Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other


Shower faucets are presented in a huge assortment. But it is not so difficult to make a choice among all these species. It is only necessary to approach the topic carefully and take into account all the main subtleties and nuances of each variety.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_2

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_3

Features and principle of work

The modern bathroom contains many basic plumbing elements and blocks. But with all their reliability, these devices can often break. Therefore, it is important to know the features of the same mixers for the shower, their basic characteristics. Moreover, such information will be useful and with the arrangement of new apartments, houses from scratch. Knowing the peculiarities of a particular device, it will be easy for how to choose it to replace it, and it is possible to fix it.

The main purpose of the shower switch is to maintain a certain proportion between hot and cold water on the inflow.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_4

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_5

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_6

Depending on this proportion, one or another temperature is established. Accordingly, with a change in the ratio, this temperature will also change very quickly. Mixers can be controlled using a single lever or a vapor pair.

The lever type implies the equipment inside a large ball with special slots; On these channels and enjoying water flows come. Changing the angle of the lever turn, change the thread pressure. There are also modifications with ceramic cartridges. They have two mutually contacting plates. With their shift in relation to each other, water mixing is ensured. So that the plates leave with the reserved place, you need to manipulate the lever.

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Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_8

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_9


For mixers, they often buy:

  • internal parts;

  • Cases for hidden editing;

  • Hidden parts of mixing devices;

  • Switches between positions;

  • mounting boxes;

  • shut-off valves;

  • Thermostats and their external blocks;

  • external panels;

  • Adapters for mounting on the side of the baths;

  • Sets of handles.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_10

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_11

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_12

But Special attention deserves the crane tee . Its essence is simple: there are 3 outputs, two of them are continuously connected, and the third one can periodically overlap. A similar crane will turn into a pipe.

Crane Tee reliably protects against accidents and leaks, fully stopping the water flow.

Install such a faucet is easy, and if a plastic pipe is used, then even a complex tool for mounting is not required.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_13

Crane-box - Another option of the crane used in the shower faucets. In the official sanitary literature, it is often called the valve head. Crane-letters are needed to serve and block water inside the mixer. Almost all designs of this kind are made from brass.

Composite parts crane-trays are:

  • jumpers;

  • fittings;

  • threads;

  • jumper gaskets;

  • quick-consuming washers;

  • Hex rods;

  • Square heads under the flywheel;

  • strip stops;

  • shut-off strips;

  • Skvorni.

Takes can be made from rubber or from metal ceramics.

The valve heads of Russian and foreign production cannot replace each other. This rule refers to flywheels. Before replacing or repairing, the letters will have to turn off the water. It is impossible to delay the valve head.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_14

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_15

Varieties of structures

Systems with watering can be very diverse. They are made from both metal and plastic. Metal execution is of greater durability. Lakes can also count on a variety of modes.

The wide wage, in particular, is ideal for mixers with a tropical shower.

Some models come with a flexible hose. In fact, this solution is 2 in 1, which has become a real plumbing classic. We use it comfortably and taking a bath, and taking a shower. Systems with a flexible hose are:

  • with brass or steel crane;

  • with a plastic or metal hose;

  • with different geometric execution;

  • With the installation on the bath or on the wall.

The multifunctional mixer definitely wins the highest possible solution. Make a model that only divides the flow of water to thin jets, now can be very rare. In the near future, such structures can completely disappear. In addition to the simplest regime, in modern samples there is still a soft supply of aerated water and a rigid massage jet.

More advanced modifications can provide many other modes, but it is necessary to carefully check whether they are really needed.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_16

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_17

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_18

If there is a desire to take a contrasting soul, it is difficult to do without a panel with a thermostat. Such devices have absorbed all the achievements of modern technology. They are quite reliable and safe. A good mixer with a thermostat saves the specified thermal settings as much as it takes. But if necessary, the change is not difficult.

Thermostats not only provide the required indicators. They guarantee that suddenly does not stick too hot or too cold water. Therefore, it is an important element to ensure safety and for comfort. The thermostat is especially important when bathing small children. . No experiments will lead to burns.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_19

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_20

Very often you can meet mixers with a grid. The official engineering name is an aerator. It should not be assumed that such a grid is designed to delay the harmful substances. It is also erroneous that it weakens water pressure. In reality, the aerators are needed that water is saturated with oxygen more efficiently.

Grids can do from:

  • ferrous metal;

  • polymeric materials (characterized by greater durability);

  • bronze;

  • brass;

  • Ceramics.

A good aerator helps save water. In combination with air, its volume grows, and pressure, despite the smaller consumption, is not reduced. In addition, the grid prevents splashes. Another advantage is an effective purification from chlorine and the prevention of lime plates. Therefore, no reasonable consumer will remove the aerator from the mixer. But it needs to be changed every year.

There are grids:

  • with vacuum valve;

  • swivels (operating in the flow modes of the jet or spray);

  • based on flexible hose;

  • with non-volatile backlight (showing temperature level).

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_21

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_22

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_23

Budgetary mixers can be equipped with a push-spring pressure satellor. The time of its use in advanced plumbing ranges from 150 cycles.

It is almost impossible to distinguish an ultra-modern and simple push-button diverter. But you have to click on the Self. Switching the satellor meets essential resistance.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_24

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_25

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_26

An example of a portion (portion-push) kit is Varion Armaturen 9520900 . This system automatically turns off the water supply. For its manufacture, brass grade, withstanding heating up to 70 degrees. The portion mixer reduces water consumption. The set of delivery also includes hose, eccentrics, watering cans and holders.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_27

The conversation about the types of mixers can not get around and parameters Lakes. They are often made of plastic . Such a solution is cheap, however, with the help of metallized coating, it gives a great appearance.

The lightness of the plastic design allows not to be afraid of its fall on the acrylic surface. But she has a serious drawback - a small service life.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_28

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_29

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_30

Metal leuka much more durable. Most often, it is made of stainless steel grades. Emphasized chic looks have brass and copper structures. Metal is easy to clean from a limescale. But pay for such a product will have more than the plastic watering can.

Most often, the breakdown is reminiscent of a circle form or oval. This configuration is convenient and externally pleasant.

Less often occurs a rectangular or square watering. For comfort, it is not inferior to round structures, while perfectly fits into the high-tech style. Such a solution will be appropriate to look at the minimalist environment.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_31

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_32

The size of the gland is selected according to their own taste and needs. There are no strict standards here. The easiest way is to move the watering can with a diameter of 0.06-0.08 m. To create a "waterfall" or tropical shower, it is necessary to use mixers with a large watering. Some people will like more triangular designs or original phone tubes, other design developments.

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Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_34

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_35

All wider distribution is received now. Elbow mixers . Until recently, they were used in the operating and other hospitals. The popularity of such devices is related to the fact that they guarantee the limiting purity and an increased level of hygiene. In addition, they are much more convenient than traditional designs. On the thickened handle, you can even press the elbow (hence the name).

Locker faucets for the house are gradually becoming more perfect. But modernize them mainly on the basis of designer considerations. This, with an urgent operation, no one will consider the crane, and for life you need a more interesting and attractive product. It is usually equipped with an elongated expulsion of arc type. Some models have aerator. The internal water switch may have different execution.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_36

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_37

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_38

Increased design characteristics are typical for a cascade mixing device. Often et. Models are called "waterfalls" . They reproduce the movement of water in nature. The cascade system throws a wide water jet.

It is the diameter of the hole in the crane affects the pressure; The width and depth of spinging the roles here do not play. And here it is necessary to point out the features of the two-perm (they are two or two) mixers. Inside their enclosures there is a pair of crane-bux. In some models, the blocking mechanism is made in the form of an elastic rubber gasket. Then the valve head closes the place where the water goes into the island.

Older versions of this kind were implied by clamping rotation. Because of this, the service life has declined.

Modern models use the effect of progressive adjustment. Therefore, wear comes down to a minimum. An even more advanced option is a ceramic valve based on two plates.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_39

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_40

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_41

Double mixers They are considered an ideal choice for rooms in the spirit of classicism, retro, country (especially Provence) and Shebbi-Chic.

Their main properties:

  • simplicity;

  • The usual appearance;

  • ease of setting and adjustment;

  • Turning on and off with two hands immediately.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_42

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_43

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_44

If the room is decorated in a modern style, then it is more correct to use a single-dimensional mixer. It is appreciated and adherents of maximum comfort. And here Connoisseurs of advanced technology to taste will also come in contactless buttons. The valves and levers are sometimes not at all But there are infrared sensors or sensory elements that recognize the approach of the hand.

Touchs there are buttons. A simple touch towards them, even without pressing, activates the mixer. The appearance of such a device makes it acceptable in the fourtrict interior itself. Buttons can be located both on the mixer housing and in the extension, and on a separate panel. If the device is equipped with a thermostat, it is logically advisable to use a liquid crystal screen with the display of the pressure force and the degree of water heating.

But whatever control devices are used, a traditional ball mechanism is often hidden inside. The ball is located in the gap between the washers made of rubber. This is a very reliable and stable device. Minus there is only one - if the ball still breaks, it will be impossible to repair it. Only a remedy mixer will help.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_45

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_46

It is also necessary to take into account the difference between different installation schemes of the mixers. Almost all plumbing is designed for vertical installation with one hole. If the holes are more or a horizontal block is required, then this is usually stipulated in the documentation. Supporting flexible circuit can be used in any case. Both vertical and horizontal mixer can have a flat housing with a layer of chromium.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_47

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_48

Some People prefer outdoor mixing devices . They must be installed during construction or overhaul. This technique presents very strict requirements for materials and internal "stuffing". It looks attractive. But there are such products expensive, and they cannot boast of particular reliability.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_49

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_50

Another classification of mixers - Devices with disguised and with outdoor lining . The second option is met less and less, because they are trying to remove plumbing as much as possible from a prying view. And it's not just this - an open cold tube or a hose provokes condensate education.

Experts recommend to refuse such a scheme even in old houses. The reliability of modern plumbers is large enough to make special problems when laying in the wall.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_51

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_52

Materials manufacturing

The vast majority of people are accustomed to brass and bronze mixers. They are externally pleasant, but they are quite expensive. Even better from a designer point of view, ceramic devices. However, their reliability is a big question (as in budget structures from the silumin). Responsible manufacturers try to use chrome in three layers, since one-layer coating will be squeezed in about 2-3 years, if not faster.

Copper and bronze in pure form are rarely used. Usually they are applied on top of brass to form ancient appearance. Paintwork and enamel coating should not be seriously treated.

Sometimes separate plastic parts are used. Polypropylene elements are beneficial for low thermal conductivity and ease. They are chemically neutral. Ceramics is similar in its properties on plastic. But it is more aesthetic and is usually used in more expensive structures.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_53

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_54

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_55

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_56

Types of installation

Wall mixer is almost universal. Put it on the right place simply. The main thing is that there was a solid surface. Various decorative plates as a base are not suitable. But the repair of the wall device is easy.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_57

The embedded device will allow you to hide eyelid and connectivity points. However, put it harder. And the repair in the event of an accident will become complicated. Accommodation on the side of the bath is possible only for acrylic and elite stone structures. Faucets stationary on the legs are rare, and only professionals will be able to put them.

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Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_59

Installation on the shelf will be easier, provided that water pipes are connected to the subject of furniture. The angular shower panel uses those who want to apply both a bath and a shower cabin. This panel will allow and combine a bath with a shower, and do without a cabin (equipped the sauna). It is also suitable for boxes on an individual project.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_60

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_61

Options of Plisov

In the overwhelming majority of cases, mixers with long expulsion are used.

When the sink and the bath are set close, it will work out to do with one swivel expulsion. But permanent reversal it leads to the weakening of fixing knots. Soon there may be leaks. In a small bathroom, it is much more useful to shit.

The difference between them may also touch:

  • lifting heights;

  • cast and collective execution;

  • Single or dual device.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_62

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_63

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_64


The height of the nose is determined by a distance from the base of the mixer to the water reset hole. For the shower, the designs with an elongated spill and low nose are most often used. But if you plan to use them also for the sink, it is not too convenient. The length of the hose connected is determined by the parameters of the bath, the growth of users.

Do not choose a hose longer than 1.5-1.6 m, because it will be uncomfortable.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_65

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_66

Definitely choose the most reliable stamps and famous plumbing brands in the world. No problems cause, for the rarest exceptions, mixers from:

  • Grohe;

  • Hansa;

  • Hansgrohe;

  • Mamoli;

  • Herbeau;

  • Teka;

  • Gustavsberg;

  • Geberit.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_67

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_68

Products Wasserkraft. It is an embodiment of genuine German quality. It uses the latest technical achievements.

Fans of Russian products should pay attention to products Milardo. . This firm offers a number of collections called in honor of various rivers.

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Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_70

Attention deserves a reliable mixer from FRAP . It is much better than nameless Chinese samples. The manufacturer himself notes that its designs look stylish and modern.

And Kaiser faucets are highlighted:

  • creating experienced engineers;

  • the use of solid materials and components;

  • the ability to make a huge load;

  • Adaptability to various styles.

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Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_72

Colors and design

Traditionally use mixers:

  • white;

  • copper;

  • Colors matte chrome.

Futurism lovers should choose cranes resembling a tape or having a different unusual form. But not all people appreciate such extraordinary solutions. In many cases, more appropriate mixer with a calm, harmonious view.

Sometimes black faucets in combination with the black plumbing are sometimes extravagant and impressively. But professionals should select such a decision; Non-standard design is often formed using the backlight and the original shape of the handle.

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Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_74

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_75

How to choose?

It is often thinking that for the summer soul, you can choose only the simplest mixers. But it is not. And the cottage should acquire decent models that have deserved good reviews. Some products for the shower cabin are even without gland, but most people will prefer a more traditional and controlled appearance. These decisions can be combined: an unchanged jet is pouring from the hole, and with the help of the hose, water is sent to the desired location.

Responsible manufacturers always try to use a solid brass containing a large share of copper. If the aeration and filtering of water are critical, various MIGLiore models will be suitable, LeMark. If possible, it is worth avoiding mixers without a thermostat - they are already becoming grambled by archaic.

The cost orientation is not an advantage: sometimes it is overstated or they are trying to sell bad goods at an imaginary favorable price. Mixers of domestic factories can also be pretty good, but they are not noticeable cheaper than imported analogs.

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Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_77

If you look for win-win models, you should pay attention to:


  • ROSA RS 032.00;

  • Vidima Orion BA003AA;

  • Hansgrohe Logis Classic.

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Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_79

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_80

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_81

Possible malfunctions

Even the best mixers sometimes have problems. There is enough breakdown of just one component to notice that water flows uncontrollable. If not considered a production marriage, you can specify such possible sources of problems:

  • low-quality components;

  • Mounting errors;

  • Both water quality;

  • mechanical defects;

  • Excess or too weak pressure.

Therefore, it is important to understand that even professional repair will not always allow you to use the mixer calmly and on. The flow under the sculpture is usually eliminated by changing the gasket. It must be made of the same material as installed at the factory. To protect against leakage through threads, the sanitary linen or FUM tape is used. Plumbing prefer to enjoy ribbon, because it is easier to work with it.

The leakage of water from the valve is provoked by either wear of crane-trays, or (more often) damage to the rubber gasket inside the valve head. Determine which of the two parts proceeds, easily at the temperature of the water.

Soul Mixer (83 photos): Overview of shower systems with flexible watering can, corner crane and multifunction switches, other 10048_82

In the ball cranes will have to do washing. Sully enough stuck grades, even after closing the valve, the water continued to go. If a thorough flushing does not help, you will have to change the mechanism; For a while you can do without having tape on the thread.

In single-art cranes, problems occur due to clogging cartridges or damage to the thread. Cartridges can only be replaced because they are unrepretentious. About problems with them testify:

  • difficulty lever adjustment;

  • unauthorized change in water temperature;

  • The inability to serve hot or cold water.

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Next, see the video with the advice of a specialist on how to choose a mixer for the shower.

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