Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus


Frying Potatoes is a favorite delicacy of many people. Preparation of such treats becomes fast and easy if you use high-quality potatoes. Today, such tools are produced in a huge assortment and many manufacturers. In this article we will review potatoes for fries.

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_2

general description

Modern hostesses have the opportunity to prepare a variety of delicacies and treats with minimal time and energy costs. This is helped by thoughtful devices that simplify many processes. So, To quickly and easily prepare crispy french fries, current manufacturers produce high-quality potatoes in a large assortment.

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_3

Ferry potatoes are devices through which the most fast and neat potato cutting is ensured. Usually these items are equipped with reliable metal housings, have stable and strong bases. In constructions, ergonomic and comfortable handles are envisaged. Included with many potatoes for fries go different versions of knives, with which it turns out to cut a neat straw, not only from potato tubers, but also from other solid vegetables, such as carrots or beets.

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_4

For modern potatoes, high-quality and strong stainless steel knives are manufactured. They do not oxidize, do not break, do not stupid soon. Cutting vegetables is particularly effective and neat if the cutting parts are well sharpened.

Models of potatoes have different sizes. Most of these devices are compact and mobile. It is convenient to store and operate them. The buildings of high-quality branded models are quite severe, so during their operation, people have to make certain efforts.

Due to the high-quality potato preparation, the preparation of the treats is taking a lot less time. With such utensils, users can make delicious and satisfying delicacy quickly and easily. At the same time, the operation of the subjects in question is characterized by security. If you use them for all the rules, the risk of injury about sharp knives is reduced to zero.

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_5


The range of potatoes for fries allows you to choose the best option to buyers with different requirements and wishes. Such devices are divided into many different types. We will get acquainted closer with the features of some of them.

  • Manual. In a wide range, hand cutters for Potato Fries are presented. It can be diverse grabs, small presss with a strong metal mesh and a wavy blade (for corrugated stories). Working with such devices, people have to make certain efforts. Most hand-held kitchen tools are completely inexpensive, are understandable and easy to use. The cutting parts in them are usually produced from a stainless steel, and the handles are made of plastic.

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_6

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_7

  • Mechanical. Mechanical potatoes are very popular. Many of them work on the principle of the press. Users are only required to make naughs on the appropriate levers so that the potato tube can be cut into the necessary oblong slices. Mechanical models are often complemented by replaceable nozzles, they may not have not only compact, but also large sizes. Standing these varieties are more expensive than simple manual.

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_8

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_9

  • Electric. The most popular and practical specimens are often multifunctional, suitable not only for cutting potatoes on fries, but also for other processes. Such equipment is not only domestic, but also professional (industrial). The electrical apparatus may be quite expensive, but with it the cutting will be the fastest, easy and neat.

Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_10

It is necessary to take into account the fact that such a technique is dependent on electricity.

    Best manufacturers

    Nowadays, a large number of large manufacturers produces very good, practical and durable potatoes for fries. We will get acquainted closer with the best and most popular brands offering high-quality devices for neat cutting potatoes.

    • Dosh Home. This manufacturer issues relatively inexpensive mechanical potatoes, the cutting components of which are made of stainless steel. Compact and very convenient devices are complemented by very sharp blades that, if necessary, can be replaced by observing all caution measures. For example, in a convenient and compact model VEGA 100704 to replace the blades, it is enough to remove the top cover.

    Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_11

    Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_12

    • Dekok. The assortment of this manufacturer also has very good mechanical potatoes working on the principle of a reliable press. In the design of these products, materials such as stainless steel and durable plastic are used. Included with cutting from Dekok are shift blades.

    Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_13

    Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_14

    • Kamille. Very good potato models produces this company. In its assortment, buyers can find devices with replaceable knives and non-slip base.

    Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_15

    Thanks to Kamille devices, you can get potato pars of different sizes.

    • Gemlux. In the assortment of the specified popular brand, you can meet an expensive, but high-quality electrical technique, by means of which solid vegetables can be cut into slices. Thus, the GL-VC300A model has a power of 0.6 kW, designed for desktop installation. Its design is made of aluminum and stainless steel.

    Potatoes for FRI: hand grabs for potatoes and electric devices for cutting it, professional presses and household apparatus 10601_16

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