Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews


A huge range of plumbing any unprepared buyer can lead to confusion. Therefore, before going to the store better to familiarize themselves with the interests of manufacturers and models, to study their characteristics and read customer reviews, which have already appreciated you are interested in bathrooms in practice.

Plumbing equipment Turkey VitrA brand is one of the most popular to date. A wide range of products that combine impeccable style and technological excellence, can not fail to attract modern customers.

Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_2

Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_3

Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_4

Information about brand

Turkish manufacturer VitrA began its history with a small workshop in Istanbul in 1942, specializing in the production of goods of porcelain, which at that time were in short supply. After the war, during the economic boom the company began producing sanitary ware ceramics. It was opened in 1958, the first factory. Over the next 25 years, VitrA was a consummate leader in the production of ceramic sanitary ware in Turkey.

Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_5

To date, the brand VitrA is part of a large holding Eczac bas ?, which includes more than 40 companies covering the most diverse areas: construction, finance, information technology. For more than 70 years of experience the company has become popular almost all over the world (more than 70 of the world powers), including in the Russian Federation . In 2011, VitrA Serpukhov, opened the first factory is engaged in production of ceramic tiles, then in Moscow was opened a company specializing in the production of sanitary equipment.

Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_6

Features of products

Each manufacturer strives to improve its competitiveness, which is determined by its ability to consistently maintain the highest possible demand for their products. To do this, the goods must have a number of features that distinguish them among many other manufacturers of similar products. Plumbing Turkish brand VitrA has a number of advantages that make it popular all over the world:

  • 2 discharge mode that will conserve water;
  • produced models with ekosertifikat, which indicates that these products are made from environmentally friendly raw materials;
  • a huge range of products makes it possible to choose the toilet from any price;
  • produced compact toilets that can be easily installed even in a small room;
  • a high quality china and earthenware, which are made from toilet bowls;
  • You can, if desired, install the cover-cover with a smooth lowering function;
  • structural strength withstands weight up to 450 kg;
  • There is a series of models for people with disabilities.

Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_7

Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_8

Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_9

    The new word in the sphere of sanitary service is furious toilets, which in the absence of hard-to-reach plots, exclude the possibility of reproduction of microbes and dirt.

    That is, such toilets are the most hygienic of the current existing ones. Also in most models there is a container for a cleansing agent, which is used for each wash. Espace toilet series has a hidden drain tank, which is located under the product of the product.

    Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_10

    Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_11


    The Turkish brand Vitra produces the toilet bowls of a wide variety of designs.

    1. Toilet compact. The standard model of the bathroom, in the kit always goes the tank, which is attached from above the bowl. Installation of such a toilet can be made independently by using detailed instructions.
    2. Suspended bathrooms . Such a toilet is attached to the wall, and the drain tank is installed in the wall or is trimmed with plasterboard. The convenience of such a model is that the bowl is on weight, which greatly facilitates its cleaning. This product looks in the interior of the bathroom easily and compact.
    3. Power toilets. Such a model is attached to the floor, however, the tank is either fixed close to the wall or mounted into it. Power products save space, but their cleaning requires additional effort, since there are hard-to-reach places.
    4. Corner toilet. The type of outdoor model, the design of which allows you to place a bathroom in the corner of the premises with non-standard layout. The unusual design of the product will give the toilet interior a little originality.

    Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_12

    Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_13

    Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_14

    Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_15

      Also on sale issued children's models which differ in small dimensions. A special bathrooms for people with disabilities are equipped with additional elements and non-standard heights. Bearless toilet bowl - innovation in the production of sanitary equipment, it is most hygienic and unpretentious in cleaning.

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_16

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_17

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_18

      Another interesting decision is Tank location from below the bowl, The so-called attached model, it looks very aesthetic and allows you to save the bathroom space well. Many models come complete with a tank or seat cover with a microlift.

      If the package of the toilet is not provided, then they can be purchased separately.

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_19

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_20

      The huge range of Plumbing equipment of the Turkish brand Vitra makes it possible to easily choose everything you need for the arrangement of the bathroom. A wide selection of units is represented by various series of bathrooms: Zentrum, Sento, Arkitekt, Serenada, Diana, Shift, Metropole, Grand, D-Light, Sunrise, Efes, Integra, Normus, etc. They differ among themselves not only by the type of design and dimensions, but also by technical characteristics - the water outlet mode, its direction, the type of flush, the flow of water, additional functions.

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_21

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_22

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_23

      Today, the following Vitra bathrooms are used in the greatest demand.

      • Unitaz compact Vitra Zentrum - 9012V003-7204. Outdoor faience model of oval shape, with universal release. There is a two-mode tank trigger with cascade water drainage. Included with the model there is a seat lid with a microlift function. The average price is 12500-13000 rubles (2019).

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_24

      • Corner toilet Vitra Arkitekt - 9754V003-7201. Outdoor faience model is designed to accommodate indoors with non-standard layout. In the package with the product includes a seat cover with a function of smooth lowering, as well as a tank having 2 plum modes. Type of flushing - cascade, there is an anti-flex system. Price - from 11,000 to 11800 rubles (2019).

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_25

      • Unitaz Vitra Serenada - 9722V003-7204 . Floor construction, made in retrosetil from high quality porcelain, will decorate any bathroom. Complete with the product there is a standard seat cover and a tank with a dual-mode drain system. The design of the bathroom provides a side lining, a cascading organization of a flushing stream. Product price - from 30400 to 31000 rubles (2019).

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_26

      • Suspended toilet Vitra Metropole - 5676V003-1086. Standard design of the suspended bathroom from the porcelain is suitable for any interior of the toilet room. A compact shortened rectangular model with a cup of 33 cm is convenient not only in use, but also in cleaning, as it is possible to easily wash out even the most hard-to-reach places. Plum mode is determined by the installation system. Included with the toilet seat cover with the SoftClose system (Soft closure) is not provided, however, it can be purchased separately. The cost of such a model is 26500-27000 rubles (2019).

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_27

      • Unitaz compact Vitra Grand 9763V003-1206 . Outdoor model made of porcelain. The drain tank with two drain buttons is attached from above to the toilet. Cascade washing in combination with the ANTISPRESS system eliminates the possibility of the restriction of the bathroom. Complete with the product there is a standard seat cover. The main feature of the model is the installed bidet function. The price of this toiletz varies from 7400 to 8500 rubles (2019).

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_28

      • Suspended Unitaz Vitra D-Light 5910V003-1086 complete with Geberit installation. The practicality of the kit makes it particularly popular among buyers, since the need to look for the installation system is discarded, and this is a very painstaking job. Also in the package includes a seat cover with a smooth lowering function. The model is made of porcelain, has a cascade washing of water. The average cost of the toilet is from 27,000 to 28,000 rubles (2019).

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_29

      • Unitaz Vitra Normus 9773B003-7200 with installation . In the kit there is a seat cover with a smooth lowering function. The suspended faience model provides for a hidden watering of water with a duplex drain. It has a compact, shortened design.

      Perfect for small bathrooms.

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_30

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_31

      Installation recommendations

      Installing the toilezes of Vitra has the same procedure as the installation of the bathrooms of any other manufacturer. Included with the product always comes with the necessary fasteners. Frequently appear issues related to installation installation, which is required for the Vitra Turkish Brand Suspension Bedrooms. The main thing when choosing the installation is to pick up the exact size, since the designs differ depending on the models.

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_32

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_33

      When buying a toilet or suspended toilet type, providing for the hidden fastener system of the drain tank, it is necessary to take into account that the installation of such equipment involves the tank and pipes and pipes dryliton. In this case, part of the bathroom space is closed, so such a type of toilet will be inappropriate for small rooms. If, after reading with the instructions, you have a lot of questions about the installation of the bathroom. It is better to seek help from specialists who will make it much faster.

      Video instructions for installing a suspended toilet Vitra is given later.

      Review reviews

      Vitra's toilets are in fairly large demand in the sanitary equipment market. Popularity is caused by the rather high quality of products of this manufacturer, as well as a developed functional side. . Buyers say noiselessness of the water set in the tank, a long time to preserve the purity of the toilet, the convenience of the anti-tape system, the softness of the lid with the function of the microlift, the high quality of the factory assembly.

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_34

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_35

      However, some buyers identified the shortcomings of Vitra's unitasis. Separate users noted that the button on the tank is hardly pressed and often hits, and yellow drips and small cracks in which the dirt accumulates. The color of the toilet in reality has not such a snow-white shade, as in the pictures in the catalog. Many users believe that the ratio of price and the quality of Turkish toilets of this brand is unequal.

      Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that before buying a specific toilet, it is necessary to read the reviews of those who have already managed to buy such a model.

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_36

      Toilets VitrA: features suspension and rimless Turkish toilets, overview of models Zentrum and Sento, Arkitekt corner toilet with lid and floor Serenada, reviews 10522_37

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