Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages


Bath is the most important plumbing device in any dwelling. This is one of the main amenities of any home. With all the current abundance of various materials and technologies, most people prefers metal baths proven. About them and will be speech in this article.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_2

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_3


Metal baths are valued For durability and unpretentiousness. They maintain long-term operation and are famous for good maintenance in case of damage and wear enamel. These qualities provide metal baths steady demand and good consumer reviews.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_4


By material manufacturing Metal baths can be:

  • cast-iron;

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_5

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_6

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_7

  • Steel.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_8

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_9

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_10

Cast iron is a heavy alloy of iron with carbon. The baths are fantastically reliable and monumental.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_11

Steel - more easy, resistant to loads, shocks and deformations alloy.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_12

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_13

For the manufacture of baths are used:

  • stainless steel;

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_14

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_15

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_16

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_17

  • Structural steel.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_18

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_19

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_20

Baths from the "stainless steel" are not in great demand due to the high price and some aesthetic inconveniences (in particular, the constant struggle with lime divorces). This is the product "on an amateur."

Baths made of structural steel - the most common and popular product in the plumbing market.

Their price is in the bulk of budget and is available for most consumers.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_21

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_22

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_23

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start an overview from cast-iron baths. Their strengths.

  1. Highest reliability. They serve dozens of years without any serious damage. Only enamel is wearing, which is usually restored without any problems.
  2. Well keep warm, slowly cool. Although they warm up longer than steel.
  3. Do not be afraid of processing with caustic cleaning agents.
  4. Practically silent . Do not thunder under the jet of water when filling.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_24

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_25

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_26

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_27

But they have and significant disadvantages that may be decisive when choosing.

  1. They are very hard. This greatly makes it difficult to deliver and install.
  2. There are more expensive than steel.
  3. The technological features and properties of the cast iron allow you to make font only standard forms. It does not attract buyers with a creative and ingenious mindset.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_28

Pluses of steel baths are the direct opposite of mines of cast-iron.

  1. Ease. To transfer and install a steel bath in principle one person can.
  2. Low price . They are available at the price even to the most poor consumer.
  3. Quickly warm and do not require too high water temperature. At the same time, however, it should be remembered that they cooled faster than cast-iron.
  4. Depending on the wishes of the customer, there may be any form and configuration. Steel allows you to embody any fantasy.
  5. Durable and durable. In this, they, of course, are somewhat inferior to cast iron, but with gentle handling, dozens of years can also serve.
  6. Insensitive to active cleaning and disinfectants (except abrasive powders).

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_29

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_30

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_31

They have baths made of steel and two substantial minuses.

  • There is a possibility of deformation and, as a result, enamel damage. When buying it is recommended to pay attention to the thickness of the metal. It should be from 3 millimeters.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_32

  • Noise. Thin walls and the bottom thunder under the jet of water when filling. Here will help the known methods of noise insulation: the coating of the outer surface with foamed polyethylene, mounting foam, pasting with various insulating materials.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_33

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_34

Forms and sizes

Steel baths can be performed in any form at the request of the customer. The technology of their manufacturing (in fact, hot stamping) allows you to do it.

The form can be ordered individually, which will cost much more expensive, or use the choice that stores provide.

The most common fonts standard rectangular shape . But there are I. Corner, square, oval, semicircular, drop-like, triangular and others. The form in this case is dictated by the fantasy of the consumer and the conditions of the bathroom.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_35

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_36

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_37

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_38

The size of the baths of the baths can be the most diverse. But the classic rectangular baths are usually several standard sizes: width - 70-75 centimeters, depth - 40-50.

These dimensions allow almost any person to fit in the bath medium and relatively large complex.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_39

As for the length, then the choice depends on both sizes of the bathroom and from individual person's addictions. The market offers:

  • Short (or "Sitting") Baths: 130x70, 140x70 cm;
  • Standard Russian: 150x70, 170x70 cm;
  • Standard European: 170x75, 180x70, 180x80 cm.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_40

Russian standards are designed for averaged human growth. Eurostandards provide a little more space for choice.

In recent years, there are 200 centimeters with a length of 200 centimeters, in which even a very tall person can freely.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_41

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_42

Color solutions

Modern chemistry allows you to paint as an inner enamel and the outer surface of the baths in different colors. Here a lot depends on the personal addiction and taste of the buyer and the customer. Many people now strive for the unity of the style.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_43

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_44

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_45

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_46

The color of the bath must be harmonized with decoration walls.

Other, on the contrary, more like catchy colors. Most of the inhaled consumers prefer the standard color: white enamel and dark outdoor surface. The market in abundance offers options for every taste and wallet.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_47

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_48

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_49

Designers give the following recommendations.

  • Bathroom - the room is usually small. Dark colors will visually reduce its volume. Therefore, it is better that bright and bright colors prevailed in it. Bath color must match this principle.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_50

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_51

  • Swimming - the process is pacifying. Therefore, the colors of both the bathroom and the bath itself should not be poisonous, annoying.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_52

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_53

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_54

  • The bathroom should have good illumination sufficient to conduct hygienic and cosmetic procedures. The color of the walls and coloring of the bath must emphasize this light and, if possible, amplify.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_55

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_56

All this leads to the idea that the optimal color of the bath is still traditional white.

The owners of non-standard taste are recommended to correlate dark and sharp colors with the size of the bathroom and the degree of illumination.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_57

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_58

How much does it weigh?

The weight of the standard bath steel bath is 35-40 kilograms. This is a very significant feature for baths from this material. More lung models are stronger than deformation and affiliated damage. It is recommended when buying be sure to ask about this sellers.

The ease of the steel bath facilitates its installation, but also requires much attention to the preparation of the surface under support. Accuracy is very important here, otherwise stability will be impaired.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_59

The cast-iron bath, depending on the size weighs 80-130 kilograms. Her delivery and installation requires a few people. In the conditions of the close apartments of the Soviet type, this may be very troublesome. In addition, the strength of the floor floors should also be taken into account, because the weight of such a font with water and a swimsuit may be simply dangerous. But sustainability with this weight is ideal.

Even small irregularities and flaws of the floor surface will not play a significant role.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_60


The leading positions on the global metal bath market are engaged in German firms. Kaldewei and Bette. Their products are made in strict accordance with European standards and is distinguished by practicality, functionality, ease of installation and daily operation. Leaders' company introduce new metalworking technologies, develop damage-resistant coverage, take into account the development of models anatomical features of the human body.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_61

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_62

Portuguese company BLB. Looks comfortable and technological baths for a wide range of consumers. They are distinguished by a sophisticated design. Rectangular bottom provides space and comfort for bathing. It is geometrically completed that the water merges without a residue, almost to dryness.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_63

Spanish firm Roca. - Transnational Corporation for the Production and Sale of Plumbing. Roca plants are scattered around the world. Roca baths, from elementary to the most exquisite, made with love for man and care about him. It is impossible to slip on their enamel: a special anti-stray coating is used.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_64

Czech firm Jika. Proven itself as a manufacturer of reliable and inexpensive steel baths.

Products do not have a large variety of models, but the price / quality ratio invariably attracts Russian consumers.

With European quality, advanced design and ultra-modern technologies, in responses, there are often complaints of fasteners, by the complexity of the installation, on the unreliability of the enamel coating. Here you should consider the traditional reluctance of many buyers to thoroughly delve into the instructions, and, of course, the price segment: The highest quality baths are quite expensive, and the Russian consumer is in the mass of their own.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_65

From the Russian manufacturers of metal baths, the top-sized metallurgical plant is most famous. He produces products under stamps Reimar, Donna Vanna, Antika . The plant is constantly improving the quality of Enamel, developed a special external coating, which increases the life of baths, as well as noise insulation, which is already applied at the factory, and not glued at its expense by the consumer.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_66

In the second honorable place is one of the oldest manufacturers of plumbers in Russia JSC Santo Holding (Lipetsk Pipeline Plant). It produces cast iron and steel baths for 70 years. Products are not distinguished by special grace and diversity, but it is quite suitable for consumers for the price.

In general, the price of domestic baths is approximately two times lower than that of the baths of the lowest price category of European manufacturers. This factor is most often determined.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_67

Now the Russian market gradually conquer Asian companies, primarily Chinese. They offer a huge selection of a wide variety of baths at attractive prices. While these manufacturers are no particular confidence in the market, but they have significant prospects.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_68

How to choose?

Summarizing everything said, you might think that with the current abundance and diversity that the market offers us, choose a bath - a difficult thing and almost unbearable. In fact, everything is much easier. Most consumers - people are not very attracted, poor, and the main thing for them is an acceptable value for money. This explains the popularity of products of domestic producers.

Russian baths are no better than European, but not worse, and most importantly - much cheaper. Therefore, analyze the ratings of manufacturers and stitching reviews on the Internet, as a rule, does not make much sense.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_69

However, some practical recommendations can still be given.

  1. Pay serious attention to the state of the enamel. Skills, cracks and irregularities should not be in any case.
  2. Rate the thickness of the steel sheet, from which the bath is standn up. Watch in this case is best not on the edges of the sides, but on the drain hole. There is more visible. It is recommended to capture a caliper or at least a ruler. If the thickness of the sheet is 3-4 mm, it is acceptable. If less, then buy plumbing is not worth it.
  3. Require the sellers official characteristics of the product, where the weight of the product should be specified. If the full-size steel bath weighs less than 35 kg, and the cast iron is less than 80, then it is likely that it makes sense to prefer the products of another manufacturer.
  4. Be sure to interest the manufacturer's warranty obligations.
  5. Before buying, learn the installation guide, appreciate the reliability of supports and fasteners. This may be crucial.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_70

With currently growing prices relatively inexpensive metal baths have large market prospects. Those who in the house has a major repairs or simply planned replacement of plumbing, it would have to carefully look at their rich assortment.

Metal baths: 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm, 170x70 cm and other standard dimensions. How much bath weighs? Advantages and disadvantages 10250_71

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