The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom


Plastic has long been widely used as a finishing material in different indoors in its functional purpose. Often, tiles and porcelain stoneware are put on the walls or gender, but they are not suitable for the ceiling.

The ideal solution is plastic PVC panels, especially for the bathroom, where condensate is constantly going. On how to make the ceiling in this room, we will tell in the article.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_2

Pros and cons of the material

The bathroom has its own distinctive features from other rooms. It has increased humidity. By virtue of this circumstance, materials for finishing work on the ceiling base must have reliability and ability to oppose such an environment.

The ceiling finishes began to perform often from PVC panels. Plastic for the ceiling is a material that has a number of advantages and minuses.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_3

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_4

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_5

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_6

Positive moments.

  1. Plastic panels that are fixed on the ceiling in the bathroom are not afraid of water exposure, they do not spoil, do not deform.
  2. The material is endowed with high strength.
  3. When the air temperature fluctuations, it has a high level of plasticity, which allows it to replenish the change in its own dimensions.
  4. It is not exposed to acids, alkalis, alcohols, which may be contained in facilities for room cleaning. It has a superficial layer resistant to damage.
  5. Plastic is able to embody any designer designs, because it is famous for the coloring styles.
  6. Material is easy to install, its installation can carry out one person.
  7. Plastic surface repair is made with a minimum of financial investments. If one panel requires replacement, then for this you will not need to remove all ceiling elements.
  8. The service life of the panel ceiling from plastic is very long.
  9. The material prevents the development of mold or fungus in the bathroom.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_7

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_8

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_9

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_10

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_11

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_12

Panel ceiling in the bathroom has some minuses.

  1. It will require a frame assembly for its installation, which, in turn, will reduce the height of the ceiling in the room.
  2. These ceiling panels are strictly in a certain order in compliance with geometric proportions. The joints of the plastic connection will always be visible, so it will be very difficult to call this design.
  3. When choosing color panels, you can purchase material from different batches. As a result, the ceiling will have an uneven tone. To see, unfortunately, such a difference is possible only when the plastic is coated with a certain segment of the ceiling base.
  4. Condensate accumulates from steam in the bathroom, so the ceiling panels need to be wiped or regularly ventilated.
  5. Plastic is easily flammable material. It is impossible to mount it close to lighting or other heating devices.
  6. PVC panels are quite fragile and can easily be damaged when hitting.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_13

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_14

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_15

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_16

Panel varieties

Currently, the industry produces plastic panels, different from each other with dimensional, color and designer solutions.

The most popular option is the 2.5-3 meters long panels, 15-37 cm wide and up to 10 mm thick. Their front side can be white, colored or patterned.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_17

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_18

Plastic ceiling coating has such varieties:

  • lining;
  • Seamless plastic and PVC panels;
  • Acrylic plastic designed for ceiling grounds.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_19

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_20

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_21

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_22

The cheapest ceiling material from plastic is lining. It is a bulk plastic, reinforced using longitudinal rigid ribs. They look in the form of hermetically bonded cavities. As a rule, the thickness of such plastic ranges from 0.5 to 10 mm.

By type of panels, like wooden headboards, which are usually trimmed cars. This material is made by adding softening additives to it to obtain a monophonic color. If the surface of the panel must be given a peculiar pattern and a saturated color, then in this case it is used to thermal printing.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_23

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_24

When selecting plastic panels without seams You should consider the specifics of the key connection of the elements. This plastic is often used in bathrooms material. By width, the PVC panel is small (250 mm) and large (400 mm) at a maximum thickness of 1 cm.

Such PVC panels have a glossy or matte surface. The variety of their colors allows you to make a ceiling base smooth or volumetric.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_25

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_26

Panels Rachet It is a material that imitating a metal profile and resembling aluminum expensive designs. In fact, their price is quite moderate. Panels are different Strength and high resistant to the impact of the wet environment. To date, there are panels reaching 2.5-4 m in length and 10-30 cm wide.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_27

Their color palette includes a wide variety of shades. The surface of the plastic panel can be a glossy, matte, mirror. Particularly trendy are considered Mirror panels PVC. With the skillful placement of lighting devices in the bathroom, you can create a unique, resembling weightlessness, space.

High quality panels are necessarily covered with protective film. This fact should be considered when purchasing.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_28

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_29

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_30

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_31

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_32

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_33

Panels have a continuous (up to 20 years) service life. Recently, great popularity enjoy Ceiling panels from acrylic. Their installation is carried out in the form of a suspended structure. In the space behind such a ceiling, the ventilation and air ventilation systems are most often placed. This is a kind of plexiglass, which is not deformed under the influence of moisture. Human health plastic acrylic harm panels do not apply. They are easy to handle. This material bends, dried, cuts without much difficulty.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_34

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_35

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_36

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_37

The negative point of installation of the acrylic panels on the ceiling in the bathroom is their high price. All secured people can afford to make such a ceiling.

Colors and design

A large range of designer ideas, material texture, as well as the ability to embody the most unusual dream with its help allowed the plastic to quickly conquer great popularity.

Today, the bathroom can be selected for the bathroom or leaf panels of any length and width. It all depends on the size of the room, the height of the ceiling, the colors of the walls and the floor, as well as on the number of furniture items in the bathroom and their tone.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_38

Modern ceilings in this room are distinguished by a variety of forms and color solutions. The most popular is the ceiling in beige or white gamma. He might be Gentle blue or juicy orange. Red Plastic ceiling will make your bathroom bright and positive.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_39

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_40

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_41

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_42

Gray tone At the expense of its shades will give the ceiling refinement bordering with restraint and nobility. Color of turquoise or sea wave He will bring the feeling of delight, intimacy of the caressing sea, the beach in the fitting of the bathroom. Purple or gentle lilac shade It takes the ceiling with tenderness, mysteriousness, special refinement.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_43

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_44

Bright saturated tones should be harmoniously combined with a common bathroom interior and items in it. Thanks to the breadth of the selection of plastic panels for the ceiling today, it is possible to create any design. It can be a simple matt ceiling or a multi-level glossy coating, supplemented with acrylic inserts.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_45

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_46

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_47

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_48

In small bathrooms with low ceilings, experts recommend mounting the ceiling from narrow panels. Wide panels will organically fit into a large room with a high ceiling.

Stylish and modern are Matte panels. They imitate natural materials and resemble wallpapers. It is for them that drawings are applied to the beauty and design.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_49

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_50

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_51

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_52

Glossy plastic You can use for the design of the ceiling in the small bathrooms, since the glitter of the surfaces will visually expand the room.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_53

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_54

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_55

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_56

The expensive version of the plastic material is presented in the form of panels with drawings in 3D format. This is a modern approach to the ceiling. It allows you to create a three-dimensional image in the room and smash the space to certain zones.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_57

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_58

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_59

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_60

Pictures are different on topics and form. A marine theme is very often used with images of fish and animal underwater world, as well as his flora.

How to choose?

Each buyer decides for itself independently, what form and color should be the ceiling panels in the bathroom of his apartment or at home.

The main condition, as mentioned above, should be Acquisition of single-party plastic . If you buy the material of the desired size, and the colors of individual slats will differ even slightly, then all work on installation and preparation for it will seem useless, disappointment will be followed.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_61

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_62

Differences in the tone of the plastic are very well viewed on the ceiling, because it is additionally illuminated by light bulbs.

To correctly pick up plastic material for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, it is better to immediately pay attention to the number of details.

  1. There should be no displacement of the pattern on the panels. All planks are obliged to clearly stick together with each other.
  2. Pay attention to the number of rigidity ribs. If the jumpers will be much, the panel itself will be durable.
  3. The panels must be connected to each other without any gaps. If so are there, it means that the locks are made with a marriage. At the ceiling such flaw looks like a step and immediately spoils the overall picture.
  4. If plastic has irregularities that are clearly visible when inspection, then do not need to acquire such panels. This material can hardly be called quality.
  5. Try to check with a roulette matching real sizes that are indicated on the manufacturer's packaging. There are cases when they do not match, and when finishing the ceiling is simply not enough material.
  6. By purchasing plastic panels of impressive length, pay special attention to the way to deliver them to the destination. Often the panels are transported in a bent state, not suspecting that in this way the material immediately spoil. If the panel bend, then there is an irreversible process in the rigidity rigs - their deformation. When this panel is mounted on the ceiling, the definition of the lock connection does not occur, thereby the slots are formed between the panels.
  7. After the material is selected, do not forget to purchase additionally connecting elements for it. As a rule, this is a starting strip. It clearly fixes the panel, helps to adjust it to any surface.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_63

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_64

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_65

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_66


To beautifully and correctly mount the ceiling in the bathroom, it is necessary to pre-make calculations, after purchasing the desired amount of material and auxiliary elements, prepare the ceiling, as well as stock tool, with which you will perform work.

Before starting the ceiling decoration with plastic in the bathroom, you need to prepare its surface. At first they make a sketch of the future frame, and also accurately determine the placement of lamps and ventilation holes.

Before you go to the store for materials, you need to have a clear idea of ​​the number of plastic panels, their color or drawing . You must imagine a plastic laying scheme on the ceiling. In the same way, the number of aluminum profiles for the frame, take into account their length.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_67

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_68

You will need those tools that are practically in every home or their purchase will not take much time.

You will need:

  • roulette and construction level;
  • Pencil, mounting knife, liquid nails;
  • screwdriver, drill (perforator);
  • Crowns on the installation of lamps and hacksaw for PVC processing.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_69

After preparation, the installation itself is produced.

  1. First determine the distance from the ceiling base to the mounted frame. It should be at least 5 cm. Choose the nearest seam (if available) and apply a pencil mark on it with a pitch of 35-50 cm. Thus, the locations of the lower edge of the future ceiling are fixed. Make it is necessary throughout the perimeter of the room.
  2. Conduct the installation of the main guides. For this, they take profiles from aluminum and fix them with the help of self-tapping screws at points marked earlier with a pencil on the walls. On the draft ceiling profiles are fixed using suspensions.
  3. Plastic plinth is connected to the profile. Use self-mains or liquid nails to work. In this plinth, subsequently and insert one after another plastic panels. It looks like the letter "P". One of his face is a little shorter of the opposite part. Starting plinth or profile sets the direction of the entire ceiling ornament or color panels. The panel ends are closed by this material.
  4. The assembly of the frame is carried out styling. Pre-panels are cut in size, cut holes for luminaires with a crown or knife.
  5. The first panel is inserted into the starting plinth. After its installation, all plastic is stacked in the same way. Each new ceiling panel must be installed in the groove of the previous material. If you follow the sequence and work carefully, then all plastic strips will clearly and accurately facilitate one to another.
  6. Before mounting the panels, wire wiring must be prepared for the lamps that need to be embedded in them. In the process of installing panels with cut-off under luminaires, the wires should be traded in them with which the lighting devices will be connected to the overall electrical network in the house.
  7. For laying the last panel, you do not need a starting profile. Most often, such a bar is cut along its entire length, and then it is placed by the longest walls. To install the panel, measurements. They look at how many centimeters left between the most latter from the laid panels and the wall of the room, take into account the width of the plinth. The panel is cut in such a way that it facilitates close to the penultimate rail and the wall. First, the ceiling plinth is fixed on it, and then rushing it into the groove to the penultimate element. The plinth itself is fixed on the ceiling with sealant or liquid nails. On this, the installation of the ceiling by PVC panels ends.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_70

Successful examples

The ideas of the ceiling in the bathroom plastic is a huge amount, especially when it comes to a rat material.

Reiki under gold, silver or chrome in combination with other colors use in great demand.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_71

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_72

Installation of the cutting ceiling is performed in two ways. In the first case, the gaps remain between the rails, and in the second the entire plastic is attached to each other. Very often connect the rails of various colors alternating among themselves. Beige tones are best combined with light brown shades, and, for example, gray panels successfully look against the background of cream plastic.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_73

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_74

If you have a small bathroom, then plastic in bright colors will make it more spacious because it is able to reflect the surface.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_75

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_76

Those who wish to focus on certain objects of furniture harmonizing with the ceiling, it is recommended to correctly arrange the backlight.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_77

In order to maximize the connecting seams between the panels, the plastic laying along the lighting devices can be carried out. In this case, visually will create the impression of the integrity of the entire ceiling coating in the bathroom.

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels (78 photos): Options for ceiling panels from PVC, panel ceiling design ideas in the bathroom 10282_78

On how to install the ceiling in the bathroom made of plastic lining, see the next video.

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