The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom?


Mirror - an integral part of the bathroom. Here it performs several functions at once - not only helps to be wrapped in households, but also complements the interior as a whole. The range of beautiful and functional mirrors pleases modern consumers, but little only choose a suitable model - it is equally important to competently install it indoors. Today we will learn at what height it is permissible to hang the mirror in the bathroom.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_2

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_3

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_4

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_5

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_6

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_7

Primary requirements

Before entering into the installation of the selected mirror in the bathroom, All major factors and requirements should be founded that it is important to take into account.

  • The dimensions of the reflecting surface. Here a lot depends on the square of the room in which the mirror is installed. Glass should not be too miniature. Otherwise, they will be easy to use it is inconvenient.

It should not be too large, since it can be easily damaged, and the mirror may have an adverse effect on the psychological condition of households.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_8

  • Distance from floor. Choosing a certain height of the mirror setting, it is necessary to repel from the growth of households. Specialists advise adhere to the interval over the edge from above from 1.2 m to 2 m (standard). But the specified parameters are only common, average. Within these limits, the owners can experiment as they please.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_9

  • Distance from sink to mirror. Many people prefer to brush their teeth and wash, in the process or after it looking into the mirror. For this reason, the mirror surfaces are so often installed above the sink.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_10

Fastening options

Fixing the mirror in the bathroom usually does not cause special difficulties. Decisions where to hang this item is not so much so that you can look for a long time. Consider more in more detail what the main features of the common options for fastening the mirror are concluded.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_11

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_12

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_13

Over shell

Installing a mirror over a washbasin - Standard bathroom solution. Homeowners resort to him most often. If the mirror is placed on the sink, it is necessary to consider a number of important factors. It is necessary to observe the harmony of the interior design in the room, as well as the convenient location of the rest of the components. Considering the distance between certain objects and the size of the bathroom, it will be easy and quickly pick up the optimal width of the mirror.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_14

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_15

A good solution is a combination with a suspended cabinet. Such a piece of furniture will not only allow to use a mirror canvas, but also serve as a convenient storage for the goods and items fit in the bathroom. With a mirror cabinet, it will also be possible to significantly save the free area in the room, because you do not have to additionally nurthed the shelf or put another wardrobe.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_16

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_17

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_18

In order to have a high-quality review, the mirror over the sink is recommended to hang, leaving an indent to 30 cm.

This indicator can be broken if it is necessary to install the shelf for the placement of personal hygiene. In the specified case The gap can vary by 5-10 cm.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_19

A good solution - a mirror mounted in the wall. It can also be installed above the washbasin or bathroom on the above distance. We look at similar solutions effectively and original, but they can do in a round sum. Just hang the mirror canvas will be much cheaper. If you want to build a mirror in the wall, then It is recommended to give preference to variants whose size is not less than 50x 70 cm.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_20

To the whole growth

The mirror in the bathroom can be hung not only over the washbasin. Instead of small cauldons, many users choose larger models of mirrors - all human growth. Similar detail Can decorate the interior of the room, visually refresh it and make it spacious due to the spectacular reflection.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_21

Choose the mirror canvas in full growth and place under them is not so difficult. There is one very simple rule that you should stick, choosing this option: To reflect the human figure in full growth of enough canvas, the height of which will be equal to half growth. For this reason, there is no need to look for a very large model from the floor to the ceiling itself.

In addition, mirrors, which are height exceeding the door frame, can not be in use as comfortable.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_22

Tools and fasteners

The mirror in the bathroom must be installed correctly, Using high-quality fasteners. The place where the canvas will be installed must be selected before laying the tile or other finishing material. In order to keep the condensate between the tile and the mirror itself, it is necessary to leave a small distance between the specified elements. For this you can use Small foam pads fixed on the reverse side.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_23

Based on the selected fastening method, you need to stock upside to the desired tools. Do not do here without a level and measuring tape measure. There are several ways to fasten the mirror custodes in the bathroom.

  • Bolts and decorative screws. The most reliable standard attachments that mirrors hang very often. But the bolts will not be able to hide anywhere. Their use involves drilling holes in the tile, and sometimes in the mirror canvase itself. To do this, you will need a special diamond drill and skins to round the resulting holes.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_24

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_25

  • Specialized hooks and brackets. These types of fasteners differ in their design. You can find both simple and laconic and interesting decorative options. The convenience of installing mirrors with the help of brackets and hooks is that they do not need to do additional holes. In stores you can meet lateral or direct brackets made of wood, metal or plastics.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_26

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_27

  • Tile glue. If the web is assumed to be dried in the tile, then you can attach it by type of ordinary tile. At first, the base is cleaned from the old tile, put sand, glue solution is applied using a special toothed spatula. The mirror is attached to the prepared basis, pressed the back side and hold for about 15 minutes.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_28

  • Double-sided tape. Simple fastening type. Optimal for mirrors of small dimensions. For gluing it is allowed to use waterproof bilateral tape.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_29

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_30

  • Liquid Nails. Often for fixing mirrors in the bathroom use liquid nails. The canvas can be glued in this way to a predetermined base assembled from drywall. As a result, the design will be strong, high-quality and durable.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_31

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_32

Tips for accommodation

There is nothing complicated in the installation of a mirror cloth in the bathroom. It is important to take into account the quadrature and layout of the room, as well as your own preferences and ease of use of the mirror. It is worth listening to a number of useful tips and recommendations regarding the placement of this important detail.

  • In one bathroom, it is allowed to hang out of one, but several mirrors. It is advisable to choose the same canvas or made in one stylist. Place them symmetrically optionally, the main thing is to use them conveniently.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_33

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_34

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_35

  • The placement of the mirror in the bathroom should be most secure as possible. It is not recommended to install the cloth too close to other plumbing devices in the room.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_36

  • By selecting an optimal location for fixation, it should be denoted by its lines using the construction level. Thus, it will be possible to secure the web as soon as possible, without curvature.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_37

  • If the bathroom has a large quadrature, then a small mirror for it is hardly suitable. The canvas of large or medium-sized dimensions perfectly fit into such environments.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_38

  • Installing the mirror in the bathroom is necessary for high-quality and reliable fasteners, because it is a fragile subject, whose falls cannot be allowed. If you independently engage in such works scary, it is better to turn to a more experienced master, especially if a complex installation method is selected.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_39

  • In the bathroom of small sizes, you can hang the cloth to the whole growth, but you need to ensure that this item does not overload the space.

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_40

The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_41

    • Selecting the mirror, it is worth considering that their height should not be less than the growth of the highest family member. It is necessary to place them at such a height so that there is a good review.

    The height of the mirror in the bathroom: what height from the floor hang? Standard mounting scheme. How to hang a mirror 70 cm above the sink in the bathroom? 10067_42

    About how to install the mirror with your own hands, look next.

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