How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile?


In the consciousness of many of our compatriots, the tile and bathroom are inextricably linked, but this combination has a lot of flaws. First, the facing of the cafeter traditionally costs the customer quite expensive, secondly, with all the modern diversity of the tile, you hardly manage to find your original vision of the interior, if there was no alternative to any alternatives.

If you approach solving a problem with the mind, you can find many ways to finish the walls without the use of the tile.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_2

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_3

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_4

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_5


If you decide to separate the walls in the bathroom at least something other than the tile, when choosing finishing materials, you will have to check the correspondence of potential alternatives to a number of criteria, which in the conditions of the bathroom are fundamental.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_6

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_7

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_8

Moisture resistance

Spray and water vapor in the air are the mainest destroyer factors in the bathroom, which the finish chosen instead of a tile should be able to resist. In addition, if the installation is carried out on an additional framework, it must either correspond to the moisture resistance level, or be securely protected.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_9


Because of the abundance of plumbing and the need to use the most persistent materials, the repair of the bathroom is trying to make as soon as possible, because It is best to bore his expensive and high-quality material once than to save today and pay again in a couple of years.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_10


High humidity and elevated temperature in the bathroom are ideal conditions for reproduction of any pathogenic microorganisms. Facing should not once again contribute to their presence.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_11

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_12


In the bathroom, it is not necessary to rely on the accuracy of the repairs - here it gives a heavy plumbing, and it may be subject to impact, if someone will randomly lose its equilibrium. To avoid problems with repair It is worth choosing reliable and impact-resistant materials.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_13


Preference is given to those materials whose structure involves the minimum number of pores. Due to such a structure, the dirt is less absorbed into the finish and it is not necessary to clean it so often, and the cleaning procedure itself turns out to be simpler and more convenient.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_14

Easy mounting

This criterion is important in the event that you decided to repair yourself independently, as well as when calling a master. In the first case, you greatly simplify the task, in the second you can spend less to pay for the services of the hired worker.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_15


Unfortunately, many modern materials are fairly criticized for the release of toxic evaporation, especially when heated. In the bathroom, where you are generally not protected from the impact of the surrounding atmosphere, and it is almost always a little heated, The choice of eco-friendly materials is extremely important.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_16

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_17

Chemical impact resistance

The duration of the lifetime of the facing largely depends on how easy it is to cleaned it from the contaminants, but sometimes without aggressive chemicals can not do. It is necessary to choose such finishing materials, which "chemistry" do not destroy, otherwise your repair will live only before first cleaning.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_18

Can natural materials be used?

The connoisseurs of classic interiors certainly sleep and see their bathroom, decorated with wood, especially since even in the baths such a veneer option is widely found and does not cause special complaints.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_19

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_20

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_21

You can make this repair But it is necessary to consider all the varieties of material.

The most sought-after (and at the same time dear) - genuine wood. As a material, an oak, cedar, alder or maple array is used - it is not only a completely eco-friendly, but also enough durable and durable material.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_22

In this case, the tree is afraid of water and from contact with it begins to rot, because It is important to use impregnations based on oils, waxes and other substances that protect from moisture penetration and repel dirt. Tree laying on the floor, as well as in those places of the wall, where contact with water is very likely, is still undesirable, but in all other parts of the bathroom durability of repair depends greatly on how often the impregnation will be updated.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_23

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_24

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_25

Option with MDF in its characteristics is not so much inferior to natural wood, although it is an artificial material - This is a fine chips compressed under high pressure and with significant heating.

For obvious reasons, these panels are noticeably cheaper, but the material is still considered environmentally friendly - additional glue in the production process is not used.

With the same impregnations of MDF will last for a long time, and still these panels are not so sorry to change.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_26

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_27

Fiberboard and chipboard are quite cheap, but for the bathroom, except with the stretch. Fiberboard still has relative water resistance, so it can be used in zones, where direct contact with water is not expected, but the chipboard is a very extreme option. The chipboard is fragile and moisture is very afraid, because it is reasonable to install it in a company with a very powerful fan, and this material allocates harmful toxins.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_28

Wallpaper options

Modern manufacturers are ready to offer customers a little more expensive waterproof wallpaper, whose sticking is appropriate even in the bathroom.

The disadvantage of this type of finishing is the need to advance the walls, but you get a huge space for creative fantasy, you can choose from a huge range of patterns and patterns or glue wallpaper for further painting.

Besides, This veneer option allows point repair. - Instead of a spoiled or too dirty fragment, you just glue another one of the old stocks.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_29

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_30

In order not to be disappointed as a result, pay attention to the following types of wallpaper:

  • washable - in their basis, ordinary paper, but from the outside they are covered with a thin waterproof film, and in the account of such an engineering solution, both practical and inexpensive coating are also obtained;
  • vinyl - It is expensive, but their outer layer is not afraid of even direct contact with water, because the cladding will last for a long time;
  • Self-adhesive - in fact, are a polymer film that is not afraid of moisture, and therefore it often sees the walls of the wall directly near the plumbing;
  • Liquid - Contrary to the title, in fact, are not at all wallpaper, and more suitable for the description of the plaster, albeit with the inclusion of cellulose fibers, and are perfectly suitable for trimming the bathroom;
  • Glass equipment - fiberglass-based rolls, fundamentally indifferent to the effects of moisture, they are produced in white color with a relief texture and suggest subsequent staining, allowed up to 10 times;
  • Photo wallpaper - In the presence of a hydrophobic film, they are able to withstand operation even in conditions of high humidity, while make it possible to make the design of the bathroom as interesting as interesting and unusual.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_31

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_32

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_33

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_34

Finishing with plastic panels

The decision to sew a plastic bathroom is considered hardly the most popular after the choice in favor of the tile. Such popularity seems reasonable, because Consumables, like the work, are a penny, but at the same time the finished repair will serve the owners of the apartment long enough.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_35

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_36

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_37

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_38

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_39

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_40

Experts allocate the following features of plastic panels, for which it is worth choosing this material:

  • Ecology - For the manufacture, the same type of plastic is used in which food packs and from which water pipes are made, it is completely safe for humans;
  • High temperatures resistance - for the critical panels is the mark of 370 degrees, but it is unlikely to ever be achieved, and even during the fire, the material does not allocate particular toxic smoke, without interfering with the evacuation of people;
  • moisture resistance - plastic does not absorb water at all, and its seams are performed in the form of waterproof locks, therefore the wall will always be clean and does not contribute to the reproduction of bacteria;
  • Easy mounting - you can glue the panels both right on the wall and on the frame, which allows you to align the surface without too much effort, hide the insulation or communication;
  • Decent assortment - Contrary to common erroneous opinion, the appearance of plastic wall panels can be the most diverse, which allows the consumer to experiment with the design of his bathroom at its own discretion.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_41

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_42

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_43

Use of plasterboard

Plasterboard in recent decades has become one of the most running building materials not only for draft works, but also as a cladding. The ordinary variety of this material does not respond very well to contact with moisture, because It is worth using moisture-resistant species, and even better - special plastering panels.

In fact, it is the same plasterboard, only outside it is saved by waterproof vinyl film - approximately like on vinyl wallpaper.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_44

Understanding the desire of the buyer to the maximum simplicity and speed of repair, many manufacturers perform pasting already decorated with vinyl film. Thanks to this, you can decorate the interior of the room by easy installation panels without additional operations, although no one forbids use and more complex ways - for example, followed by independent decoration.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_45

As for the design variability, here manufacturers exploit the most popular plots for the middle consumer. So in great demand Gypsinyl panels, naturally imitating natural material - wood or stone. Monophonic products and sheets decorated with the same type of repeating ornament are also in demand.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_46

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_47

Advantages and disadvantages of paint

Sometimes it is not necessary to invent anything new if you can use the old proven method - to cover the walls of waterproof paint. Advantages of such a solution is a lot of:

  • saving - It is unlikely that you will find at least one cheaper alternative, even if you chose enough expensive paint;
  • design variability - Experiment with flowers, dose the kel, mix the shades, and if there is a talent - create real masterpieces on the wall;
  • Easy performance - As a rule, hired workers are not attracted to such work, you can paint the bathroom yourself, and quite quickly.

How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_48

If you have already set off to acquire paint, do not be so hasty - she has several disadvantages, which may make you change your own solution.

    First, the whole charm of such a cladding will be revealed only if the wall surface is initially smooth; If not, you definitely do not save any time nor money or strength. Secondly, the paint is not suitable for any - by choosing the cheapest water-dispersion, you risks make repairs literally for several days.

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_49

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_50

    In order not to make a mistake when choosing paint, consider those options that can be appropriate in the conditions of the bathroom.

    • Acrylic paint It is good because it is released in a variety of colors, and you can experiment with the kel. It is suitable for staining of all types of surfaces, except metallic. Moisture for this facing material is not terrible, but it is relatively cheap.

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_51

    • Latex paint It is good with its elasticity - it does not crack, even if the walls are given a shrinkage. In addition, this material covers the wall with a sufficient thick layer, therefore it is able to hide cracks up to 1 mm in size, which means that it is not so diligently to smooth the wall.

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_52

    • Silicone paint. It is used even for outdoor decoration, so its use in the room is all more appropriate. Its advantage is that it is not afraid of not only water, but also serious mechanical loads, and the only thing that stops the interested buyer - its high cost.

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_53

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_54

    What is better to choose?

    Each consumer must give an answer to this question - it all depends on what specific results would like to get.

    So, if you want to repair the most cheaply, it's worth paying special attention to the paint - here and the material is extremely budget, and there is no need to attract hired workers.

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_55

    Connoisseurs of attractive design costs special attention to wallpaper - it is they who suggest the widest selection of design solutions.

    However, everything depends on the degree of the talent of the designer - if you have a non-reasonable gift to drawing, then no photo wallpaper will make your bathroom more original than the scenery or still life.

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_56

    How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_57

          As for durability, this criterion seems to be the most profitable decision Natural wood But with one reservation: at least you will not change the main cladding, you will have to update the impregnation several times.

          How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_58

          How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_59

          How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_60

          How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_61

          Of the alternatives most preferred seem Plastic panels, decorative plasterboard and vinyl wallpaper.

          How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_62

          How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_63

          How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_64

          How to separate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles? 65 photos: design options. Wallpapers and other finishing materials. What can be sewn and wall instead of tile? 10108_65

          In the next video, you will learn how quickly and originally make the walls of the walls in the bathroom "under the rain".

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