Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors


The bathroom is traditionally reflected in white ceramic tiles. But such a relatively unconventional option, like a gray tile for the bathroom, too, can be good. We just need to carefully approach her selection and apply it correctly.

Features and styles

Gray paint is finding favorably from many other tones with its versatility. It has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of consumption in any stylistry;
  • excellent combination with most other colors;
  • Strict and noble effect.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_2

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_3

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_4

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_5

Gray from a physical point of view and not the color at all. In the designer tradition, it is believed to achromatic colors. The lack of a color load fully meets the canons of minimalistic design. The bathroom of minimalistic format is allowed to use tiles that differ in the texture, geometric configuration and size. Major tile and cabanchik are most popular.

Important: The seams are watched by the composition that exactly corresponding to the tone to the surrounding material, which allows you to create a sensation of the monolithic surface.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_6

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_7

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_8

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_9

When the room is drawn up in the spirit of Loft style, finishing under stone or concrete is preferred. Metal imitation will be a good option.

If the design only from one type of tiles seems boring and uninteresting, you can combine this material with a white "cable", brick fragments or steel products.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_10

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_11

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_12

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_13

When the room is drawn up in the stylistics of the ar-deco or modern classics, the stone imitation is better than the metal. Designers recommend using smoky coloring, which look more respectable. Gray tiles can form an elegant, laconic atmosphere, it is advantageous to emphasize the stylistic nuances. They will harmoniously enter any type of country stylistry. However, the best way to look at the setting of Provence and in Rustic Surroundings.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_14

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_15

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_16

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_17


Many people have a question: can it be combined with gray tiles with blocks of other tones. Usually, this interest is associated with the common opinion that the pure gray finish is unnecessarily gloomy and can greatly harm when the room is cleaned. But such a representation is in the root mistakenly. After all, you can simply use the "game" of various shades of the main colors, which are very many. A room in which gray color is diluted with cream or beige notes, will look comfortable anyway.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_18

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_19

So that the room was brighter, "shine", use white plumbing, glass elements (especially small mirrors). The furniture also advise the use of white tones. But, in addition to color combinations, it is possible to apply gray tiles with variations on texture and dimensions. It looks very attractive to the bathroom, some of the walls of which are covered with a large tile, and the other part is a mosaic.

But this does not mean that you can ignore the advantages of combining gray and colored tiles or gray calculations and walls painted in other tones.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_20

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_21

The gray tile is perfectly combined with peach and apricot, with light green and pink shades, with lavender color. Bej's additive makes the room warmer, and blue and green inclusions will lower the visual temperature. Juicy orange, yellow and red tones along with gray will help make the situation energetically and eliminate the depressive effect. Blue additives will ensure emotional relaxation and will dismiss fantasy. The gray-violet furnishings are effectively and sensual even more than many pure concentrated colors.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_22

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_23

Mixing gray and yellow paint, it is easy to achieve a cheerful "sunny" effect. However, it is necessary to observe the urgent rule - the introduction of the yellow should be dosed. But the gray-brown combination can only be used in the most extreme case. Especially carefully, it is necessary to come in relation to the unification of gray and dark brown paints. They will look overly gloomy together.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_24

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_25

Stylish options and solutions

Light gray color, provided that it is not darker gray, it is distinguished by universality. Such paintings externally expand the space and therefore can be used even in a modest bathroom. Especially good similar combinations in Scandinavian and in the classic French interior. The dark gray tile is appreciated, of course, not for the ability to narrow the space, but for the formation of "chamber", home furnishings. This result is achieved with moderate use of dark gray blocks.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_26

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_27

Experienced designers often resort to the use of juicy main colors on the accent wall. Other surfaces are decorated in white or pastel gamma. This composition perfectly meets the requirements of the modernist style. Light gray and white "friends" very closely. But to avoid excessive boredom, psychologists and designers offer to look at other combinations - with sea, sandy colors, with lavender color.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_28

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_29

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_30

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_31

Determining the role of the gray tile in the design of the bathroom, it is impossible to cost attention and such an aspect as the difference between matte and glossy varieties. Matte material is preferably placed on the floor, since its roughness will make the room safer. Even with moisturizing, matte tiles will not slide.

Important: It is necessary to lay out the lower part of the walls just in case of the same material.

Glossy blocks have the following features:

  • immediately make the room lighter;
  • invariably look brighter and rushing;
  • It's easier to wash and clean;
  • May have a greater variety of tones and ornaments.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_32

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_33

Wall tile in the interior of a small bath should be seal even more carefully than usual. After all, the slightest error leads to a visual narrowing of space and sharply spoils the sensations. But you need to remember that large-format tiles in the bathroom are quite acceptable. Professional designers know that prejudice against such blocks is based only on meaningless stereotypes.

But that the gray tile of great magnitude looked attractive, it should be used rationally.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_34

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_35

Full lining of the whole wall is not recommended. It will correctly create a vertical strip, putting it in the center of the wall. But on the floor, large ceramic tiles are contraindicated, because they will have to trim. In a rectangular bathroom, it is advised to use a tile of 0.2x0.3 m, in square - 0.2x0.2 m. To make gray tiles more interesting, you can diversify it, using the following solutions:

  • tile with severe relief;
  • contrast mosaic;
  • elements with a pattern (separately from each other or in the composition of large decorative strips);
  • Borders.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_36

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_37

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_38

Design experts note that the main part of the room should be covered with a light gray tile. Dark gray tones are used for floors or at the bottom of the walls. In the extreme case, the narrow darker bands are allowed in the middle. To simplify the choice, it is necessary to give preference to the finished collections that have already been originally compiled from the agreed elements. More experts offer to focus on the combination of such types of tiles as:

  • small mosaic;
  • medium rectangular;
  • Large in the form of a square.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_39

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_40

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_41

If you need to choose the most saturated shades of gray, then preferences should fall, first of all, on such colors, like:

  • anthracite;
  • graphite;
  • wet asphalt.

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_42

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_43

Gray tile in the bathroom (44 photos): dark gray and light gray tiles in the bathroom. Matte ceramic and other tiles in gray colors 10126_44

How to create a bathroom interior, as well as with what to combine gray tiles, look in the video.

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