Little angular bath: features of small models


Little angular baths are the perfect option for rooms with a limited amount of free space. They allow you to make the most practical use of every centimeter of space, while it will be successfully looked in all style solutions. In this material you will familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the choice of angular baths of small sizes.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Modern corner baths have A huge number of advantages Compared to classic rectangular and square options.

  • Corner bathroom - perfect option for low-size installation . It allows you to effectively distribute and plan each free centimeter of the room and successfully post the room all planned furniture and plumbing.

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  • Corner varieties of baths are considered the safest, Since in its most possessed the rounded form, where there are no sharp corners that children or the elderly can hit.

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  • Despite the angular location of such baths, they can be performed in different forms and from different materials, as well as in a variety of designs and color solutions. In this regard, they are not inferior to classic packaging options.

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  • Minor dimensions and external conciseness do not overload the interior of the bathroom Make it easier, immediate and aesthetic. In addition, such baths can successfully complement a specific style or dilute a separate style solution.

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  • Like the classic model of foaders, in the package of angular versions can be included additional functions, Which will make the use of this type of plumbing even more enjoyable and comfortable.

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  • Despite the widespread myth, corner baths possess practically The same displacement as classical models.

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    The only disadvantage of angular fonts can be considered They will not be able to fully pull the legs, especially high people. The remaining disadvantages of such baths will relate to a specific manufacturing material or to a separate model.

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    Most often, in the manufacture of plumbing for bathrooms, 5 materials are used: cast iron, metal (in the form of aluminum, steel or stainless steel), minerals, acrylic, and its more modern version - kvaril.

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    Below will consider the pros and cons of each of these materials when creating small corner foxes.

    • Cast iron. This material is activated in the creation of angular baths is not particularly often, because it does not have enough plasticity and is complicated in processing. Despite this, cast iron baths are considered the most durable, reliable and silent. However, in this material there are also its drawbacks - first of all the greater weight, which is why such products need a stronger installation, as well as the high cost of high-quality models from cast iron. Cast iron products are usually covered with a thick layer of enamel, which can let over time.

    The best of the cast iron models will look at the bathrooms stylized under retro or country.

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    • Steel. Found from the stainless steel to find on the market is much simpler - these baths can be made in any dimensions and forms, in addition, steel is much easier for cast iron, not particularly arrogant to care and does not need reliable fastening.

    The minuses also have: Steel products are strongly noisy under water flows, they quickly cool, although they are quickly heated, and can also be deformed from temperature drops. Steel fonts are also covered by a layer of enamel, but in their case it is thinner than that of the assemblies from the cast iron.

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    • Acrylic. Today it is the most popular material in creating foaders. It is quite durable, can take any outlines and is not particularly noise from the blow of the jet of water. Strengths are products from cast acrylic. Despite the good strength, acrylic does not tolerate mechanical damage - scratches, cracks and dents will be noticeable on this material.

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    • Kvaril. This material is a mixture of quartz and acrylic. It is characterized by a stronger and wear-resistant structure than acrylic, and has a characteristic glossy glitter, which highlights it against the background of all other materials. As in the case of acrylic, the coniferous fonts can take any form, but are usually much more expensive than acrylic options.

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    • Minerals. This group includes angular models made of artificial or natural stone. Most often it is artificial marble. Despite the excellent characteristics of strength and resistance to abrasive drugs, these products more attract attention to exactly their appearance.

    Thanks to the luricuity and a large price, such products are installed exclusively in richly furnished bathrooms in the style of modern or classics.

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    Equipment and functionality

    Modern angular baths are equipped with the widest list of additional functions designed to make the operation of the operation focused even more pleasant and comfortable.

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    Among them can be allocated:

    • remote control;
    • Built-in hydro and aeromassage;
    • automatic and manual adjustment of water supply power;
    • Additional armrests or soft headboards;
    • Seats for convenient taking soul;
    • Safety handles and towel dryers;
    • Shelves for installation of bathroom facilities;
    • water temperature control sensors;
    • The function of illumination and chromotherapy (light treatment);
    • electronic screen to control functions and power settings;
    • water disinfection system;
    • non-slip bottom surface;
    • Protective systems from dry start and grille from overflow.

    In addition, in angular baths should be provided Support legs or hooks for fastening the unit directly to the wall.

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    Forms and sizes

    In stores you can find symmetric and asymmetrical bath options, as well as models of non-standard forms.

    • Symmetric. Such aggregates are fully universal, as they can successfully look at any corner, while reliably adjacent to the walls of the bathroom. In symmetric bows, mixers and cranes are located on sidelights or in rare cases on the front part of the font. A common variant of symmetric units can also be considered in the form of a hexagon, which simultaneously occupy little space and are quite spacious for taking a bath.

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    • Asymmetric. This group includes trapezoidal models of baths and focused on the type of cut-off oval. Such models are divided into right-sided and left-sided. The main advantage of them is that they allow you to pull your legs and can be used for mounting shower curtains.

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    • Non-standard forms . This is usually expensive models of angular baths that are installed to maintain a certain style in the room. Moreover, usually these fasteners are manufactured to order according to the particular client preferences. From non-standard forms that occur in the market most often, it is possible to highlight petal options and cut-off dried patterns.

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      As for the sizes, all models of angular baths with dimensions less than 140x140 cm (in the case of symmetrical) and 75x150 (for asymmetric) are already considered small. If we talk about small angular models, then the most popular sizes are options 120x120 cm, as well as 130x130 cm. The tank of the font itself in this case can vary from 200 to 300 liters.

      In stores you can find angular fonts and very small sizes - like, for example, 120x80 or 100x70 cm, however, such models are bought exclusively into small bathrooms with a limited amount of free space.

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      How to choose?

      When choosing small angular baths, you need to consider several important factors.

      • Equipment. First of all, you need to evaluate the complex or dimensions of all family members who will use an angular bath. Take into account that people with excess weight use this option font will be difficult, especially if we are talking about an asymmetric model.

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      • Security. If your family has children or older people, exclude from the choice of model of corner bathrooms with sharp corners - good, it is very few such products on the market.

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      • Dimensions. Before you go to the store, you need to carry out accurate measurements of the bathroom and the area in the room where the font will be placed. It is very important to pay attention to the width of the passage in the bathroom, as well as the location of the rest of furniture and plumbing. In order to maximize themselves to protect yourself in this regard, pre-make the plan of the room with the size of the entire furniture.

      Do not forget to leave several free, safety centimeters to accommodate the bath near the already installed furniture.

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      • Functional. Decide why you need a font. If this unit is intended exclusively for washing or washing linen, it will be more profitable to stay on standard models without additional features. Buyers who want to get a maximum of such plumbing can consider options with built-in functions like illumination or hydromassage.

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      • Production material. This is a very important factor with which you must decide on the hike in the store. Remember that the most expensive are iron, kvaril and artificial stone products, the cheapest - of steel. The most reliable at the same time will be cast-iron baths, but steel and acrylic is unlikely to serve longer than 15 years. Also pay attention to the weight of the model - cast-iron will be the most severe, and therefore before buying them you need to plan the installation conditions in advance and prepare additional fasteners.

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      • Design . Pick the bath model taking into account the interior and the style of your bathroom. The font should harmonize with the color decision of your room, emphasize or supplement certain parts or interior elements.

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      • Curtains . If in the future you plan to install curtains for the bathroom, you should select models with curtains and a bar of the same shape. Otherwise you have to spend a lot of time searching for a suitable option.

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        • Purchase and appearance. When choosing small angular fobs, it is better to focus on the range of official sites of large manufacturers, it will protect you from buying fake. When choosing a bath in the store, pay attention to the appearance of the model. Make sure that there are no scratches on the surface of the product, chips, bends, dents and cracks.

        Do not forget to issue warranty documents and familiarize yourself with the quality certificate for equipment.

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        In the next video, you will learn how to choose the right corner bath in a small bathroom.

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