Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care?


To date, the plumbing market can meet a wide variety of mixers. Production material and appearance may be different. Models made under the bronze are popular.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_2


The popularity of these products is no doubt. The fact is that such materials are strong enough, moreover, they are distinguished by resistance to moisture and impurities contained in tap water. The mixers themselves look expensive and original. They are able to give a highlight of the bathroom.

Users note the uniqueness of such products.

Manufacturers offer models in a wide range, everyone can find an option for the soul. . Faucets are in demand with antiques. They attach the aristocratic room.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_3

In some cases, models are selected, which are cast gold. Others are characterized by a chocolate tint. A wide range of colors allows you to stop on the product, which will be relevant in each case.

They are suitable for the interior performed in any style.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_4


The structures of bronze mixers can be divided into several types. Consider the most popular.

  • Single-art allow you to adjust the temperature of the water with one lever. He is responsible for pressure. Difficulties in the installation and operation usually does not occur. The handle easily rises and lowers.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_5

  • Two-dense products It is assumed the presence of two separate cranes for water of different temperatures. Refer to the classic style, because exactly the first options looked like. Some consumers today consider them as cost-effective as possible, so they stop their choice on such models.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_6

  • New generation models can be called contactless . Such mixers react to movement. Accordingly, the water turns on when applying hands and turns off when the movement is stopped. Popular not only for personal use, but also for public institutions.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_7

  • Thermostat models have the first regulator that exposes the power of the pressure and the second, adjusting the temperature. They are able to memorize these indicators that are easily changed during operation.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_8

  • Cascading mixer It has a wide and flat hole through which water is served. The principle of work resembles a waterfall. In bronze execution it looks very impressive. However, it should be noted that in this case there is a more serious water consumption. In addition, the cost of the models will be higher than the usual.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_9

  • Designer options Can have any of the named structures. Different with original appearance. Due to the fact that such mixers are manufactured in very limited quantities, their price will be significantly higher in comparison with other models.

Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_10

    As for the bathroom, Mixers can be installed on the bath itself, on the washbasin in case it is present, as well as inside the shower cabin. In addition, when products are used for the sink, it is recommended to use models with long expulsion and a shower hose.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_11

    Style and Design

    Plumbing design and mixer selection will help to withstand the room in a single style. For example, Classic or retro require a sufficiently strict appearance of products. Antique style Allows decorations from glass or crystal. For Provence or Country, a thread is suitable. It is better to look at models that have two valves.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_12

    Can cause certain difficulties. Selection of plumbers for the bathroom made. Eastern style. It is better to stay here on the classic version with two cranes.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_13

    For Art Deco The newest sensory model is suitable. If the room has a hai-tech finish, modern options will also be required. Suitable cascading, fashionable today, mixer. Excellent will look at models with LED nozzles.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_14

    Tips for choosing

    In order to choose a convenient and reliable mixer, you need to navigate not only on its appearance, but also take into account design features. Often for the bathroom, experts offer to acquire traditional models that are installed on the edge of the bowl.

    They are suitable for small rooms, non-standard devices and stylized solutions.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_15

    Enters the fashion Cascade Mixer, located on board the bathroom . It has a crane, switch and shower. Despite the fact that the water pressure is quite strong, it comes neatly and silently. The bath is filled faster than in the case of using conventional mixers. The wiring itself is hidden under plumbing, so it can be used even in the case when the bowl is located in the center.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_16

    If the room has impressive sizes and allows you to arrange a jacuzzi there, experts recommend using Outdoor mixer . This has its advantages. For example, all communications can be securely hidden under the floor, which will give additional attractive to the bathroom. However, this is possible only in the case When the ceiling is high enough. The fact is that you have to organize a niche that will reduce the size.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_17

    In cases where stylization is needed under ancient, it is better to stop your choice on wall variants. Such structures are installed in the wall, so the work process is quite laborious. However, appearance and functionality are at a high level.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_18

    You should also choose, a lever or two-part system plans to use the consumer. The first option, as practice shows, is selected more often. This is because it is easier to install it, and the price is quite budgetary. But at the same time Temperature adjustment can cause relative difficulties.

    It is worth considering the surface of the product carefully. It should be smooth, without chipping, scratches and other defects.

    It is also necessary to evaluate the weight. It is noted that high-quality bronze faucets cannot be too light.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_19

    Care rules

    If you ignore the correct bronze mixer care, the product will sweep over time. Consumers offer to use folk remedies that do not harm and carefully protecting the surface.

    • It is advisable to use vinegar . It is added to a mixture of flour and salt, after which the composition is applied for 10 minutes on the product. After this time, the surface is washed with cool water and it should be wiped.
    • On the sweat sections of the bronze surface can also be applied tomato paste. The exposure time is about half an hour. Also contributes to the return of shine.
    • Finally, you can use linseed oil. Periodic rubbing the mixer will help keep it in perfect form.

    Bronze bathroom faucets: ACCESSORIES IN RETRO-STYLE BATTLE. How to choose a mixer on board the bathroom in bronze color? Varieties, advantages and disadvantages. How to care? 10362_20

    The following video presents an overview of the Bronze mixer EDELFORM VERDE VR2800B.

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