Xiaomi trash can: features a "smart" bucket for TowNew T1 garbage. How to select packets and cartridges for the Xiaomi garbage bucket?


The Chinese brand Xiaomi has long been surprised by buyers with original products with useful performance characteristics. It was this company first that guessed to automate the garbage packaging process. So there was a "smart" trash can, the convenience of which has already been appreciated by many users. Consider the features of this unique device in more detail.

Xiaomi trash can: features a

About brand

Xiaomi is a Chinese company founded in 2010. Today it is known for the release of smartphones, tablets, headphones, fitness bracelets. Besides, The company offers "Smart products" for home . For example, many have heard of a heated toilet cover, a bidet function and illumination. Another example of comfortable arrangement is an automated laundry dryer.

In 2014, the company introduced a whole home automation system. Smart Home includes alarm, surveillance cameras, night lights, home appliances control unit. And it has reached the topics of garbage. A special bucket of Townew T1 decorates the house and facilitates the life of his residents.

Xiaomi trash can: features a


The product is supplied in a cardboard box filled with protective elements made of foam. The kit includes a bucket, a cartridge with garbage packages (28 pieces) and a charger. Also attached instructions. It is written in Chinese, but detailed illustrations allow you to easily deal with the connection of the device.

The bucket can be kept constantly included in the outlet. If this option does not fit you, you can simply periodically charge it. Built-in battery (2000 mA · h) runs about 45 days. To fully fill the charge, it takes 10 hours. During recharging, there is an internal illumination. When the process ends, it turns off.

Xiaomi trash can: features a

Xiaomi trash can: features a


The model is called Xiaomi Townew T1 Smart Trash. The bucket is made of plastic, has a rectangular shape with rounded edges. The size of the device is 40.2x28x24 cm. It should be noted that the bucket should remain free space for at least 70 cm. Otherwise, the lid will not be able to fully open. Therefore, if you plan to put a bucket under the sink, make sure that the places are enough.

The container is hermetically closed. Its volume is 15.5 liters. Size can be called average, but it is enough for domestic use.

The bucket is made in a minimalist modern design. The manufacturer offers models in two colors: white and black. Both options are matte.

And also there are two specifications. The first has rubberized legs, pallet (in case of garbage flow) and 3 LEDs on the inner surface of the lid. The second option is cheaper. The pallet and legs are not here, but there are 6 LEDs.

Xiaomi trash can: features a

Xiaomi trash can: features a

Principle of operation

When a person comes to the bucket and makes a hand to him, the motion sensor works. The lid opens. This allows you to quit trash inside. When the hand is cleaned, the sensor tracks it. The device is closed.

The automation works only when moving above the lid (sensitivity of the sensor - 30-35 cm). And if you, for example, have accustomed to throw into the basket a crumpled paper from afar, here this number will not pass. We will have to approach the device.

In the process of opening / closing the lid, a small noise is distributed. According to users, he is a quiet and very unprazing. It is worth noting that If there is something that interferes with the lid movement in the trajectory of the lid, the process will automatically stop the process . Therefore, put the tank into a small locker and throwing the garbage into a half-open container will not work.

When filling the bucket, activate the automatic package of the package. To do this, click on the button. The upper part of the device is folded. There is a beep. Hermetically sparkled package can be taken. Then the container is automatically closed. Bag change occurs.

Xiaomi trash can: features a

Xiaomi trash can: features a

After removing the bag, the fan is activated. With it, a new package is blowing out. Due to vacuum, polyethylene is evenly distributed over the walls of the container.

The TowNew T1 bucket management is carried out using two buttons. The one is located on the rear wall, includes a device. The one is on the front of the container, is programmed into several options for action:

  • one pressing is the opening of the lid and disable automation, including the motion sensor (this mode allows you to change the cartridge);
  • Re-pressing - closing the lid and switching on the sensor;
  • Long retention (4 seconds) - shift the garbage bag.

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    Cartridge with replaceable bags is installed on the cover from the inside. The garbage packaging can occur in two methods.

    1. In the usual situation, the package seats occurs inside the capacity. After the procedure, the cover opens, the beep sounds.
    2. If the package is full, the upper part is raised and captures all the garbage. Only after that the packaging is carried out in open mode.

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    Xiaomi trash can: features a


    Advantages of bucket TowNew T1 is obvious:

    • The device is characterized by ease of use (to deal with connectivity and the principle of work can each);
    • Contact contact with the garbage, disappears the need to manually tie a package, change it to a new one (everything happens in automatic mode);
    • Unpleasant odors do not go beyond the capacity, which allows you to put a bucket in any room;
    • Stylish design allows you to place a bucket even in a prominent place;
    • There is a blocking from children, not allowing to turn a trash can into a toy;
    • LED backlight - useful function;
    • If desired, the bucket can be used in manual mode.

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    The disadvantages include only the highest value of the "smart" bucket. But numerous advantages fully justify the company's pricing policy.


    Many buyers the device seemed interesting and helpful. Users note that the bucket exploitation is simple and quite pleasant. And inclusion, and the installation of cartridges does not cause any difficulties. At the same time, a person remains only to endure the garbage, the rest of the unit does himself.

    Like people and tightness of the container, and its design. The versatility of the shape and color decoration allows you to harmoniously enter the Townew T1 in any interior of the kitchen and even rooms. Some have adapted a bucket for paper garbage, candy candy, putting it next to the desktop.

    Product quality does not cause complaints. There are no false responses of the motion sensor, the package seating process always passes properly. The appearance of the tank is almost flawless - everything is done carefully, if you do not find fault in the trifles.

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    Users report that one cartridge with bags grabs about a month. Brand packages can be called durable, but they do not have handles to transfer that some are classified as flaws. In addition, the cost of consumables makes think about the feasibility of replacing the usual bucket on the "smart" miracle of technology.

    Today, TowNew T1 can be purchased at a price of about 5,000 rubles. Cartridges are sold with sets of 6 pieces. The approximate price of such a set is about 2000 rubles. If you calculate the price of one bag and compare with conventional dense packages, 10x exceeds. Nevertheless, is it worth paying for convenience, everyone decides for himself.

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    Xiaomi trash can: features a

    About what kind of garbage buckets Xiomi, look in the following video.

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