Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior


Brown color scheme is one of the most popular bathroom decisions. Such a popularity of brown color is due to its influence on human psychological health. Brown positively affects the nervous system, relaxing and giving a sense of security. Moreover, such a color always looks expensive and noble. For details on how to create a beautiful bathroom in brown shades, you will learn from this article.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_2

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_3


The modern market offers a wide variety of tiles for placing a bathroom. It can have a different size, form and material of manufacture. Large tile is used to decorate any types of surfaces. This tile can be both a monophonic and decorated pattern or pattern.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_4

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_5

But the fine tile is used mainly for the design of the walls, since it is quite thin, and therefore does not have sufficient strength. With it, create an interesting mosaic, which looks appropriate in any stylistic solutions.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_6

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_7

It looks more interesting to the tile of non-standard forms. Of these models create unique patterns and pictures. Thus, stores present models round, rectangular, diamond and other forms. As for manufacturing materials, the bathroom mainly use ceramic, porcelain and clinker tiles.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_8

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_9

Ceramic tile is considered a classic option. It most often has a form of a rectangle, as well as a special coating that protects it from water and moisture. Ceramics are used for floor decoration, ceiling and walls. The form is basically square and rectangular.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_10

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_11

Porcelain stoneware is an excellent substitute for ceramic products. Especially often, the floors are separated by such material, since the tile has a high density, and it is difficult to break it hard. From porcelain stoneware, tile is made both standard forms and unusual options.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_12

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_13

Clinker models are less likely used in the interior of the bathroom. Such a tile is characterized by durability and durability. Clinker looks original and warm. Often, such a tile is used to create a minimalism interior, modern, high-tech, country, loft and ethnic style.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_14

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_15

Shades of brown

The brown palette has a wide range of tones and shades, so it is quite difficult to determine the optimal tone. When choosing a color, you must consider the size of the room, the color and number of furniture.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_16

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_17

Light shades

Light and tender shades will help create a cozy room in which you can always relax and forget about your problems. Light colors are not annoying and never bored. The most popular brown brown shades are the following.

  • Coffee with milk. This is the optimal solution for the bathroom, since the color is perfectly combined with both other shades of brown and other color solutions. It is used to create a color accent, and for finishing the background. Moreover, such a shade is well suited for creating drawings and ornaments.
  • Milk chocolate. The shade is suitable for sweet lovers. It is often used in the interiors in the classic, Victorian style, as well as in the style of Provence. However, such a color has a significant drawback - it increases appetite, which makes it undesirable for those who carefully monitor their weight.
  • Caramel. It is warm and cozy. It is successfully combined with pastel shades and is suitable for creating a design in the style of Provence, Country or Eco.
  • Beige. This is the most common color that is perfectly combined with various shades of brown and other colors.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_18

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_19

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_20

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_21

Dark tones

Dark brown meet at least bright shades. However, dark tones visually reduce the room, so they are often combined with brighter colors. Dark tiles with patterns originally. But it is important not to overdo the decorative elements with such decorative elements, as the dark color looks deep and richly, therefore does not require a multitude of decorative elements.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_22

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_23


Several emissions The main types of brown tile design:

  • monophonic;
  • under the stone;
  • under the tree;
  • Variants with prints or drawings.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_24

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_25

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_26

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_27

The monophonic tile looks too calm and monotonous, so it is often diluted with tiles with patterns or prints. You can also use various shades of brown or other colors to create an unusual mosaic.

Tile can be decorated with all sorts of patterns or patterns. Flower and other topics with plants are often used. For example, when creating an interior in green-brown tones, a print with palm trees is appropriate. However, a bright patterned or painted tile cannot be used to finish all surfaces in the room, as it overloads it. It is used exclusively to create small accents.

A fashionable novelty is a 3D tile. With it, they create amazing and realistic drawings.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_28

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_29

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_30

Models under the tree, on the contrary, rarely combine with other types of tiles, since such a design looks noble and interesting thanks to its texture. You can use a tile of different tones - it will make the interior more contrast. Moreover, Options for wood have the same visual effects as genuine wood, so they make the room more cozy and warm . And such a tile is perfect for interior designs in various styles, such as loft or country.

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_31

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_32

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_33

Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_34

    Models with imitation stone attract attention and create a non-standard and bright interior. Such options have a stylish appearance. However, the bathroom, trimmed under the stone, will always look cold, so it is better to choose warm lighting and supplement the interior with cozy and gentle elements.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_35

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_36

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_37

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_38

    Color combinations

    An ideal combination is various combinations of brown shades - it will help create a warm and cozy bathroom. Also well brown combines with hints of beige: It can be cream, powder, peach, coffee and other tones. Lighter shades will make the room brighter, visually expanding it.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_39

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_40

    Combining brown with white - another wonderful idea. Such a combination is most commonly found in bathrooms with brown tiles, as the bathroom furniture often has a white color. It is important to consider that white color is a cold tone, so such a tandem creates a fairly cold and discreet interior.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_41

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_42

    Gold combines well with any shades of brown. Such a duet always looks elegant, rich and deep.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_43

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_44

    As for bright and non-standard colors, they are rarely combined with brown. More often in the interior add other colors using textiles or various decorative items. However, if you want to create a non-standard design, you can resort to the following options:

    • combination of pastel colors with brown tiles;
    • Using a thin line of white tile for the separation of brown and another bright shade.

    The best bright "neighbors" brown is considered shades of blue, green, yellow, red and orange.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_45

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_46

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_47

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_48


    Brown tile is universal, as suitable for the design of the bathroom in various styles. Consider the most popular solutions.

    • Country, Provence and Eco-style. These are traditional folk styles that always look warm and cozy. For these styles, the use of braided baskets, live flowers and handmade textiles.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_49

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_50

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_51

    • Modern and Loft. These are modern and fairly laconic designs. The color palette is usually cold, so more often use dark shades of brown. Tile with floral patterns for such styles will not suit, but here are one-photographic models or options with geometric patterns will fit perfectly.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_52

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_53

    • Classic style. The interior is often decorated with gold or bronze patterns and wood. Can be used both dark and bright shades of brown. As a rule, a large-size tile is used for cladding. As for the decor, you can use various figurines, furniture with curly legs or even paintings.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_54

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_55

    • Arabic, Chinese and Japanese. These exotic styles are a solution for bold lovers of the East. Exotic design always looks original and warm enough. The brown palette will perfectly fit into such an interior. The tile with the image of the bamboo is especially well. You can also meet tiles with traditional oriental motifs.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_56

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_57

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_58

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_59

    Beautiful ideas

    • The bathroom in a classic style in a beige-brown color scheme looks warm and cozy. Patterns on the walls and additional decorative elements make the design more interesting.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_60

    • The spacious bathroom, weathered in brown shades, will become an excellent option for connoisseurs of comfort.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_61

    • The room is originally finished with fine mosaic with gold spots.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_62

    • Brown is well combined with green. Such a tandem will make the interior design in unique.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_63

    • The red color will become a bright and unexpected focus for the bathroom in brown tones.

    Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_64

      • Unusually looks like a Bathroom in the style of Provence. Tile with imitation of wood makes the interior cozy, and a gentle blue color in combination with white floral tiles will become a bright accent.

      Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_65

      Brown tile for the bathroom (66 photos): ceramic and other tiles in brown tones in the bathroom interior 10113_66

      How to choose a bathroom tile, look in the video below.

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