Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile?


Ceramic tile, brought from Poland, is considered a high-quality and inexpensive product, which, thanks to optimal characteristics, can be used for facing the floor and walls of the bathroom. To successfully cope with the finish, it is important to know the main parameters and properties of the Polish tile.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_2

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_3

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_4

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_5

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_6

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_7


Ceramic Polish bathroom tile is made based on white high quality clay. This uses modern equipment and advanced Italian and Spanish technologies. Polish ceramics has its own characteristic features that distinguish it from the products of other countries:

  • Product form square or rectangular;
  • Large selection of light tile for the bathroom;
  • the presence of a simple and complex decorative design of VIP and economy-class;
  • If you wish, you can buy a tile from a new 3D tiles collection with volumetric, realistic images.

The format in which ceramic products are available, convenient to use and mount (20x25 cm). Although if desired, you can choose more overall products.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_8

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_9

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_10

Advantages and disadvantages

This product has certain advantages that are important for the process of cladding and further operation.

  • Ceramic products are distinguished by increased resistance to moisture and spains resulting from the use of hot water.
  • The tile differs in fire resistance and meets fire safety standards /
  • The product does not secrete toxic compounds, even high temperatures do not lead to its deformation.
  • Thanks to the quality in accordance with the world standards, the tile eliminates the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, fungus and mold in the bathroom.
  • Polish ceramics is convenient to care, easily cleaned and washed.
  • Special strength and hardness - one of the many advantages of the product that is difficult to damage, scratch or split even when installing plumbing.
  • Additional plus is resistance to chemical components contained in construction and cosmetic compositions, as well as in domestic detergents and cleaning products. When they are exposed to the structure and color of the tile does not change. The exception is an aqueous fluorine hydrogen solution - a highly toxic, dangerous reagent.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_11

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_12

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_13

According to customer reviews, Polish products are distinguished by practicality, optimal sizes, has a large range of colors and drawings. , besides, noted and Low price Products compared to tiles from Italy, Germany and Spain.

Perhaps the only minus of the Polish tel for the bathroom is Nature on it splashes and divorces But this is due to the quality of texture, providing safe use - the product surface has a roughness that eliminates slip.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_14

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_15

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_16

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_17

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_18

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_19


Aesthetically attractive and qualitative in many ways, the tile of Poland production is produced in several species.

  • Products intended for walls They have high moisture resistance and have shine at the expense of a special coating. They are made of ceramics, in this case, their strength is slightly lower than that of floor copies. However, for the wall-mounted version, this is not the mainly advanced requirement. You can choose from monophonic models or lining the walls with exclusive tile with artistic painting.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_20

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_21

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_22

  • For floor surface It is possible to use beautiful and durable tiles with a mosaic pattern. Immediately it should be noted that it stacked quickly and simply. It is better for these purposes to select miniature products, because it does not need to have professional vendor skills. One of the advantages of this type of tile is its shockproof properties.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_23

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_24

  • Also Polish manufacturers offer Floor floor with a patchwork with a matte surface . The assortment has less slippery products with a corrugated water flow. This is a reliable and strong floor covering, a variety of design, but it costs more than other types of products.

Polish tile is a popular and competitive product, and on the basis of its high quality, it is glad to acquire, preferring Spanish and Italian products. The main thing is to choose the right tile in the bathroom.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_25

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_26

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_27

Criterias of choice

Since the range of this product is extremely diverse, You need to choose a ceramics for bathrooms in several important criteria.

  • If desired, make a room for hygienic and water procedures original, many make a common mistake - pick up for the walls and floor tiles from bright fashion collections. However, aggressive colors are capable of very quickly, and even cause irritation, so it is better to stop your choice on products with a classic design.
  • Experts advise you to choose traditional colors of tile of muted and pastel shades, and so that the room does not seem sad, to revive it with contrast accessories - bright towels, soaps, a rug in a bath and for feet.
  • For a small room, it is worth buying a miniature tile of blue or lightweight color. The spacious bathroom allows the use of finishing consisting of large plates with a large ornament.
  • For the floor it is necessary to buy ceramics, which will not slide, and at its own experience, many know that sometimes the wall tile is better to take with a rather rough texture.
  • In small bathrooms, a bright shade of walls and sex is always preferable because it expands the space of the room and makes it visually spacious. However, with a large sweatshop, the specifics of this room dictates to exclude too dark, the more black and brown colors in large quantities.
  • Choosing a porcelain stoneware on the floor, you can be confident in its strength and blastiness. Probably, it is one of the most durable materials for cladding floors in the bathroom, since the purpose of this finish provides for use in a street zone where the mechanical load on the plates is much larger.
  • In order for the bathroom luxuriously, and also corresponded to the atmosphere of relaxation, it is worth choosing a tile under a natural stone, for example, granite or marble.
  • If you wish to purchase a material that will be installed on top of "warm floors", heat-resistant ceramic plates should be selected, not fearing high temperatures.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_28

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_29

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_30

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_31

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_32

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_33

Polish cladding is Environmentally friendly material and safe for human health Therefore, the choice of one or another brand is usually associated with the features of collections that differ in a specific combination of colors and patterns. but Even in case of complete confidence, it is worth showing vigilance and collect about the selected brand and the products as possible as possible.

You can also read user feedback on the product on the Internet. This will help avoid disappointments when buying goods from unfair manufacturers.

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_34

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_35

Polish bathroom tiles: Features of ceramic tiles from Poland for the bathroom. How to choose a tile and other tile? 10123_36

In the next video you can take a look at the Polish tile for the bathroom Tubadzin Venatello.

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