Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to?


oval mirror is able to blend in with the interior of virtually any bathroom. Its simple, uncluttered lines will not disturb the unity of the chosen style. What are the nuances to consider when choosing an oval mirror for vannogo premises? What features of the product should pay attention to?

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_2

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_3

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_4

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_5

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_6

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_7

How to choose?

Choosing to vannogo flat oval mirror, It should take into account such important characteristics of the product:

  • dimensions;
  • Color and material of the frame (rim);
  • type (desktop, wall, floor);
  • spraying material.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_8

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_9

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_10


When choosing an oval bathroom mirrors is important to consider the size of the room. Too large mirrors in the space of small rooms will look out of place and awkward. Small as mirrors, in turn, is simply "lost" in the background vannogo spacious room. To simplify the calculation of the approximate size of the product designers recommend to use the guidelines given below. So, it should be considered when choosing the appropriate size mirror that:

  • the height of the product shall be not less than half of adult height;
  • width must be equal to the width of the shell (or slightly exceed it);
  • the distance between the sink and the reflective cloth should be about 35-45 centimeters.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_11

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_12

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_13

The color and material of the frame (frame)

Well into the space vannogo premises fit the mirror with frame made in the same color as the other interior items - shelves, cabinets, towel . If the interior is designed in soft neutral or pastel colors, you can create in space a bright accent the room, picked up a mirror to the rim saturated colors - red, lemon, purple.

When selecting a suitable oval mirror for the bathroom should pay attention to the material from which made its rim. Thus, the most durable products are considered with frame made of stainless steel.

metal frame not afraid of high humidity and moisture, temperature extremes, mechanical action. Their only drawback is the significant weight.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_14

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_15

They are less durable rim From plastic. These shortcomings taken include increased fragility, vulnerability to mechanical and thermal stresses. At the same time, the plastic rims are quite practical to use - they are easy to clean from pollution, are lightweight, inexpensive and attractive look.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_16

The lowest demand oval mirrors with wooden frame (chipboard, MDF, solid wood). Under conditions of high humidity, the wooden frame quickly comes in disrepair, deformed and loses its appeal. More durable is considered rims from wood treated with special moisture-repellent compositions and impregnations.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_17

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_18

Separate attention deserve Frameless (frameless) oval mirrors. The edges of such products decorates the fating - a decorative inclined cut, treated with a special way.

After the fueticing of the edge of the mirror becomes absolutely safe for human hands, so that you can contact the product (wash, move) without gloves without fear of cuts.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_19

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_20

Type of

The most popular are Wall-mounted types of oval mirrors, which are usually placed above the sink or over the bathroom. Such products provide the best overview, and also allow you to rationally use the space of the bathroom. Outdoor models are less demanded . They require a sufficient number of free space in the bathroom, and their design provides for the presence of a massive stable frame. At the same time, the advantages of such models are mobility.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_21

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_22

If necessary, the floor mirror can be easily efforted from the bathroom to any other place. Desktop oval mirrors in the design of bathroom interiors are rarely used. Typically, such models are purchased for very small bathrooms, in which the mirrors cannot be placed.

The most convenient in operation is the desktop double-sided highlight models equipped with a stable hinge support.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_23

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_24

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_25

Deposition material

Modern models of oval mirrors for bathrooms usually have Aluminum or silver coating from the back side. From what material is made of spraying, not only the reflective properties of the mirror depend on, but also its price, and the duration of the service. Silver coated products are the most expensive and durable. Such a coating is resistant to the appearance of scratches, abrasion, exposure to moisture and detergents. Mirrors with a similar coating displays objects without distorting shape, sizes and color.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_26

Aluminum coating products are characterized acceptable cost, relative durability, good optical and reflective properties. However, their minuses are considered to include deterioration of reflective properties as it is exploited. Over the years, such mirrors are muttered, begin to distort the shape, size and color of the reflected objects. Before buying, you should carefully examine the facial side of the product. It should be flawlessly smooth, smooth and brilliant.

In the mirror thicker should not be viewed chips, cracks, bubbles. Oval Rubbing should not have traces of damage or deformations.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_27

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_28

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_29

Spraying on the back of the product should be a monophonic, uniform, smooth. If the deposition layer is applied unevenly or has visual defects in the form of thin cracks or chips, then it is better to refuse to buy from such a product. During the operation, damage will begin to quickly grow under the influence of moisture, which will lead to the need to purchase a new mirror.

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_30

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_31

Oval mirror in the bathroom: how to pick up a mirror in oval frame? What to pay attention to? 10431_32

About how to fix the oval mirror in the bathroom, you high up from the video below.

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