Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews


Comfortable bathroom today - the absolute norm for any property. Modern designers at the same time rely not only on the convenience, but also in aesthetics. Toilets Belbagno - pretty popular range of sanitary ware in the market today. The product range is designed for consumers with different income levels. Brand confidently said about the quality of the goods. Stylish compacts, rimless, suspended ladders and toilets was built with the latest trends.

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_2

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_3

Goods Belbagno

Italian brand of sanitary ware is designed for a wide variety of buyers. In the line of several categories of goods:

  • toilets and bidets;
  • shell;
  • mixers.

All product appropriate certification and created on the Italian equipment. Innovative technologies are constantly being introduced into the development.

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_4

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_5

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_6

Most of the production is located in the Chinese territory, but quality control very seriously. The choice of location was determined by the desire to reduce production costs, and, consequently, the final price in stores. As for the design, in its development is attended only by Italian experts, so that lineup looks modern, elegant and stylish.

In addition to style, very important to the quality of material used . The walls of all the products are thickened due to special innovations. This makes the products more durable and increases the service life of plumbing.

Manufacturers argue that even long-term operation does not affect the appearance of the product - it will be pure white and glowing.

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_7

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_8

Selection parameters

Selection of the toilet is a very serious stage of repair bathrooms. It affects not only the appearance of the premises, but also comfort. When choosing this product should pay attention to many parameters: room size, style, budget. Enormous role played by the material from which made the toilet.

  • Faience. The most popular and low-end, durable material. Among the disadvantages of isolated high degree of porosity due to which the cleaning process becomes more complicated.

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_9

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_10

  • Porcelain. Externally, it is difficult to distinguish from earthenware, but the price is much higher. In addition, it has a serious characteristics: less wear, more smooth and does not absorb moisture, dirt repellent.

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_11

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_12

  • Steel. This species is not very popular, although the durability performance and durability it is clearly higher. Such models are more expensive.

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_13

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_14

  • Stone. Usually used marble or artificial imitation. This is a very expensive form, which is often sold only in high-end salons or made to order. This toilet is absolutely smooth, not afraid of water, hygienic and beautiful.

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_15

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_16

  • Plastic. Acrylic bowls thanks to its lightness is most often used in cottages.

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_17

Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_18

    Apart from the material, you should pay attention to the type of water discharge:

    • horizontal - a wall;
    • vertical - on the floor.

    Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_19

    Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_20

      The water supply is also important. For example, the lower supply less noisy side - it is cheaper. Choosing a toilet flushing will appreciate the type:

      • straight - is carried out from a single point and is on the same trajectory, it is considered not very hygienic;
      • circular - water is supplied around the ring and bathes the entire bowl, more hygienic, but also more expensive.

      Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_21

        One more important thing - the form of the cup:

        • funnel - aperture is placed in the center, very hygienic form, however, water can be sprayed;
        • plate - require a lot of water, as it is necessary to wash out of the cavity;
        • visor - optimum type in which the opening is inclined.

        Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_22

          Not always complete with a toilet lid goes, but it is necessary. products can be found in a large range:

          • duroplastic - a strong, well tolerated by exposure to water and cleaning agents;
          • polypropylene - inexpensive, light, bend, but not too strong.

          Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_23

          Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_24

            You can purchase a cover which will close silently - it is a trifle, but it makes use of the fixtures even more comfortable. In addition to all the above, it is necessary to determine the type of toilet installation method. Among Belbagno several.

            Types of toilets in the brand portfolio

            In Belbagno produce the following types:

            • outdoor;
            • Power;
            • Suspended.

            Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_25

            Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_26

            Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_27

              In the model range of the brand can also be found many instances of rimless.

              • Floor types is attached to the floor, this is a classic toilet that is more familiar. Its installation is very simple, the costs are minor. Such toilets easy to repair in case of damage, since all the parts are available. The difference in the models - the shape of the bowl, and flush mount type tank. The latter may be separately above, attached to the cup or be monobloc.
              • Side type more compact, it combines the floor and hanging. Attach it to the floor, but at the same time the tank hidden in the wall. This plumbing is well suited for small bathrooms, as it takes up less space than the floor. Care should be taken to trim the walls, behind which the tank has not been embedded tightly. Otherwise, in case of breakage is necessary to carry out the dismantling.
              • Suspension type . This plumbing takes up little space and provides full access to all areas when cleaning. Not fixed to the floor, and therefore does not violate the drawing of floor covering. The tank is built into the wall.

              Paragraph on access to communications is also relevant here.

              Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_28

              Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_29

                Lineup Belbagno

                • Mattino - Made from porcelain, floor toilet with a silent tank set, circular type drain, economical water consumption. Cute design, stylish. Installed simply.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_30

                • FLAY. - Suspended porcelain model with a release of horizontal type, draining circular. Compact, stylish, suitable for small bathrooms.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_31

                • Silvia. - Plowed view with horizontal release, material - porcelain. It takes very little space.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_32

                • Prospero - Suspended model of the bakery type, the release type is horizontal, washed around the perimeter. Spectacular design, takes very little space.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_33

                • Alpina - The monoblock type of floor mounting, in the seats from Duroplast Soft Close, washed off around the perimeter, water is recruited without noise.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_34

                • Torino - Another monoblock outdoor model with a two-mode fittings, a circular drain and a quiet water set.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_35

                • Ancona. - Floor-type compact model without rim, water is supplied from below, double-mode reinforcement, high-quality circular flushing.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_36

                • Alba. - Suspended type, the lid does not fit. Very stylish design, adequate price, compact model.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_37

                • GALA - A compact model with a tank, a two-mode reinforcement, a plum of perimeter, a quiet range of water with lower suspension.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_38

                • Sfera. Burning type of suspended type without lid included. A pretty compact model that perfectly fit into the design of even a small bathroom.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_39

                • Albano - Bearless toilet. Stylish design, Soft Close system for a lid of duroplast.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_40

                • Avanto. - toilet outdoor type of oval form with horizontal release. Made from porcelain.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_41

                • Boheme. - Power toilet bowl white. Chrome fittings, Soft Close system for a duroplast lid. The design is stylish, you can choose accessories in suitable color: gilded, bronze or chrome. Wash around the perimeter, water is produced vertically. Attached to the floor.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_42

                • Felice. - Suspended type toilet, washing a circular type around the perimeter, a horizontal water release. Stylish design, takes little space due to compactness.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_43

                Customer Reviews

                Since Belbagno manufactures a very wide range of plumbing at reasonable prices, quite a lot of customer reviews. A variety of a series of model range, in which the line of various toilet bowls are presented, allows you to choose the goods to any, most discerning taste.

                Many doubt as due to the fact that the products are produced in China, which many are associated with not too ideal production. However, quality control is very careful. Factory marriage, judging by reviews, rarity. Especially since production in China significantly reduces the price of the goods.

                Almost everyone remains satisfied with the range - the choice is huge regardless of the needs. There are the simplest compacts, stylish suspended, original attachments. Stylistics of performance is the most diverse, you can choose the model for both minimalist and classic design. Most of the reviews are positive, however, there are also negative reviews regarding minor shortcomings.

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_44

                Toilets Belbagno: an overview of suspended and rimless toilet bowl of a series of Prospero and Alpina, Torino and Mattino, Ancona and Alba, Gala and Sfera. Reviews 10543_45

                On how to install and mount the suspension toilet BELBAGNO ALDINA, see the following video.

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