Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types


The bath is a very important component of any apartment and a private house. If there are some problems with it, it is not necessary to count on a calm harmonious life. For the right choice, you need to consider the features of various brands and specific features of specific modifications.


A bath for two for obvious reasons is larger and harder than the single product. But it is distinguished by increased capacity. Double baths are represented by a large number of options.

Amazing news for many people - these models are no less than traditional, calculated per person. Double baths can be placed both to the wall and the very center of the room.

Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_2

Wounded design No less attractive externally than is located separately. The bottom line is that the product has at least one smooth straight plane. The features of a particular model are expressed in the fact that the design becomes the support either on the base of the floor without support.

Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_3

Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_4

The facial plane is most often closed with a decorative screen, masking unsightly looking space under the bath. The hidden part can be used for the storage of household chemicals, detergents and the like things. Purchase the finished screen is easy, does not cause any difficulty and its installation. There are a lot of screens options, and you can always choose the optimal look for yourself.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_5

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_6

    Other differences between baths concern:

    • characteristics of materials;
    • geometry;
    • linear dimensions;
    • colors;
    • stylistic affiliation;
    • functional features;
    • Countries of origin.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_7

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_8

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_9

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_10

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_11

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_12

    Table of comparing properties of materials

    Baths are from a variety of materials. It is useful to take into account the main nuances of such substances. Submit them to the maximum clearly will help the table.





    Thermal conductivity













    Various (depending on the breed)



    Cast iron

    Very big

    Pretty high





    Pretty high

    Zero (normal)

    285 times lower than that of cast iron

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_13

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_14

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_15

    Forms and sizes

    In modern apartments, standard bathing dimensions are 1.6-1.8 m in length, with a depth of 0.6-0.8 m and height from 0.6 m. The capacity of the container varies from 90 to 120 liters. Purchase the designs of this kind are easy in any plumbing store. This includes a magnitude model:

    • 180x70 cm;
    • 170x70 cm;
    • 175x75 cm;
    • 160x70 cm;
    • 180x75 cm;
    • 165x70 cm;
    • 180x80 cm;
    • 175x70 cm.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_16

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_17

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_18

    A few decades ago, especially during mass panel construction, the default was mounted Baths from 150x70 cm to 150x80 cm . However, today such structures are not satisfied with the overwhelming majority of people. They are unlikely to be considered sufficiently comfortable and comfortable against the backdrop of newer developments. In oblong premises, narrow compact baths can be used.

    Such solutions will be outlined even in a small bathroom with a total area of ​​3.5 square meters. m. The smallest of mass products have a size of 100x70 cm or 120x70 cm . Intermediate value - 110x70 cm.

    For obvious reasons, it is not necessary to talk about any serious comfort when using such structures. But the maximum of places for other cases is released.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_19

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_20

    If considerations of convenience are critical, it is worth preferred to larger non-standard baths, the size of which is:

    • 130x70 cm;
    • 140x70 cm;
    • 150x60 cm;
    • 150х70 cm.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_21

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_22

    Rectangular design Preferably a corner on a limited area. Having occupy the same place on the floor, it will guarantee a little higher comfort. It was not for nothing that the default design was put in the houses of the old building. The exception was only elite housing, erected until 1955. But to meet the appropriate living space today is hardly possible.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_23

    Brightly, unusual and even sucks can look semicircular bath . Such a solution is perfect for a small bathroom in Khrushchev apartment. Larger semicircular products are recommended to use new buildings in apartments, where the bathroom is quite large. Corner bath Evoids great popularity. Such structures can be very diverse, and they are successfully used even in small rooms (subject to asymmetric execution).

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_24

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_25

    In modern in the spirit, the bathrooms are pretty looking oval options . They have more width than most standard samples (often reaches 85 cm). The length of the oval bathing field can reach 190 cm. In most cases, the equipment is practiced by hydromassage appliances. Inside the oval bath, any other devices are not provided.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_26

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_27

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_28

    Very important point - how deep the bowl will be in the bath. Even a long, but too small swimming is simply uncomfortable in everyday life. Typical bath depth varies from 37 to 40 cm. With greater depth, water will cover even bent knees.

    High board allows in some cases to refuse to use the curtains, because he alone stops splashes, at least partially. It can be calmly turned over and splashing. In addition, a large layer of water will cool slowly. But to climb into a deep bath to small children, and elderly will be quite difficult.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_29

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_30

    Headrests can be used for the bath, which is important to consider when evaluating the size and shape of the structure. Responsible manufacturers are used for the manufacture of head restraints excellent safe materials.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_31

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_32

    Color spectrum

    Most often, colored baths are made of acrylic. This material is easy to paint into a variety of colors, depending on the design concepts. In the Russian market, bathing tanks of a variety of color began to appear quite recently. And they have already managed to win quite high popularity. In any case, you can talk about the appearance of a clear niche.

    Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_33

    But traditional white baths did not lose their popularity. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of buyers in various countries are choosing themselves. White color is subconsciously associated with cleanliness and hygiene, which serves as a very strong consumer incentive. Note that colored structures can be made not only of acrylic, but also from other materials:

    • become;
    • cast iron;
    • wood;
    • tempered glass;
    • Natural stone of various varieties.

      Important: When using color plumbing, you need to use nonsense accessories and the same accessories. To use bright materials for wall decoration and floor is also not recommended. Otherwise, the bathroom space will look tasteless.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_34

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_35

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_36

      It is also necessary to take into account the nuances of certain colors, in order to prevent fatal errors. Red baths will make a sense of security and are optimally suitable for relaxing in a quiet room after a difficult day.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_37

      Orange color Differs more inconsistency. It will allow how to calm the scratched nerves and increase the concentration of domestic forces. Therefore, such a solution is recommended by the permanent mood changes. Yellow bath can be used to those who want:

      • cope with a constant negative;
      • improve mood;
      • Rather, restore the ability to work after hard work.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_38

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_39

      Green Coloring will help cope with insomnia. This color will allow relaxing and intensify the restoration of the body. But the blue color is better suitable for soothing and meditative procedures. With it, it is possible to prevent order in thoughts and emotions. The blue differs from the blue not only saturation, but also greater activity, improving the energy balance, he will make a man in beyrea.

      Purple tones Increase tone. They are often recommended for people- "Zhavorkov". Beige color is characterized simultaneously soothing effect and adding visual heat.

      Such interiors will look romantic and attractive.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_40

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_41

      Black color Immediately attracts attention. If the lighting is selected as it should, the bath will be perceived well.

      From the combined solutions can be safely recommended Yellow-orange models. A similar combination looks "sunny" and adds energies. You can dial the charge of cheerfulness for the whole day. Swimming in a similar bath delivers extraordinary pleasure. Choosing a yellow bathing and an orange pallet (or an alternative combination) - remains at the discretion of the owner.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_42

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_43

      Blue and purple Coloring will be useful for people of the philosophical warehouse, for loving dream. To ensure a good combination of such tones, you will have to carefully observe the contrast. If a dark purple color is used, a light blue is added to it or an unsaturated blue color. Together with the lilac decor, the bathtub painted in a deep blue tone will look optimally.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_44

      Green bath You can combine with the decoration of the same color, only a few tones lighter or darker. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the product does not lose visually on the wall background. As an alternative, you can consider the finish:

      • neur-blue blue;
      • brown;
      • golden;
      • Natural woody colors.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_45

      Red-pink combination (In various options) will immediately look romantic. But the main requirement here will be the correct addition of each other's colors. Important: You should not add too much pink paint. Her excess can spoil the highest formative intention.

      A fully pink bath is appropriate in a saturated red room - and that, the optimal combination is not every professional designer seizing.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_46

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_47

      Style and Design

      By issuing a classic style, you can safely use such baths:

      • square;
      • rectangular;
      • oval;
      • Remembering a saucer.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_48

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_49

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_50

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_51

      But a very important requirement is the outer finish with tiles or hydrophobic paint. When choosing a Greek stylist, you need to use structures with a wide side. The bath should be white, and the main part of the room is stained in yellow, beige, ocher tone.

      Popular among residentials of suburban real estate Provence style It implies the use of baths that do not have sharp corners. Traditional colors for such stylistics and carved legs in the form of complex shapes are welcome.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_52

      If the ultra-modern style is selected high tech This is expressed primarily in the underlined severity of the forms and stiffness of the lines. It will be quite appropriate to look at the bathroom of the rectangular shape with a direct screen, surrounded by a single-color tile. Important: Hydromassage and other additional techniques are recommended in this interior not something that does not hide, but openly demonstrate.

      Stylistics Country If it is described in general, simple and devoid of all sorts of excesses. The focus is unequivocally done on natural materials. But from any fright, overlooking the expressive accent will have to abandon. Oval or having roundings on the corners of the baths most rationally fit into such an environment. Stress the natural origin of the interior is able to cover the sidewall with wooden panels.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_53

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_54

      Some people love Moroccan approach to interior - And it also places special requirements for the trim of the bathroom. Bath itself should be more. An additional advantage will be imitation of an exotic fountain. You can use the bathing bowl in the form of a polygon close to the marble table from Hammam. This will accurately strengthen the originality of the design.

      No less thoroughly, a bathroom should be formed in Mediterranean style . It is characterized by nonsense tones and an underlined purity of lines. The bath must be in the form of an oval, the screen is direct or in the form of a trapezium. The traditional white color is preferred. If the orientation is selected to the Greek branch of the Mediterranean approach, to emphasize this specificity will help a separate bath with a backrest of high height.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_55

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_56

      Scandinavian stylistics By default, it provides a fairly bright color. Basic white tone is desirable to reinforce single bright accents. The lighter and visually spacious room, the better. These requirements must be taken into account when choosing a bath.

      Concerning urban approach It is directed, first of all, to achieve maximum functionality at the minimum available area. In the urban room should dominate the gray color. Frequently used glass and wooden structures. The clearer drawn the lines than they are smooth, the greater the same composition corresponds to the style canons.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_57

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_58

      Thinking about decoration In the spirit of Art Deco It is necessary to carry out the idea of ​​the high cost and attractiveness of the interior. Stressed dazzling, brilliant baths will fit into such a decision perfect.

      Characteristic for this approach:

      • framing by italian tiles;
      • the use of geometric patterns;
      • active use of accessories;
      • Corner shape of the bath.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_59

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_60

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_61

      Bathroom in style baroque Always planned with the calculation of the maximum scope. This approach is appropriate only on an extensive space, it will look ridiculous on a limited area. Pumping mood is emphasized even by selection of colors. Preferred terracotta, burgundy, golden and dark blue color. At the same time, the dominant should be a gold color.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_62


      Very often you can hear that hydromassage - Mandatory feature of a modern bath. However, not all so simple. Such equipment should be applied only as needed. The hydromassage equipment is quite expensive, and it is difficult to exploit it. It is possible to use it only if:

      • The area of ​​the room is quite large;
      • The space is thoroughly waterproof;
      • The equipment will safely pass through the doorways;
      • The floors are very reliable;
      • Water in the plumbing passes through the filters of fine cleaning;
      • Users are ready to systematically blow and clean the nozzles;
      • There will be no foam for baths;
      • Users are ready to pay additional amounts for electricity.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_63

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_64

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_65

      But Hydromassage has obvious advantages which makes such an option very popular around the world. The effects of bubbles are not worse than the impact of the vertical shower jet. Relaxation and distraction from problems occur even more. There are many hydromassage modes, and each of them is unique. You can swim in the jacuzzi simultaneously with watching movies (video clips), with listening to melodies.

      Cosmetic procedures will accurately want to taste a bath with hydromassage and additives of honey, seaweed and healing mud. The same designs are suitable for supporters of aromatherapy.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_66

      An increasingly popular solution becomes use chromotherapy. It is carried out using special highlighting equipment. Models of baths with disinfection devices and drying are considered as comfortable as possible.

      Important: It is desirable to disinfect the bath not only after washing, but also to swim, so that the pipeline worked better.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_67

      Some models are designed for Ozonation. This option allows you to cope with dangerous bacteria even directly during washing. The hydromassage bath can be designed and with the calculation of long-term swimming lovers. Then it supports the initially specified thermal mode.

      Forgetful people guaranteed Model with protection from dry start. The main component of such protection is the water level sensor. If there are disabled people in the house or people with disabilities, they are suitable for a bath with a special door. Sensory consoles allow you to choose from the finished options (or program in your own taste) the most pleasant massages in individual mode.

      But it is necessary to understand that electronic control significantly increases the cost of the product.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_68

      The power of the bath with one hydromassage pump will be 0.8-0.9 kW. If you are used at once 2 pumps, the total power will be equal to 1.5 kW. Additionally, an aerosompressor is used, spending 0.5-0.7 kW current. Notice: elite baths with a sophisticated set of equipment and built-in drainage can in an hour consume 20 kW and more. But such copies are extremely rare.

      Nozzles in the hydromassage bath can be located in the walls and in the bottom, and in various places. Functional features differ and depending on the type of nozzles. Located on the bottom of the bathing bowl, the output of bubbles allows to achieve a very delicate circulation. But rotary devices are maximally powerful.

      The larger the nozzle, the greater the effort she can develop.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_69

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_70

      From additional features worth noting:

      • Turkish bath mode;
      • Tropical soul mode;
      • ventilation equipment;
      • voice control systems;
      • Aerome massage;
      • turbomassage;
      • radio;
      • Water lighting systems.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_71

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_72


      Highly highly popular Bath brand Cersanit. And among them allocated Joanna collection. This selection is valued for minimalistic spirit and comfort. Such baths are made in three different sizes, and any of them is compatible with both right-hand and left-sided devices. Thanks to the adjustment of the legs, you can set the most comfortable height, focusing on personal needs.

      Oval execution will allow you to relax and get pleasant emotions.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_73

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_74

      Model "140" has the following characteristics:

      • Allergy protection;
      • protection against the formation of bacterial colonies;
      • net weight 18.4 kg;
      • height 0.43 m;
      • Length 1.4 m;
      • The legs in the delivery set are not included;
      • central overflow;
      • Equipping the shelf for accessories.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_75

      As an alternative, you can consider Baths Cersanit Virgo. . These are good rectangular products with maximum ergonomics. They will fit perfectly in the most modern interior. The inner bowl is spacious, and the back has a perfectly verified contour. Therefore, swim in Virgo comfortable and convenient.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_76

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_77

      Among the products of the factory "Universal", the model "Classic" 150x70 is advantageous. This is a good cast iron product 150 cm long. Elegant geometry allows you to enter a design to any classic interior. Stylistics of the product is despicable, and its lines are smooth, the supporting legs are sold separately.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_78

      You can choose and model "Universal Siberian" 170x75 cm. It is functional and aesthetic. With such a bath it is easy to implement the most original design ideas. Anatomy and deep bowl capacity allow you to guarantee comfort. Legs, knobs and polyurethane headrests can be purchased additionally.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_79

      Attractive and bath Kolpa-San Norma 190x95. This is an excellent rectangular model of white. The height of the tank is 66 cm. Internal volume is 390 liters. The set of delivery includes a drop-overflow. Also there are the framework and 3 panels, the branded warranty is given for 7 years.

      Can look at the model Kolpa-San Arianna 170x70 cm. This is also a rectangular design. Its capacity is 230 liters. Delivery set includes plumpers. The branded guarantee is given for 10 years.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_80

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_81

      The French plumbing also deserves attention. For example, bath Jacob Delafon Ultima 150x70. The depth of the structure is 42 cm. After installing the legs, the total height reaches 57 cm. A good white bath is made of selected cast iron.

      Other features are:

      • Mass - 98 kg;
      • branded guarantee - 25 years;
      • The option of hydromassage is not provided;
      • Metal thickness - 0.8 cm;
      • stressed modern stylistics;
      • Wasted mounting type;
      • Anti-slip coating is not provided.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_82

      It is worth thinking about the model DELAFON SOISSONS 150X70. The official description indicates that this bath is elegant and is technically perfect. As with the previous version, the warranty is 25 years. The depth reaches 41 cm. Put the product can only close the wall.

      Some people prefer Italian baths. Bright example - acrylic construction Kerasan Waldorf. Its dimensions are 167x82x65 cm. The package of delivery includes a clea-clac drain. The legs are not provided, however, this is compensated by a noticeable depth of an oval white bath.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_83

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_84

      In Italy, make a separately standing bath Globo Relais. It is painted in impeccable black color. Its dimensions - 189x88x61 cm. The design is made of artificial stone. The product is equipped with a release, overflow and siphon, legs or wheels are missing.

      Chinese baths are becoming increasingly demand. This product has become noticeably perfect in recent years than before. Example - AVAILABLE APPOLLO AT-941 170X75 CM . The design is designed to equip the hydromassage block and headrest, but there are no knobs. Acrylic bath is mounted near the wall and is equipped with a reversing drainage.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_85

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_86

      Good alternative can be Belbagno BB03. This is a strong acrylic bath with a length of 176, 79 width and 60 cm high. The model has a complex atypical configuration that adds chic to the bathroom. The product can be easily entered into retro style. In other Belbagno BB03 styles, you can apply as the main design element.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_87

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_88

      Another decent Chinese bath - GEMY G9025-II K. And she, like the previous ones, is made of acrylic. It is mounted directly to the wall. The thickness of the base material is 0.8 cm. Other features such:

      • ozonation option;
      • Aeromassage and hydromassage;
      • back massage;
      • Compressor - 0.3 kW;
      • phone (working only on call acceptance);
      • radio;
      • Reliable protection from dry launches;
      • pair of headrests;
      • Internal volume - 250 l;
      • Drain-overflow and dismantled screen included.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_89

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_90

      How to choose?

      Design, technical capabilities and even reputation of a particular company are very important for choice. But should be repelled from what needs to be used for the room in a particular case. The bathing bowl should be such that all family members can safely post - And at the same time, it should not take too much space. Pig-iron baths are very often used. True, they went far enough from those previews that were produced in the early 1980s.

      Cast iron allows you to achieve an extraordinary mechanical fortress and durability. It will last a few decades even in fairly harsh conditions.

      Important: Cast iron structures are very weighty, which delivers serious inconvenience to the tenants of the upper floors. However, when several assistants can be attracted, it is not too fundamental limit. It is much more serious that it is difficult to make a bath of an indirectal form.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_91

      Baths made of steel much cheaper cast-iron analogs. They are significantly easier (the difference is 2-4 times in the mass is completely ordinary). Based on steel, you can form a design of different types. It is often difficult to distinguish it from an acrylic bath. At the same time it is necessary to remember that iron alloy with carbon very easily passes the heat (and water will cool quickly), and that it is much more "ringing" than cast iron.

      Acrylic products are enjoying great popularity. They are found in the rules of all major factories. Water in the tanks from acrylic cools very slowly, and this material itself is easier than steel. In addition, it is easy to form any geometric design. And one more plus - acrylic is very easy to repair (renovate).

      Important: The popularity of this material leads to the wide distribution of fakes. There are even more than good plumbing. And the service life of the falsification is small.

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_92

      Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_93

                            Directly when buying needs to be checked:

                            • homogeneity coloring;
                            • the absence of strangers;
                            • strength (bottom should not be fed);
                            • sheet thickness (minimum 0.4 cm);
                            • The impermeability of the material for light throughout the perimeter (checked with a lantern or match).

                            Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_94

                            Glass, wooden, marble and other exotic options for bathing cups should not be considered seriously. They are quite expensive, and if someone decides to acquire exactly such a design, it knows perfectly what should be obtained as a result. As for the container of the bowl, along with the dimensions, the geometric shape and the slope of the board affects it.

                            It is recommended to select such a bath in which the gap between the sides of bathing and walls is at least 5 cm. And naturally, you need to pay attention to consumer feedback.

                            Beautiful examples in the interior

                            That's how a white bath on the podium from moisture-resistant cardboard can look like. The combination of black and white paints looks very pretty and nice. The presence of steps and lamp only increases the aesthetic design qualities.

                            Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_95

                            And this is a beautiful oval bath. It is perfectly combined with brown floors and with attractive decor objects.

                            Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_96

                            The white bath is quite relevant and surrounded by beige walls. Elegant tiled finish looks very good. The difference in the color of the walls makes the room only more attractive. The absence of expressive decorative elements is quite justified. The stretch ceiling with point illumination also looks quite logical in such a room.

                            Baths (97 photos): What better to choose? Narrow and wide, colored and white, baths 120x70, 140x70 cm and other sizes, types 10217_97

                            On how to choose a bath, look next.

                            Read more