can only wash them manually.
  • Do not leave the stand and in the sink . Used, washed, sent to their place - just so correctly.

Some specially set up several supports: one will be working, it is used strictly for its intended purpose. But others are more fellow in decorative purposes, and it is also good.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_24

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_25

Creating your own hands

What do not make craftsmen: Stands, decorated with images in the technique of decoupage, lacquered products, options with burning. Someone is looking for a lacquer with a shade to cover them a wooden element, someone decides that it is better to paint the stand first. Perhaps, for self-making accessory, it will take billets, drawings, templates.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_26

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_27

From Spilov

Spike juniper - perfect stands under hot. But instead of this wood, both cuts of acacia, oak, apricot, ash, apple tree will be completely suitable. Progress.

  • Select the branches of the specified tree breeds, the thickness of which is 3-6 cm.
  • It will be more comfortable to ferment the branch of the end saw. But the usual tree hacksaw should cope with the task.
  • Each slice with the "face" needs grinding sandpaper.
  • The boron is easy to clean the knife, but if it is delicately adjacent, you can leave everything as it is.
  • This will be one combined stand from sections of different diameters, the front side must be addressed inside.
  • The less the stand has units, the easier it is to glue it. Kreagashi, ideally, torn together with each other should be in several zones. A sleeve is put on top of the joining zone, they will be fixed by "floors" with the help of PVA.
  • Then you need to be finished under the oppression on drying. For example, it is convenient to use sand bag. It all should be blocked for 5.

And it is still easier: to stick the circle on both sides from the cargoing, it will be stylish and cute.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_28

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_29

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_30

From clothespin

You will need the simplest wooden clothespins, superchalters, acrylic paints, and still varnish. First, all clothespins need to disassemble into two parts.

  • Smooth parts of the clothespins glue them two pieces. That is, how to turn the clothespin. 15 clothespins left for this cracker, but the size of the stand can be more.
  • Pair of halves glued together with superclaim, beveled elements to each other.
  • It often comes out that the last pair does not always fit clearly, and therefore it is delicately sharpened.
  • Then the clothespins need to smoke the superclaim.
  • It is necessary to choose a color, because, most likely, if you simply handle the craft of varnish, it will not be so original. In this case, they decided that the stand would be a gentle pink.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_31

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_32

It will only be left to cover the product with varnish. But this is not the only option to build crafts: you can not glue the wooden elements in pairs, but glue them with oblique parts together. It does not change the essence, just the drawing of the crafts becomes another.

As already noted, the coasters are hot - part of the decor, and therefore they can be both universal and festive, seasonal. And this is a wonderful service element that will do lunch or dinner more attractive, aesthetic and long-awaited.

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_33

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_34

Stands under the hot wood (35 photos): Round and others. Wooden stand with your own hands from the spikes of the tree according to the drawings. How to make them out of clothespins? What to cover them? 10612_35

On how to make wooden stands under hot, see the next video.

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