Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet


Often, designers reduce the sanuce area to a minimum. In a small fitting room, compact units are perfect. Consider in more detail what happens and how to choose small toilet bowls.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_2

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_3

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_4

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_5

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_6

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_7

Advantages and disadvantages

For any toilet, a mini-toilet bowl with a tank is well suited. Most models do not contain any drawbacks, but have many advantages, namely:

  • uncomplicated installation;
  • reliability and durability of structures;
  • simplicity;
  • Combination with any interior;
  • variety of models;
  • The product does not require a spacious room.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_8

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_9

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_10

Built-in devices are also suitable for any bathrooms. The advantages of the suspension toilet are manifested in the following:

  • Easyness and simplicity of cleaning around the plumbing product;
  • Outdoor tile looks whole, the drawing on it is completely saved;
  • saving space of space;
  • The toilet room is visually expanding.

The disadvantages of the design are manifested in the following:

  • There is no free access to communications, which delivers certain inconvenience when breakdown a tank or pipe flow;
  • After servicing the drain system, the wall requires repair;
  • The complex with installation occupies a lot more space than the outdoor toilet.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_11

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_12

Review of species

Mini-toileties are divided into two types.

  • The suspension is the best solution for a close bathroom. The device is attached to the steel frame. Communication, tank, prefabricated valves, pipes are hidden behind the partition or hidden in the wall.
  • The most common look is floor compact-toilets. A model with a small drain tank, located directly on a solid shelf of the product itself, is a classic option.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_13

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_14

It is in demand and an appropriate structure that is installed close to the wall and fixes on the floor. Depth of such toilezes is usually 10-15 cm less than other models.

The angular modification is mounted on the back to the wall or at some distance from it. The product can be placed in any angle of the toilet room. Such outdoor models are characterized by a triangular tank. It is located on cast shelf. Such a modification saves a place in the bathroom.

Children's toilets are not yet great popularity. Although they are desirable to acquire families with several children.

Adult man fragile can safely enjoy children's models. People having a large physique, such a device is not suitable.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_15

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_16

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_17

Materials manufacturing

Most consumers prefer ceramic products . Plumbing from Fayans and Porcelain uses in high demand. The texture of the porcelain is characterized by hardness, strength, translucent. Small pores do not allow the material to absorb moisture. Faience, unlike the porcelain, absorbs moisture and is subject to staining. Faiansic products are characterized by heavy weight.

Meet Models made of cast iron, steel, plastic, stone and gold. Plastic toilets are distinguished by great strength and lightweight. They have increased hygiene. But the structures of plastic requires careful care: it is forbidden to use abrasive detergents and hard brushes.

Plumbing devices do not apply in the residential premises Stainless steel and plastics. Not in the trend at the modern consumer cast iron toilets. The enamel coating of cast iron products is subject to rapid destruction. Stone toilets look very beautiful. They are highly hygienic, but very fragile, so Any mechanical damage should be avoided.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_18

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_19

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_20


European plumbing devices are represented by a large variety of sizes. For large people, the toilets are 85 cm with a height of 85 cm, a length of 50 cm and a width of 40 cm. In a tight room, it is offered to install plumbing products with a tank. They may have a height - from 26 to 34 cm, width - from 29 to 35 cm, length - from 46 to 50 cm. Too short toilet is recommended to lift over the floor level.

The height of compact modifications with the withdrawal shelf is often 37 or 40 cm, the length is 46 cm. The angular models are most often represented by such dimensions: the width varies from 34.5 to 37.5 cm, the depth is from 72.5 to 79 cm, height - from 74 to 81.5 cm. Baby toilet bowls are usually width from 21 to 29 cm, a length of 28 to 40 cm and a height of 13 to 34 cm.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_21

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_22

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_23

The dimensions of the suspended miniature structures are the following limits:

  • width - from 29 to 35 cm;
  • Length - from 47 to 50 cm;
  • Height - from 26 to 33 cm.

Important! There are built-in models with a depth of 46.5 cm (the distance from the front edge to the touch with a wall point).

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_24

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_25

Review manufacturers

Plumbing products of the following manufacturers use in great demand:

  • Swedish company Gustavsverg. It is famous for its outdoor and suspended toilets, as well as products for disabled people with limited opportunities;
  • Spanish Holding Roca. It is famous for products of ergonomic design, the corporation produces many different configurations with any connection option;
  • Russian company Santek. offers consumers classic outdoor and suspended toilets at reasonable prices;
  • French firm Jakob Delafon. produces plumbing devices of the highest European quality;
  • German company Am. PM. It is famous for stylish and high-quality models of a wide variety of sizes and installation forms.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_26

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_27

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_28

Tips for choosing

Before purchasing the toilet, it should be measured from the wall to the center of the sewer tube. An important value is the location of the water pipeline, which should be freely reaching the flexible eyeliner. Best choose Universal model with a few options for connecting water and existing plugs for unused holes. A small appliance for the bathroom is selected taking into account the space and the number of tenants.

Compact toilet must be convenient . The width of the move from the toilet to the walls on both sides, the standards provide for at least 25 cm. In a combined bathroom, the distance to the bath or sink should be at least 70 cm.

When selecting the optimal height of the instrument, it is recommended to sit down the model in the trading point.

It is impossible to allow unpleasant sensations due to the resulting voltage in muscles or hanging legs. The too narrow seat leads to pains in the hips due to the rim cutting into them. Wide edges often contribute to the flow and even numbness.

Little toilets: the dimensions of mini-toilet bowls with a tank for a small-sized toilet. Selection of adult small toilet 10484_29

It is best to give preference to modify with a solid shelf. Installation of a plumbing device with anxal shelf is difficult to produce. It is necessary to pay attention to the capacity of the drain tank. There are structures involving water savings. They have 2 modes of operation, in which the draining of the liquid is made by parts.

An important value is the material from which the product is made. It is necessary to give preference to a solid model. Plumbing device should be carefully examined to eliminate the presence of cracks and other defects. It is necessary to check the drain system, the thread for connecting. In small-sized bathroom You can choose a non-standard toilet . It is supplemented with closed shelves for toiletries and a miniature sink.

Tips for the choice of toilet are waiting for you in the video below.

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