Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior


Bath is a multifunctional element of any housing. It is needed not only for hygienic procedures, but also for relax, relaxation. Especially beautiful models can also become an excellent interior decoration in the appropriate room. Nowadays, the range of baths is huge. In this article we will get closer with all the peculiarities, the advantages and disadvantages of popular small models.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_2

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_3

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_4

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_5


Consider the varieties of mini-baths.

  • Sitting. Suitable for very small rooms. Their length rarely exceeds 120-130 cm. Inclit in this font will not succeed.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_6

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_7

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_8

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_9

  • Half . The average length is 140-150 cm. Suitable people with increasing average. If such a model has an angular device, it can be used and as lying.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_10

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_11

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_12

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_13

  • Corner and jacuzzi. Save square meters, look expensive. Enjoy even the most modest rooms. Frequently complemented by hydromassage.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_14

  • Wasted. Popular models are exhibited along the free wall indoors. There are often, convenient to use.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_15

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_16

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_17

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_18

  • Aeromassable. They are distinguished by the highest comfort, they can cost expensive. Underwater massage delivers solid pleasure users. It is allowed to children and people with delicate skin, high pressure.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_19

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_20

Features, pros and cons

Modern baths, characterized by modest sizes, are extremely popular. Their demand is due to the fact that the lion's share of urban apartments is not distinguished by impressive quadrature and spacious. In such circumstances, a very close bathroom is commonly provided, for which it accounts for a long time and scrupulously select the appropriate plumbing of the corresponding sizes. Miniature baths help to cope with this serious task.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_21

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_22

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_23

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_24

Today on sale you can meet a variety of compact bath modifications. In many models, you can freely take a shower, and households do not feel any restrictions and constraints in the operation of such plumbing units.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_25

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_26

Before going to the store for the purchase of the baths under consideration, it is advisable to get acquainted with all their weak and strong parties. Considering both those and others, the buyer will be easier to choose the perfect option or give preference to plumbing other configuration. Consider first the advantages of small baths.

  • Similar plumbing occupies Minimum useful space indoors. This quality is especially pleased and attracts buyers living in modest square apartments.
  • Miniature baths are characterized by unsurpassed heat assistive properties. Owners of this plumbing with convenience use it, without experiencing unnecessary discomfort.
  • Indisputable plus - Easy and availability of mounting most modern designs . They are installed easily. It does not take much time.
  • Manufacturers produced Very good baths of different shapes and devices - You can choose the optimal design for any atmosphere, squares and layouts. Despite the modest dimensions, this plumbing can be made very organic and thoughtful. Moreover, it may concern models not only classical, but also a non-standard structure.
  • Established themselves show Modern sediment baths. This plumbing is very convenient for users, which are looking for models with additional support, such as disabled or elderly.
  • Enter a miniature seating bath and get out of it very comfortable - In its design, reliable and well fixed handrails are provided.
  • Compact baths - An excellent solution for future mothers, they are well suited for seating models. In such a font, a woman does not have to strain once again, a lot to lean.
  • Not all procedures that are usually accepted in standard plumbing are allowed by doctors. . For example, people suffering from heart disease cannot be washed in the lying position. It happens here and comes to revenue a small bath of a sedentary type.
  • Flying small dimensions are made from different materials and have different costs. . In stores are sold as expensive and budget options - you can buy a good product on any wallet.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_27

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_28

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_29

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_30

Little models of baths have not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

  • Despite the fact that the subjects under consideration are modest, moderate dimensions, their mass is often surprisingly big . This minus turns out to be weighty for many consumers.
  • The range of small baths is huge, and in it you can find models of different costs, but more often found Dear specimens . Devices require large investments.
  • Problems may arise with the choice of modern seating designs. For some users, the features of the structure of such subjects plumbing are insufficient (focused for them too close). We have long to look for a model with optimal parameters.
  • Masha in a small seating bath, Frame will not work.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_31

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_32

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_33

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_34


If earlier the choice of materials for the manufacture of plumbing was very limited, then today's buyers have the opportunity to find on sale even wooden fonts. The material is one of the main parameters affecting the final value of both a large, standard and small bath. We will get acquainted with all the features of different options.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_35

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_36

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_37

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_38

Natural tree

Modern manufacturers produce many interesting and functional baths made of natural origin. Most common Environmentally friendly fonts made from larch, beech, cedar or oak. Listed wood rocks are distinguished by the fact that they can not lose their aesthetics and attractiveness for many years. In such devices, a destructive mold or dangerous fungi is not formed - human health will not threaten danger.

In the manufacture of a wooden bowl, it is processed by special moisture-resistant solutions. If we provide a literate care and proper attitude, it will delight household durability. Wooden fonts, supported by suitable accessories and design elements, are able to make the interior rich, cozy.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_39

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_40

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_41

Wooden baths in varnish look gorgeous. They want to concern, stroke a pleasant surface. Bathing in such a bath gives a lot of pleasures. Wood - safe material. It will not lead to allergies. But such a plumbing is expensive and found not in all outlets.

In the bath tub, it is impossible to wash things, wash pets. Yes, and man too long here is not worth it - bath procedures should be short-lived.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_42

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_43

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_44


One of the most popular, frequently used in the manufacture of baths of materials. Acrylic containers have an affordable price.

High-quality acrylic bowls may have a variety of color solutions. Forms are as diverse - from standard to unusual. Acrylic font is An ideal solution if the bathroom lacks brightness and freshness. Against the background of this plumbing, the muffled light is especially attractive.

Acrylic is good because many other, more expensive materials can effectively repeat. For example, little baths look and expensive looking as if they are made from marble or onyx.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_45

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_46

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_47

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_48


Steel mini-baths attract many buyers affordable price. They have a smaller mass, rather than the cargo options from the cast iron. But during the operation of such fonts, households have time to notice some shortcomings in them.

  • Steel - heat-conducting material. She very quickly gives all the warmth. As it should be soaked in steel font it will not work - the water in it will be rapidly cooling. For therapeutic procedures, the specified circumstance may become a serious repulsive factor.
  • Using steel construction, you will have to closely monitor the integrity of its outer coating. In the products under consideration, its layer is usually not distinguished by a large thickness. If the coating does not subjected to restoration work on time, it simply fails - "turns out" corrosion.

The current manufacturers try to improve the quality of steel baths, working on their improvement. Steel is complemented by plastic cases, and the cavity between the case and the base is highlighted under a special filler of the low thermal conductivity.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_49

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_50

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_51

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_52

Cast iron

Heavy cast iron baths are preferably found in old housing. Their owners do not hurry to buy new fonts on the replacement, and the reason here is one - Very big weight. This is perhaps the only drawback of cast-iron fonts. It is manifested only in cases when the bath has to be moved or transported.

The main advantages of cast iron are to:

  • the ability to retain the heat of water, which is filled with a bowl;
  • very long service life;
  • Increased resistance to mechanical damage.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_53

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_54

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_55

You can damage not the font itself, but its coating from enamel. But it is also possible to decide this problem by placing a new bowl of acrylic in the old bowl, or to apply to apply an enamel / acrylic coating.

Forms and sizes

Baths of small dimensions are different - they differ not only by manufacturing material, but also in form and specific sizes. On the listed properties of such plumbers are very It is important to pay attention, choosing the perfect font for a bathroom, especially if it is small.

Reduced baths are perfectly installed on the area along the wall or in the angular area of ​​the room. They are made and round, and square, and angular, and intricate - in the form of petal, shells. To achieve beautiful and clear forms of cups, it is possible to achieve a combination of acrylic and polymer concrete.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_56

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_57

Such products are distinguished by interesting and attractive appearance. This is exactly what can be called the highlight of the plumbing in question - its functionality often goes to the background.

Especially popular among modern consumers. Neat and stylish baths of an angular or rounded structure. At the expense of its characteristics and features, the acrylic turns out to be a pliable plastic material, so it is most often used when implementing fresh designer ideas.

Gorgeous in the interior look fashionable Rounded baths of reduced dimensions . If you set a similar design to a small elevation in the room, it can become a spectacular decoration of the situation.

Very often homeowners give preference to stylish models Corner design . They can be easily entered into a small room, even if the places in it seem to be completely lacking.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_58

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_59

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_60

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_61

At the peak of fashion and popularity today turn out Small baths of non-standard, non-trivial device . Often, consumers decide to purchase a trendy design of the right round shape. Such can be the font of any type - Halfish, sitting and others . Often, similar specimens are placed on order.

Non-standard recognized angular structures having Round side. It can be an oval, semicircle, petal. The smallest is a design in the form of a shell. Mini baths are very different. It will be possible to choose the ideal option for the ensemble set down in any key.

It is equally important to take into account the dimensions of the selected small bath of any type. So, Trendy round variants of the sedental species can in the amount of 140 to 200 cm - these are standard values. If we talk about the miniature model - the shell, then the parameters on the inside - 120-180 cm and with a depth of 45 cm will be ordinary.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_62

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_63

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_64

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_65

Sitting varieties can boast very modest dimensions. I focused on sale, the sizes of which can be 105x70, 100x70, 70x70, 90x70 cm. In most such subjects, plumbing provides sustainable and strong legs.

Consider the average size of the specified plumbing samples:

  • their usual and common length - 120-150 cm;
  • width - 55-70 cm;
  • Depth - 60-65 cm.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_66

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_67

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_68

Of course, in stores you can find mini-baths and other sizes. Often the plumber under consideration is made to order when the buyer did not find the bowl for his dwelling. Made individually, the baths can do it more expensive, but they will have perfectly suitable dimensions and accurately fit into the layout of the available room.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_69

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_70

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_71


Choose a small bath based on its technical characteristics, design features and sizes is the right way, but you can not forget about the designer execution of the founded font. The appearance of the bath must fit well into the existing situation, harmoniously completing it. So, in the interiors, where there are not enough bright paints and bright parts, acrylic bowls look especially organically - they can be both classic white and imitating other expensive materials (for example, natural stone).

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_72

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_73

Against the background of imitation Dear and natural materials The finishing materials of the walls and the floor should be suitable for the color and stylistic direction. For example, the conditions are expensive and smarter, which are made with the predominance of realistic "stone structures" diluted with a light cafeter.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_74

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_75

You can make an interior attractive, beautifully embedded the outside side of a small bath. Here, too, everything depends on the surrounding environment.

It seems to be a mosaic (especially on the foxes of fashionable and non-standard forms).

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_76

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_77

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_78

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_79

Picking up a certain design of a mini-bath, first of all take into account the style and color gamut of the environment . People often underestimate the role of plumbing in harmony and balance of home interior. Do not make such a mistake - The correctly selected appearance of the font can become a win-win solution, which will make the design truly fashionable and organic.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_80

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_81

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_82

Review manufacturers

The market of modern small-sized plumbing is Pottit loud (and not very) brands, producing high-quality, beautiful and durable baths that are in great demand. We will get acquainted with some relevant brands.

  • Inbani. The famous brand from Spain, under the name of which high-quality, durable plumbing is a unique design. Small-sized fonts from Inbani are distinguished by luxurious, elegant silhouette and frankly expensive external design. Each detail in branded Spanish baths is thought out to the smallest detail, which causes admiration for many consumers.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_83

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_84

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_85

  • Gruppo Tremese. Brand, whose designers in their work are trying to adhere to clear geometric forms and lines. Special attention deserves an interesting line of seating baths with exquisite glass doors, released specifically for people with disabilities.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_86

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_87

  • Glass Design. A large Italian brand that creates unique unique design baths to which there is no equal in the modern market. A wonderful plumbing line called Mini is especially popular. It can be found truly amazing options that have the shape of a cut-off bamboo stem.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_88

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_89

  • Burlington. The brand produces high-quality mini-baths on leg supports. With such subjects plumbing easily, it is easy to form a beautiful and exquisite bathroom style. It is attractive and elegant design of corporate products that attracts many buyers who want to surround themselves only with beautiful things.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_90

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_91

How to choose?

The choice of optimal mini-bath must be approached very responsibly. It is important to repel from a number of the main criteria.

  • Dimensions of the font and premises. Before you go to the store for buying a small bath, you should carefully measure the dimensions of the room where you plan to install it. You need to figure out exactly how you will connect all the necessary communications. It is important to take into account the location of other objects located nearby - the bath must have dimensions that will not close access to the other furniture subjects.
  • Material. Decide in advance how much you plan to spend on the bath. From this will depend on the cost of the estimated purchase. Acrylic and steel tanks will be cheap, but many people prefer models from durable and "impenetrable" cast iron or elegant wood. However, the latest options have their drawbacks - very high weight and very high cost.
  • Design . As mentioned above, you should not neglect the value of the design design of selected plumbing structures. Compact baths should be harmonized with the rest of the furnishings of the room, rather than get out of the overall picture. If you independently find the perfect option, you can not seek advice from a professional designer.
  • State. From whatever material is made by a small bath of any type, there should be no damage on it - neither dents, nor scratches, nor chips, no details. The design must be reliable, strong and most sustainable. If the goods do not meet the listed requirements, it is not recommended to take it, even if it is sold with a tempting discount - with time, a low-quality bath can deliver a lot of problems and inconvenience.
  • Brand . A lot of famous brands have been fixed on the market, producing good mini-baths - there is plenty to choose from. Brand products (especially from well-known foreign manufacturers) is often very expensive, but it can boast of impeccable quality and to the smallestly thoughtful design.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_92

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_93

Examples in interior design

Mini-baths, despite the incomprehensible parameters, can easily become a chic supplement of the room of any layout and quadrature. Consider some successful examples.

  • Very small combined bathroom You can make a neat and aesthetic, preferred the walls of the walls and the floor combinations of a gentle green and snow-white tile. On this background, it is worth lining a small toilet, sink, and along the walls near them install a small bath with a closing curtain in yellow-grassy shades.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_94

  • In a narrow and elongated room with high ceilings It will be nice to look a black and white finish with a predominance of light gamps. Here will be spectacular to look like a plumbing that combines the same paints - a white toilet bowl with a glossy black cover and a black mini-bath on silvery legs with white internal walls.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_95

  • Standard Sitting Type Bath It will be good on the background of surfaces from natural stone or imitation. The colors of the finish can be different - from black to brown. The interior will be more hospitable if you hang a big angular mirror on the wall and place unpretentious plants in the pots.

Little bathtubs: mini-bath sizes. Tips for choosing a small bath, examples of compact baths in the interior 10223_96

Overview of Lisa small-sized acrylic bath Look in the video below.

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