Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting "Nutcracker" and electrical models for rings of nuts, wooden and other walkers


Today it is not difficult to buy ready-made peeled, salted and roasted nuts in the store. Therefore, many do not even think about the existence of nutocols. But the one who is engaged in the nut business or simply raised the Walnut tree in his garden, faced a problem, how to alleviate the tedious and stretched labor to extract delicious cores from a solid shell. Will help in this difficult special fixtures for the ring, which will be discussed in our article.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

general description

Nutokol is a special mechanism that helps to split a solid fetus shell obtained from some tree breeds or shrubs. The device is better than a simple hammer, because it fixes the nut, not allowing him to slip at the time of the splitting. The cracked shell remains in the device and does not figure out in all directions, and the kernel of the nut is not flattened, as it happens from the usual impact of a solid object.

Walnuts have small sizes, they always have a place in the kitchen. Often, fixtures give a decorative appearance, so they can be used as an original gift for any event. Mechanisms for rolling nuts are extremely simple, even children are easy to master them.

The devices are easy to care, wash and store, and creative instances become an unusual decor in the dining room or kitchen.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

It is difficult to say when the first auxiliary products appeared in this field of activity. The earliest mentiones send researchers by almost the 7th centuries ago - it is so many years to stones with the recesses of artificial origin. They are in the amount of more than 50 pieces, found in Israel near the Dead Sea. Scientists believe that with the help of these devices, people facilitated their work with the slices of pistachios and almonds.

The famous figures of Nutcrackers in the form of a human face with a terrible ruffle appeared at the beginning of the XIX century in Germany. Perhaps they were conceived as tools to open the shell of nuts, but they were rarely used for their intended purpose. They were sold at Christmas fairs as a peculiar home decoration for the holiday.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting


Nutokol categories are based on the appointment, according to the material of the manufacture, by varieties of nuts. The devices can be performed from wood, metal, there are less often plastic options, and silver devices can be found as antiques. Most nutocoles are designed to work with walnuts, it is rare to meet individual adaptations for smaller fruits, such as cedar, forest nuts (sung) or their cultural fellow - hazelnut.

More often release universal metal and wooden devices with capture and focus on nuts of different sizes. It is quite realistic to find multifunctional devices capable of pricking almonds, pistachios, pecan nuts, as well as acorns or chestnuts. Over the appointment of nutocols are household and industrial. Select manual, mechanical and electrical categories. Consider them in more detail.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting


Household devices are used in everyday life, on ordinary kitchens for splitting and extracting nuclei from the shell in small quantities. They look in the form of miniature comfortable hand tools. Orekhocols operating in the following principles are most often used:

  • The pressure is performed on the nut, laid in the conical bed between the two handles connected at one point;
  • The splitting occurs due to the increasing load at the moment of spinning the screw.

Output of whole (intact) nuclei from a device of any kind guaranteed in an amount of up to 80%.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting


These include complex stationary equipment (machines), operating on electricity on the principle of splitting nuts using a removable shaft of a special form. The device recycles nuts in large quantities in a short time. The laying occurs by large-scale portions, and not one fruit, as in living conditions. Strong and reliable devices are able to withstand any load.

In large enterprises, in addition to splitting technology, a whole line of devices for the processing of nuts of nuts is involved. - Drying cabinet, tape transporter, vibrating calibrator (machine for sizes sorting) and other electrical devices that facilitate the work of the factory worker. Equipment can be recycled up to 200 kg of products per hour, receiving up to 70% of entire nuclei. Damaged or split material is on the manufacture of nut oil, sweet pasta, additives in confectionery.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting


Mechanical shell processing devices are suitable for use in small business. They occupy an intermediate link between manual walkers and industrial equipment.

The device works without the help of electricity, using the muscular power of a person, processes up to 30 kg of nuts per hour. The work requires a small effort of the hands, but sometimes mechanisms are used on a foot drive. This type of technology costs the entrepreneur much cheaper than industrial equipment, and also takes a little space.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Design options

Nutokol is not the most necessary thing in the kitchen. To interest buyers and offer them not only a practical device, but also a decorative product that can be viewed as an original gift, manufacturers began to make appliances in the form of animals (proteins, wolf, dogs, deer), mushrooms, fairy-tale heroes (dragon). As for human characters, their use began in the XIX century with the famous Nutcracker.

Look, with what humor Americans turned to the image of Hillary Clinton. By the way, the former US president Bill Clinton, Hillary's husband, also did not pay attention to creative craftsmen - his image was used in the form of a corkscrew for opening bottles. Beautiful spherical or hemispherical design is used in the device "Antistress". Walnut is laid inside the fixture. To break it, you need to spill up maximum energy, attach an effort, hitting a ball about the wall or a fist on the hemisphere.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

The most budgetary adaptation for opening the walnut is a small key, as if borrowed from a clockwork toy. It has a sharp tip that is focused between halves of shells and, doing movement to the right and left, split nuts in half. Beautiful nutrocol "fungus", author's work, made of dense wood beech. It is arranged on the basis of the screw. In a thickened leg is a hole where you should lay the nut of any size - walnut, almond, forest, you can put the fruit of chestnut. Then, holding the mushroom hat, you need to do the rotational movements, spinning the bouwn until the crash is heard.

Walfokol "Dragon" was still available to the Soviet industry. It was assumed that the nut will be laid in the mouth, and the pressure levers will perform a dragon body. In practice, it was necessary to make a lot of effort to split the shell, and the device itself was used more as a decorative element for decorating the kitchen.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Best manufacturers

The speed and quality of the split nuts depend on the corresponding devices. Choosing a reliable manufacturer of this type of appliances, we get a high percentage of solid nuclei. The equipment of the famous French company AMB ROUSSET and the German company Feucht-Obsttechnik has proven well in this area. We offer an overview of popular walkers and from other manufacturers.


A small device from Vktech refers to the most reliable household fixtures for rings of nuts. In the process of operation, the fetal fixation of the fetus and the rapid splitting of its shell occurs. Steel construction is conveniently located on a wooden stand.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Christopher Kuh.

Stylish refined nutocol from Christopher KUH is an aluminum tube. It is sent to her nut, which is held by the inner cutters. It remains only to scroll the halves of the device and get the finished nucleolo.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Rocket Nutcracker (Little J)

A miniature unusual product rolling nuts of different sizes. It has a plastic housing with a bowl under the fruit. The working handle is made of steel and withstand multiple loads.

The process of the flask occurs by simple compression of the handle.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

Mingrizhiguang Home.

One of the cheapest devices designed for seeds and small nuts (pistachios, cedar). It looks like scissors (tongs), in which, instead of blades, special excavations are done to capture the walnut. The fruit should simply be placed in the hole and compress the knobs of the device.

Orekhokol: for walnuts and cedar, for hazelnuts. Fitting

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