Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models


The mixer with the thermostat allows you to maintain the specified water temperature, regardless of the addiction of unexpectedly changing pressure. In addition, its use allows you to reduce the costs of housing and utilities. On the peculiarities of such models and the rules of its choice, let's talk in the article.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_2

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_3

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of thermostat mixers are safety and ease of operation. By setting the necessary temperature parameters, the user does not depend on the changed pressure, pressure, or water temperature, which comes from the central water supply. It is not only convenient and guarantees comfort during water procedures, but also safely. The issue of security is especially relevant for families in which there are elderly and small children.

Especially Similar mixers are in demand in houses with centralized heating. Here the water pressure depends on how many tenants use water at the same time. Most of all the inhabitants of the upper floors suffer, because in the evening (when the bulk is used in a bathroom or kitchen) water pressure changes, and with it - and temperature.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_4

However, temperature "jumps" are found even when using modern flow water heaters and gas boilers. These aggregates must supply water to a certain temperature (and adhere to a given range). But if this does not happen, it makes sense to think about the acquisition of the thermostat mixer.

Due to the ability to adjust the volume of hot and cold water, it is possible to achieve an economical consumption of water and, accordingly, reducing spending on the rent. The device adjusts hot water consumption having a higher rate.

Of the disadvantages - first of all the higher cost of mixers with a thermostat compared to classic products. In addition, they are very demanding of water pressure indicators in the pipes.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_5

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_6

Principle of operation

The model of the mixer with the thermostat is not much different from the traditional. The same can be said about its installation - the device joins the pipes of cold and hot water supply. But the principle of operation of the thermostat model is different. Inside the device - the valve capable of expanding and narrowed when the cold and hot liquid flows. Being programmed to a certain temperature (the user for this selects the pressure and sets the desired temperature), the valve becomes wider or narrow and thereby passing more hot or cold water.

Thanks to this, water flows the water of a stable temperature, the user does not need to tune it, turn the valves or lever.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_7

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_8

The thermostatic temperature sensor is inside the instrument and is characterized by increased sensitivity. The mixing of hot and cold water occurs also inside the device, the warm water of the temperature is flowing from the crane, which is set by the user. The main elements of the design of the thermostat mixer are:

  • Water supply faucet - an element that provides adjustment of the pressure;
  • Thermostatic valve - evaluates the water temperature, after which the lumen is adjustable for cold and hot water;
  • Thermostat handle - allows you to adjust the necessary temperature indicators of the thermostat.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_9

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_10


Depending on the installation method, you can select the thermosmers of open and closed type. The first are attached to the protruding pipes, that is, the entire communication system is noticeable for others. Closed-type (or embedded) are mixers in which only the handles and the crane itself are visible, that is, the whole communication is hidden behind the wall. But by how water turns on, you can allocate valve, single and double-dimensional mixer, and contactless (sensory) models . Depending on the principle of operation, 2 varieties of thermostat mixers are distinguished. Consider the features of each group more.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_11

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_12

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_13


More simplet installation and affordable can be called mechanical thermostat models. They are hermetically combined with hot and cold water pipe pipes. Then you need to turn on the water, using the handles and crane to set the necessary temperature regime, as a rule, mechanical mixers are equipped with regulators with scales.

The advantage of mechanical devices is their availability, reliability and simplicity of installation - Special devices or knowledge are not required. However, such structures will not allow the water temperature as accurately as possible (up to degree).

In addition, it is manually arranged to build the temperature and water pressure. However, if you are looking for inexpensive and durable equipment, then this is the best option.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_14

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_15

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_16

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_17


More modern and convenient thermosmers in which the electronic "filling" is responsible for setting the most accurate temperature (and maintenance). Also, by electronics, the pressure indicators and the temperature of the water are analyzed, after which the device makes a decision on how much hot or cold water should be mishaced. And all the data is displayed on the liquid crystal screen.

The device management is performed by pressing the mechanical or electronic buttons, even more modern models suggest contactless control (infrared sensors) using the remote control. Such models provide the most comfortable operation - the temperature is adjustable as accurately as possible (up to 1C), by pressing one button. In addition, for the most part electronic thermosmers have additional functions, and they look modern and stylish.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_18

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_19

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_20

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_21

The use of an electronic thermosetcher is a more prompt and accurate water adjustment, In addition, many models are equipped with water analysis programs, sensory control and other useful options. However, the mixers with an electronic thermostat have a higher cost, and also require the involvement of specialists for installation. It is worth noting that the repair of such a model will cost more.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_22

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_23

Rating models

The best mixers are German and Italian production. They are distinguished by high quality, however, the cost has a lot. Among the companies that are invariably occupying leading positions in the ranking of thermostatic mixers, Brand from Germany Grohe. In the manufacturer's lineup there Thermostat model GROHTERM 800 34558000. The mixer is made of brass and has a chrome surface. Ceramic cartridge, design is characterized by simplicity of installation due to S-shaped eccentric. Also has a deep cleaning filter and check valve.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_24

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_25

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_26

In the brand line, there is also a model of a thermos-mixer for the shower - GROHTHERM-1000 34143000. This is a brass design covered with chrome, with a ceramic cartridge. Water consumption is regulated by a handle, the type of mixer - the valve, is installed vertically on the wall. Equipped with a stopper of water mixing, which eliminates the risk of burning burns. And the dirt-repellent filters available in the design help protect the equipment from breakdown even with poor quality (with impurities) water. From "minuses" - too strong noise of the device with insufficient pressure.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_27

For the bathroom you can use a mixer with long expulsion Lemark Thermo LM7734C. . However, it is more correct to call the design of universal. The model is one-art, has a durable brass and copper case, chrome coating. Installation is a vertical, the scratch itself turns. The lever, regulating the pressure and temperature, has a smooth move. The device works even with insufficient pressure in the pipes (though, noise at the same time).

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_28

Another popular model - mechanical type thermostat mixer IDDIS MONET MONSB00I74. The model is designed for the bathroom - it has a standard spout, a shower can on a flexible hose, as well as aeration function (a softer jet by mixing water with air bubbles). If we talk about more affordable, but reliable and durable thermosmers, then you should pay attention to Oulin OL-8006. This is a model with a ceramic cartridge of a single-load type, with high spout. It is considered a universal model, but the most convenient to use this mixer in the kitchen.

Similar model - ORAS ELEKTRA 6150F, This is a small model for washbasins and kitchens. Thermostat operation, as well as an electronic valve is provided by casting batteries. This is a sensor type device (water begins to be supplied automatically when the crane is brings hands), which provides economical water consumption.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_29

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_30

Selection criteria

When choosing a thermo mixer, it is better to give preference for products of well-known brands. This guarantees high quality and reliability. Make sure you get the original model, and not fake. Remember that A high-quality mixer cannot have a very low price. When buying a foreign brand products, specify whether it is adapted for domestic pipe layout schemes. Also, you should find out what should be the minimum pressure in the apartment for installing a thermo mixer. As a rule, this is 0.5 bar.

The following criterion is the purpose of the mixer with the thermostat. It is important to consider in what room the device will be used . For example, kitchen models can be equipped with turning nose (more comfortable washing dishes), nozzles with aerators. In addition, they have a higher evidence that, for example, in the sink, it was possible to wash the stack of dishes.

The mixers with the thermostat on the sink are usually more compact, have a short spout. Models for the shower immediately fed the desired temperature water into a shower can. There are also mixers at the same time for a washbasin and a soul, water switching is carried out using a special lever.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_31

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_32

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_33

The following criterion is the material. Preference should be given to brass, copper or bronze models. Such devices will serve for a long time. If in priority appearance, it is worth paying attention to ceramic faucets. But the models of plastic or aluminum-silicon alloy are better not to buy, their operation will not be long. Another parameter to pay attention to when buying is the type of valve. It is ceramic, leather or rubber. Ceramic valves are installed on more expensive faucets, it is more reliable, since the axial impurities and garbage does not withdraw this element.

The operation of the mixer with the ceramic valve does not involve the use of coarse force when the valve is closed - it is fraught with a breakdown of the crane head. Leather and rubber valves serve fewer periods, however, and their replacement does not cause major difficulties (the process is similar to the process of replacing the gasket on a conventional mixer).

However, due to the softness of the material, various contaminants and impurities can fall on the valve seat, causing it damage. This is fraught with a flood, so at the slightest problems it is worth calling a specialist.

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_34

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_35

Mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom: The rating of thermostatic models, Options are spout, double and other models 10367_36

An important is the type of regulating element. Here are 2 options - wax and made from a biometric plate. The first is considered obsolete because there is a response time for more than 2 minutes. Famous manufacturers prefer to equip their thermosomes of safety valve. This is a very necessary function that allows you to avoid accidental switching temperature of the water in the process of using the mixer. Usually this valve has a red button. To change the water temperature, this button first is pressed, and then the necessary temperature parameters are built.

About how easy to install a thermostatic mixer GROHE for a bath, see below.

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